Chereads / Tolga. My New School is on a Hurricane? / Chapter 2 - A Team is Formed

Chapter 2 - A Team is Formed

"Okay look, before I follow you there are two things. One, what happened to my body?" I look myself over, wearing something like what I had on before except more of a trench coat instead of an over shirt and some leather pants instead of denim. I lift my foot and move it all over the place, A smile on my face before I shake my head, "and two, you know my name, but who are you?"

His head turns and half his body has already disappeared over the edge. "I will answer them on the way, do not worry about that silly pain you felt." Ouch, that pain was anything but silly. He motions down and continues. I followed the man shaking my head with nothing but a smile on due to the speed at which I could move. No longer being so slow, having to have everyone wait up for me.

"Okay so your body, how to explain. Think about it as though there is a colander or strainer between the planes. Some have bigger holes and others are more open to the transfer. Your plane is one with very little mana. The magic has been drained somehow. It may be getting absorbed by another closely related plane or any number of reasons. Due to the lack of such mana the holes for your plane are smaller. Your body needed a push for your soul to be transferred over. The head of Tolga took some matters in his hand to help bring you over. We just had to create a body for your soul to now inhabit. Your mana is quite high for someone from your plane." He looks over his shoulder tilting an eyebrow towards me as he gives a shrug. "For my name, that really is not important, you can call me Savrin. I am one of the professors at Tolga who helps to teach some of the classes in controlling the elements. As you have seen and will continue to see, my element is of Earth, I am one who studies terramancy."

Following along was not as hard as I thought though when he had us stop and turned towards the cliff face touching it with his hand, it melded under the touch. It made an impression into the wall big enough to walk in. Savrin walked into it and turned back the way we came. Whenever he stepped forward with his staff the rock moved and reformed. This time he made a small railing.

"I prefer there to be a somewhat refined space if I have to tread upon it." Savrin shakes his head as he speaks mostly to himself but making sure I can hear him.

"This is a school, or institution of some sort that teaches magic then?" I cannot say that I'm not curious. "I have been in school for a couple of decades now, would they want to take me?"

"Boy, have you been listening to me? Yes, you will learn more about that later after the open ceremony. If you have what it takes, then you may have a chance to unlock any potential. We teach what is needed for individuals, such as yourself, to survive or to do wonders. It is very rare that we pick people up from your realm, but it does happen." He seemed to be just getting a little annoyed at this part. "Your body was a vessel for your soul, the body that we have created for you is one meant to match said soul. We would not have done something so tedious unless we wanted to 'take' you. We send out for those like you every now and then to see who can make it. Looking into the soul is much easier to tell someone's character than just waiting to see their actions." He almost stopped at my words if only for a moment.

I decided to leave it at that for a while trying to think about what may come ahead. Looking over the forest as it gets closer and closer, I can't help but have butterflies, a nervous sensation. My anxiety is replaced with excitement. Once under the canopy I just wanted to get over the rails and jump towards the trees. I just had that much energy. I strained to hold back and decided just to follow Savrin.

The ground came up fast as we descended more so. Savrin waited for me to get out of the area that he had created and touched the side with his staff. The inner workings started to rise outwards to fill up the once stairwell to go back, becoming a solid cliff face once again. "There we go, never try, and leave something of yourself out there for all to see. You can be traced by any means. You know of fingerprints and how everyone is different, correct? The same goes for everything about you, your soul, your aura, and even your magical footprint. It all is still there if you know how to look. A free lesson for you." He states mostly to himself than to me.

He continues to lead on for nearly an hour before we start to see a change in our surroundings. There was no path, but Savrin was able to lead us both perfectly through the woods to a large glade. All manner of trees are seen around the edge, mostly coniferous. A few trees were in the center of the glad laying down with moss growing all over showing that they had fallen long before. Savrin goes over towards the center and instead of sitting on the logs he created his own chair. The ground rumbled near him to pull together and lift, forming the shape of chair with an ottoman to accompany it.

"There, not all we have to do is wait for the others." He said dryly.


