August 16. A purple Vulture, a heroic bastard, atlas has fallen.Though I shed a tear, I have no emotions.Another Alcmene with the innocence of its offspring.No remorse for a Lamech decisions nor have such ignorance.I may have an Antero's attitude, I feel discomfort for not having own Helene of Troy.I may see no redemption for Pelio's has fallen and I have no longer been an Icarus.
" So. August 16, it's been months since I've gotten serious help.I've had some struggles but I've officially been three months sober.I don't really feel a passion in life now, I've gotten into painting." I said as I looked around the room.Im at an N.A meeting, I see the faces of many feeling happy for me.
"So yea, I've been feeling….feeling real great you know ….it's all I gotta say …." I say as I sat back and they started to clap for me
"Alright great, thank you Ray …'s always good to here progress, so does anyone else want to talk ?" He asked as I looked around with a smile.
It all wrapped up well as it was about 7:00 pm now, i said my goodbyes as I hugged this woman and told her
"You did great today, stay strong …" I said as she replied
"Thank you…." We finished up as I exited the building and headed for my car.I got in as I saw some of them walking by and waved goodbye.I rolled down my window as I Said
"Hey Bob tell Lisa I said hey okay ?" He smilingly said
"Alright Ray, I will, get home safe !" I started to drive off as I said
"You too !"
I got home to see dads in the kitchen making food.
"What you making ?" I asked as I entered the kitchen.
"Just some pancakes …you gonna want some ?" He asked as I went in the fridge and got myself a water and asked
"Sure but why so late ?" I stood at the entrance of the kitchen and stood there, curiously.
"Well why not, I felt like it alright …." He said as I laughed and said "alright- alright, I'll be waiting in my room …." I walked away as he said "alright I'll call you …" I walked into the hallways as I went in my room and locked the door.I sat down in my chair as I put on a movie on my tv.I put on "Crazy, Stupid, Love " I suddenly got a call from Amelia.
"Hello ?" I asked as she said
"Hey I'm outside, can you help me bring in Grim, cats starting to fight with one of the street cat." I quickly got up and headed out
"Okay …" I said as I hanged up, yes we named the cat Grim.I rushed out as dad yelled "aye they're ready !" I yelled back
"Alright, hold on !" I went as I walked up to Amelia and Grim as I scared off the street cat.
"Aye get the fuck outta here, come on…" it started to run off as Grim let off some hisses.I picked it up as I held it like a baby.
"Oh you little pouty bitch …" I said as Amelia walked along side me back inside.
"You okay today ?" She asked as I replied
"Yea why ?" She played it off as we walked in and said
"No it's just you're extra happy, what you get a raise at work ?" as I laughed and said
"Nope, just happy to be here …" I let Grim down as he roamed around the house, I closed the door on the way in.Amelia walked into the kitchen as she smelled the pancakes and said
"Hope you got enough for us …hehe…" dad laughed and said
"Yes I do, but I'll have to charge y'all …haha …" she joined him in the kitchen as I looked around the living room.I looked out the window to see my own reflection.I was wearing some new shoes, some white Stacy Addams shoes.I had on a beige suit and had on a blush red tie.I looked at the kitchen as I glanced at dad again who looks happy, he's wearing a white tank top, denim shorts and white flip flops.I gave a glance at Amelia who's wearing a pink cardigan and underneath she's wearing one of my t shirts, it's my old PE shirt from high school.She also had on cream white jeans and some black boots.She cut her hair a bit short and had bangs.I entered the kitchen with Grim walking aside me.They both sat down as I joined them, we got a knock on the door.
"I got it …" I said as I quickly got up to answer, it's our good neighbor.
"Oh hello sir…" I said as he said
"Hey Ray, I'm sorry but I got the family over right now and I really got use the restroom and it's all occupied over there and -" I stopped him and said
"I understand, go ahead man …." I let him pass as I closed the door on his way in.He said his hellos to Amelia and dad as I explained
"He's gotta use the restroom …." Dad understood and went back to eating.I sat back down as I started conversation as I stared at my plate.
"So uh, Bobby and Elliot sent me a letter today, telling me they're doing alright, saying they'll be back in a few weeks so that'll be nice …." They we're at awe at the news as Amelia said
"Oh that's good, we'll it'll be good to them again …" dad ate up as he asked
"So …Ray ….." I stopped him as I said
"Don't say, don't fucking say it …." I was laughing as he said
"How's life been treating you ?" He said in a childish voice as we both laughed.Amelia was confused as she asked "what's that mean ?" I quickly settled down as I said
"Well this, oh hold on, yea just let yourself out man, have a good night ! " I said to my neighbor as he was exiting out.
"Yea thanks Man, have a Goodnight y'all !" He said as he waved and exited.
I started to explain the origin of this joke to Amelia,
"You see a couple weeks ago I saw an old friend from high school with dad at the grocery store and he goes up to me and says "holy shit, Ray McCormick, is that you ? " I was confused as I saw who it was, so we chatted up as I asked him so what are you doing now ? He said "well after high school I got myself a job as a male stripper but how's life been treating you ?" I was stunned as this guy was a football player in high school …." I said as I laughed and she asked
"A male stripper ? Hehe …." I calmed down as I said
"Yea, so I tell him yea man I'm working as a painter and he goes "oh, so I guess we're both getting fucked nowadays huh ? Haha…." They both laughed as I just couldn't contain myself as I looked over to Grim.He looked hungry as I said
"Imma fill his bowl up right now …" I got up as they continued eating.
"While you're up, can you pass me the milk …" I went in the fridge and passed her the milk first, then I got out the catnip.
"Thank you …" I saw her bowl near the entrance of the kitchen as brought it closer towards her.I filled it up as I saw Amelia was done pouring herself some milk.
"All good ?" I said as I prepared to put the milk back in the fridge.
"Yep …." She replied as I put it back in.I sat back down as I saw Grim eating.
"So you got school tomorrow ?" Asked dad as I said
"Not tomorrow, only Mondays, Thursday's and the weekends….." he nodded as he added on
"Alright, keep putting in effort, you graduate when, next May ?" I nodded and said
"Yep…." We continued to eat as Amelia started conversation which took up the whole dinner.
I finished this up with letting you all know, that when you grow.You're a nobody to the real world but to have that connection to those you love truly, the real world can fuck off.