Danny and James sat in front of the computer
Danny: Have you seen Stephen?94
James: He asked me to wear a dimensional mask
Danny: Do you want to play?
James: Stephen will appear in the game95
Mom: I want to watch it, I'm sitting in front of another computer
James: Mom, we'll meet in Dimensions
Danny and James put the mask on the head
James: Message in the game, who? The one you want to play with, you can play with three people96
Danny: I found the picture of the roaming , I will upload it, a message appeared from the game
The Game: There is another person playing next to you and you should play with them
Danny: Well, it's James
James: I'm your brother Stephen , I miss you, where are you?97
Stephen the game: I'm in the present tense
James: You're wearing an astronaut's suit, and there's a strange craft next to itn antiquity,
James: You fainted in the hospital, are you cured?
Stephen the Game: The rays of medical devices were shining on my face, so my feelings went through those rays98
You are connected to the computer, you enter the present tense, and you are in the past tense
James: In the past, I was young, now I am in the present99
Stephen: We're in the present, and we're going to the past
James: I don't understand. I'll call my mom
James: Mom, what time are you?
Danny: I hear his words, dear Stephen, you're alive
James: Mom, it's another time
Danny: What do you mean?
James: The future is on us
Danny: But nowadays
James: How do I explain to you, Stephen has become stupid, or I live in stupidity100
Danny: We're in a world of idiots, maybe Steven lives in the black wave