"Yes, others. We bring together a certain number of applicants for the opening ceremony. There is a lot you should know going forward." Instead of continuing he stops speaking and just looks up towards the sky.

"What do I need to know?" Trying to drag it out of him getting a little annoyed as I go and sit on the log nearby.

"The most important thing to know is to keep your mind open. Having a closed mind could lead to a certain peril."

I did not like how this was going, he was not telling me anything that I apparently needed to know. How could I have to know a lot and yet I cannot get anything that I need to know. I decided to go around and take a few sticks, tossing them around like swords trying to get a feel for them. Savrin stops looking to the sky and he sees me. Almost laughing out loud he thinks a moment before leaning over. Grabbing some dirt and whispering something he tosses it to the air. Watching carefully, he looks between different patches of grass on the ground around the area.

"I guess I can help with one thing. Looking back, you had a variety of weapons in your vicinity when we took you. I cannot get those exact ones, but…" He trails off and after leaning down over a spot just underneath a large green and brown conifer tree. Like water, he moved the dirt around and when he stood up a large rock came jutting from the ground beneath the tree and out towards him. Before the tree could uproot, he stopped it. With a few hand motions and some whispered words, the rock began to melt revealing a metal underneath shining with a small amount of blue. Being flabbergasted I stood there unmoving the entire time watching as the rock formed a square shape. Compressing it together he took his hand to start shaping it further. The shape was a sword, one that looked like a question mark with the cutting edge on the outside like a scimitar.

"That's a khopesh!" I exclaimed excitedly at both the make and the item itself.

"It is a sword; I could not make the club looking thing. I do not know how it was made so I thought that this would work all the same. I could still make one out of dirt if you wish it?" Both the sarcasm and the reminder that I had polypropylene swords in the trunk of my car when the crash happened. They must not have the manufacturing capabilities for plastic I guessed.

"Oh no, that is amazing. I would prefer the blade rather than some plastic piece only meant to bruise." I walked over as he finished putting only a symbol at the bottom near the hilt. Savrin looked at the sword and frowned.

"Once the others get here, we shall be handing out gifts to you all anyways, here is mine so you don't get bored. Someone there will be able to help create a scabbard for this." He handed me the sword and I took it gratefully. Stepping back out of range as I began to swing it around slowly.

My footing was very slow, still not used to having my leg back to full strength. I have not even run or jogged yet. That mentality when you sprain your ankle or have a limp is so hard to get rid of. Even now every now and then when taking a few steps there is a limp. The sword swung wonderfully, and I beamed with pride. "It is very well balanced, I cannot express how to express it other than, thank you."

Savrin nodded while he went back to looking at the sky. There was no apparent change in the weather, the smell of moisture in the air permeated the area. Savrin rolled his eyes and with a gesture a small patch of dirt rose over his head to cover himself as rain began to fall. It was a warm and pleasant feeling just like when the rain from the ocean first hits the mainland back home. Not a drop fell on Savrin while I started to get drenched. My hair flattened about, and I shook myself as the rain stopped as suddenly as it had started.

"Dang it, you can't just let it get you this one time?!" The sound of a young girl comes from the other side of the clearing. She does not seem much older than fifteen. She had medium straight light seafoam green hair and a light ice blue highlight. She stood around 5' 2" with what looked like an island style outfit like a pāʻū, or a wrapped skirt. Along with a top accentuating her figure. A shelled necklace dangled from her neck with two bracelets on either arm.

"Tehmay'hett, why do you try to do such childish stunts, your brother would not have done this sort of trick," Savrin's response ended in a smirk, "indeed, his pranks are more elaborate than this, do try to step up your game?" He teased her before standing and her face scrunched in a pout before walking over.

"Yeah, yeah, you know these days I go by May, right? Whatever, I am here, aren't I?" She looks back behind her and whistles a moment. "This one is a little slow going, I only went at a normal pace."

"Normal for you and normal for others differ by a grand margin."

