Normally forming a core took about 11-13 years for a normal human, but here I was going to form one at the mere agr of three and break the norm.

Not only that but my core would also be on par with the silver core mages core.

As I had also put an effort to learn the languages of this world and now I was fluent in talking and my motor functions had better control than before.


I may be the luckiest mither in the whole world to get a kid like Alex.

Not to brag but he really is a prodigy.

As it would be a dishonour to not call hima prodigy as he is someone who is capable of learning to speak,read and walking in just some months of time.

He is a very talented child among the children of his age.

Though as a mother I should be happy that he is an intelligent child, but the fact that he could learn all the things in a book by just tapping on it for some minutes.

The whole time he is in the study I would find him tapping books after books and after that he would miraculously learn the whole book.

For gods sake one day he just threw all the books on the floor and learned 60 of them in the whole day.

At the speed Alex is learning I wouldn't be amazed if he decides to become a professor at any reputed academy at the age of 7 or 10.

Another one of my concerns is the sudden mana increase in my house at night though it is very subtle and does not belong to any spell but its still concerning.

To trace the source of this unknown mana I decided to call a deviant ralative of mine she is specialized in mana tracing as this is one of her skills, maybe Alex's fast learning is also a skill as theres no way that there is a human mind capable of learning so fast in its infancy.

When the deviant arrived at my house and was told the reason for her summon.

The deviant went to all the rooms of the house and when she reached Alex's room she called Alex.

She put her hand on Alex's hand and showed a gentle smile and told us to leave Alex alone for sometime as she needed to talk about something serious with me and Steve.

We left Alex in his room and went to the study as she loved to read books.

Once she sat down, she told us to sit and told us to give 100 silver coins as the news was very important to be shared.

We gave her the silver and she told us to start training Alex in combat without magic. She said:

The deviant said," It would be beneficial to train into combat with different weapons and to make him learn by books at the sametime ,as he was a prodigy which was born once in a millennia or not even once in a millennia. Your boy has atleast formed a half mana core as to the other half, it is somehow not visible to me but I hope that if he continued to forma core at this speed then he would form the core in a few months so before that prepare him in the ways of combat as depending on magic alone is not wise."

Right after she said that she rushed to ourside and formed a mana sheild and covered me,herself and Steve.

I replied,"Alex is still alone please go and save him not as little sis."

Sister said,"He would not need a sheild he's a fucking living cannon sis."

After she said that a sound was heard