Just as Savrin finished a figure stepped out, a young man came out, his frame wide. Standing around 6 foot I could see he had copper skin with light brown hair, almost see through, looking slicked back straight. When he walked into the grove more brushing himself down the light refracted from him. His hair changed a little when near the woman I could see that his hair was crystalline. He wore a leather top with three necklaces and two small spots just under his eyes, like rubies. He nodded towards May who smiled.

"You two should introduce yourselves while the grownups talk?" May said, and the tone of her voice annoyed me, I have been an adult for a long time now. Being treated like this was a little humiliating. As if reading my mind she giggled, "I am older than you by a few millennia. Get over it." She leads Savrin over towards the edge of the grove where they came from and produces a parchment for him.

I look at the one in front of me and puts my hand out trying to stand at rest. "I guess if she says to get to know each other, I think we should. My name is Atakean," deciding to use one of my gamertags. "You can call me Taki."

He looked at my hand and then at me with a cold stare at first. He took it gratefully and shook, "my name is Garthe. Guess we both got it. Are you excited?"

"To be honest, I am and yet I am still apprehensive about it."

"You do not want to be taught magic and the like?"

"It's not that," I started with a content sigh. "More along the lines of curiosity that has taken over and fear that I won't be able to do much, if anything."

His eyebrows raise in question. "What do you mean?"

Shrugging I take a couple of steps away to set the sword up on my shoulder. "I come from a place with little to no magic. I do not know what I can do." Leaving out the part of my soul being the only thing I got to keep from my past.

Garthe takes a step back and looks me over. "Well obviously you should have some sort of magical capability if this place has reached out to you. I can at least tell that you should be able to handle yourself." He motions towards the sword.

I do a small maneuver with the blade, a small spread across my face. "I enjoy the art but have never had any need for it."

"Tis' a fine blade, my family are crafters, so I am at least versed in an eye for this."

"At least we have that in common, my father was a carpenter whereas I was one to create as well, but more for entertainment." Nodding in remembrance a bit, "So, Garthe since we are going to have to work together, you said that your family are crafters? what sort?"

"Mostly we work with metals. blacksmithing, creation of many different things from jewelry and workplace tools to weapons of war. we were called on by many nobles in the province where we lived." His voice is soft and kind as he speaks. "My father is one of the best, and my mother is a runesmith. Yet when the local mages began experimenting on the weapons and tools, the enchanting on weapons made it faster. That is why I wanted to come. Learn more on what I can to increase my trade." When he runs his hand through his hair turning towards me with a silly smile, his hands scratch against that crystalline hair making some jingling sounds. "But man, this entire ordeal is something else though. We are really going to be taught by some who were so powerful that they built this entire realm." He leans back looking up at the sky, his thoughts clouded as the sky started to darken.

Garthe instantly grabbed at one of his necklaces while I produced my sword over my head in an attack position. A sound grew around us like a herd of buffalo stampeding on the plains. Savrin took his staff and hit the ground before him. A mound of dirt rose in front of both Garthe and I as a loud crackle of lightning struck the center of the glade. Thunder roared overhead and we all had to cover our ears.. Just as quick as it came, the clouds started to dissipate. The mound lowers just for us to see standing in a blackened hole two figures. One being a young woman who was short just over 5 foot, with slight protrusions, horns perhaps, sandy brown hair, light green skin and hazel eyes which were seen over after she opened them. She tried taking a step but fell over instantly.

Savrin and May go up to the two, May helps up the new girl with a warm smile while Savrin walks up to the other person. This person was small, a gnome maybe, wearing a purple robe with silver streaks running along the hem. Mutton Chops line his face with large blue eyes.

"Ahh here we are Halla, I told you I would get us here on time. Sixth time's the charm as they say." The little one said in a high pitch tone, very upbeat.

Savrin sighed as he and May stepped up, "Oh. Yay. Voltas you showed up, about half an hour late might I add." He seemed to tease as he looked at the one named Halla over a moment. Turning to both Garthe and I May motions us over. I step over and seeing them I nod knowing this must be the third person that was joining us. Otherwise, why would she be here? I wondered what race she was.

"Now that all of you are here, we will give you a small token made by each of us. Each one of you has something that makes you special and these gifts will help you to hone your skills. Finding out what fits you is what you are doing here. We will bring you aside to speak and give them to you." Savrin's voice rang out. I was motioned once again by May, Garthe by Voltas, and Halla by Savrin.

Going with May as she looks at the sword I held and nods trying to think. "Okay how am I going to… Oh maybe.. Hmm okay I have it." Going down to her knees she places her hand on the ground. Muttering a few words before some plants begin to grow around her. "The element I specialize in is water. A primal element, it is something that all living things need to survive. It is within every living being. What I did was I helped to circulate the growth of certain plants in the area by moving the water around. Mix that with a little bit of other magics and you get a growth spurt." The plant next to her seems hardened and stands over her. She has some water gathered from within and cuts a large size out of it. She dries to plant out and creates a sheath for my blade along with a belt. Hardening water around it in specific places with water to form an ice. "There, this will be for you, given by the name Tehmay'hett. The ice will never melt. In the sun it shall stay cool, in the moonlight it will shine a bright blue to help show you the way. Keep it covered if needed, but this plant is called Hroli. It is a very strong and sturdy plant that will serve well. It cannot be cut by most weapons so do not worry about it."

I take it with a bow and sure enough the blade fits right in the new sheath. "Thank you very much Miss Tehma-" Before I could continue May held her hand up and shook her head.

"My name is May, names hold power, remember that. Even though it would not matter for one such as I, remember that you should not give your name out so willingly. At least those that know their names. Their true names." She says with a smile before looking over and nodding with her head towards Voltas. "Okay go and remember, no matter what may happen, get to know those around you, do not be reclusive, and hold your head high."

Heading over towards Voltas he looks me over with a slight frown. "What to do, what to do?"

"Is something the matter Mr. Voltas?" I ask now in front of him.

"Oh yes, it's just that I study electricity and lightning. A dual element of air and fire. It may not be fire, but that is a base and easier to explain. Now though having to give out gifts there is not much that fits, except one. I wanted to give each of you something special, but it seems the only thing I can give you is this." He digs into his pack and after a moment he pulls out a small pin, the size of a cufflink and gets close to set it on the new sheathe. It is round with a small dark purple gem inside.. White cracks appear and disappear in instances and when they do the hardened ice begins to have the same crackling effect. "There, now with a word, you should be able to change it into other shapes to help keep it on you."

I did want to know more about what he meant by lightning not being considered the element of fire, there are many theories out there that do believe such. "What word would that be?"

"Allagi. It means to change, as best of a translation as possible."

We all got back together, and it showed that we all got something now. I set the sword around myself going to the center with the others. Halla got a couple of fancy bracelets that held together an orb with crackling water, like a drop of dew. Garthe got a new necklace that had a hammer symbol with it. His other necklaces pulsed as they were brimming with a bright yellow and low blue for a moment before settling down, each one holding a small indent with a rune on it the corresponding colors.

We greeted Halla and explained our own circumstances and she just tilted her head. "Me are a team now from what they told me. My name is Halla, and I have an affinity for earth. What about each of you?"

Garthe speaks up and shrugs, "my family has had an affinity to fire for many generations, I have not skipped such."

They both look at me and I give a shake of my head. "I honestly do not know. I come from a place with little to no magic at all. I would like to say I am wind, but I have no idea. I am just a simple human being."

With two quizzical looks on their faces I was about to ask what was wrong when May's voice raised in the center. "Good, now that all of you have your gifts, even if you are not selected in full for the classes you wish for, you will still get to keep these items for as long as you need." May stated with a firm but cool look.

Savrin just shook his head. "Now that we have finished this bit we need to go. You are just on time it seems. How long it takes to get there will be on you?" His staff struck the ground hard. The trees started to shake as the ground seemed to split right between the three of us. A crack formed on the ground and with a smirk on his face Savrin bangs it again widening the area under us dropping the three of us into the darkness below. The top quickly faded from view, the only light was that of my sheathe, one of Garthe's necklaces, and Halla's bracelet. We were falling fast.