Chereads / Purple Summer / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 - purple pills

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 - purple pills

We got up to the benches and sat down, there wasted but I'm just along for the ride.They sat down together as I got up and snapped a picture on my phone.

"Oh you dumb fuckers …" I said jokingly as they both flipped me off as the flash went off.I looked at the photo to see the two in happiness as I sat back down.That happiness soon went away when Bobby started feeling funny, Elliot seemed calm.

"Bobby, Bobby ! Don't knock out motherfucker were breaking into the school !" Yelled Elliot as Bobby was about to pass out right there.I sat between the two as I looked over Bobby

"Hey come on we're going in -" I said as I was pushed away by Bobby.He started to vomit and it made me and Elliot laugh.

"Bobby, you ready for round 2 I got another bottle in my trunk ?" Asked Elliot Jokingly ad Bobby started to sleep.He had his head resting up as he knocked out.I felt worried as I went over to him, he was unconscious for a moment.I smacked his face a bit and started shaking him a vigorously as I yelled

"Bobby ! Wake up you son of a bitch, god damn it !" I yelled as Elliot quickly tried to assess the situation.

"Fuck is he alright ! Bobby !" He yelled as he moved me aside and checked his pulse.He's still there, thankfully.Elliot started walking away as he I stood there shocked.

"You know what, imma go get my car and pick y'all up, just take y'all home !" He yelled as he started running drunkenly in the streets.I just stares at him as he made it to the light which was orange, he went for it and made it successfully.I just stood there worried as I looked at Bobby again as he was slumped over on the bench.I sat back down as I didn't know what to do until Bobby let out some words

"Ray, don't go this path we're doing …" he said mumbling as I replied

"What do you mean man, uh explain !" I said, trying to keep him talking to keep him awake.

"This marine shit, I do it for my own reasons but you, you gotta go to college and be something …." He mumbled still as he added on

"Not saying there ain't no shame in this life we're gonna live but fucking aye, if I could, I would've been something better in life …"

This moment with Bobby really hit me, I always saw him as laid back but always in a serious demeanor.It's like when you see your parents in a vulnerable position, helpless.I let the words sink in as we sat there in silence until he asked

"Where the fuck is Elliot, did he jump it already ?" He asked as he somehow got up and started taking a few steps towards the school until I stopped, "whoa no, hold on now, just sit back down for me …." I said as I escorted him back to the bench.

"We're not jumping it, we're going home, he's gonna go get his car, so you can rest and be better in the morning…"

I say as he dumbly nods and replies

"Alright….." he said as he looked at his vomit.

"Look At that, it looks like a Van Gogh, hehe …" he said as I got up and looked at his vomit as well.It looked disgusting but my god it looked like The Starry Night painting, such a grotesque beauty.

"Yea it kinda does …" I said as we both laughed a little.He kept staring at it as I looked away on to the street, I suddenly got a call from Elliot.I answered and said

"Yea you alright ?" He sounded like he was running as he said

"Bad news man, imagine my fucking luck, my car won't start….I'm running it back right now, is he awake ?" He asked as I Looked at Bobby still looking at his vomit and replied

"Yea, he's good …what are we gonna do ?" I asked as he sounded tired and said

"I'll tell you when I get there -" he said as he quickly hanged up.I put my phone in my pocket as I looked back at Bobby as he was staring at me.

"What you staring at ?" I asked as I turned around to see nothing.I turned back as replied

"I wanna go home man, just want to sleep …"

He looked half-dead and miserable.

"I know, we are, don't worry, we're gonna get you home …" I said as I turn to see the street that Elliot should be coming from.I look at the light and see him pushing the button furiously as it's red.I sigh as he runs it over, I turn back to Bobby as he's falling asleep.I go up to him in distress as I slap him a bit to wake him up but his instinct kicked in.

"Wake up , ah -" I yelled out as he punched me in the stomach.He seemed a bit awake as Elliot approached.

"Fuck you pilgrim, hehe …" he said jokingly in a John Wayne impression as I ease the pain.

"You cunt …" I replied as me and Elliot stand next to each other and look at Bobby.

"Alright, let's carry him .." he said as he went over to Bobby and got his arm around him.

"What, alright then …" I said as I got his other arm, we're in a two man carry now.Bobby is half awake as he takes some steps as we carry him to the light.

"You know he doesn't like it, but he's heavy as fuck.." I say jokingly as we pass the light.We carrying him as a car full of white girls start hollering

"Party still going on in here boys !" One girl yelled.I was angered as we were half way on the cross walk as I yelled back

"Fuck you, dumb bitch !" This offended them as they got angered and drove.We passed the light as We all laughed, Bobby letting out a coughing laugh.We made it to it a couple blocks as we stopped at a tree.

"Lay him right here for a second …" I said as we laid him on the tree.We took a second to catch our breaths and as suddenly Bobby fell over.He tumbled a bit down into the street.

"Ah fuck !" I yelled as we rushed to pick him up.We got him back up as we started walking again

"Did I fall ?" He asked as Elliot replied

"Yea, you okay ?" He asked worryingly as Bobby asked again

"Did I fall ?" I laughed as Elliot said again

" Yea , man you okay ?" Bobby quickly answered

"Oh I'm alright, I'm okay …" he said as we made it to a left turn towards Bobby's house.We walk as out of nowhere a clowder of cats run by us.Me and Elliot jump as we still hold Bobby close.

"Jesus fucking Christ, you see all those fucking cats, is this neighborhood ran by cats ?" I asked as we kept walking.

"I don't know but that's fucking wild, never seen that man cats in one sitting …" replied Elliot as Bobby said

"Im sorry y'all have to do this .." Elliot quickly responded

"Na don't be man, we were just trying to have a good time….just remember these little moments" I added on

"Hell, years from now we're gonna remember this bullshit and laugh our ass off." We all laughed a bit as we finally made it to his home.Bobby let go of us and started to walk on his own,

"I got it from here, Goodnight you fuckers .." he said as he opened his front door and closed it.

We stood outside his home as I said

"A thank you would've been nice, carrying his fat ass here …" I said jokingly as we walked back on the same street.

"That fucks gonna feel like shit in the morning…" he says as we laugh.It's a little pause as we walk until I say "how the hell are you calm, you guys drank nearly the same amount…" I asked as he replied

"Well drinking for so long, I just got a good tolerance…. But you know Bobby just can't hang, haha …." We laughed again as we got to a stopping point, where we go our separate ways.

"Alright can't wait to see the aftermath tomorrow, Goodnight man …" he said as he walked away I waved farewell and said

"Goodnight …"

I started walking home in the darkness of the streets as I suddenly notice the streetlights are dim.i immediately forget that the house is locked and dads asleep, if he caught me knocking for him to open the door, I'm in serious Trouble.He thinks I'm in my room right now sleeping.I got up to my window of my room and thank god I left it open, Idiotic but lifesaving.I climbed in as I landed horribly on my feet as i scraped my knee.I landed in my bed as I sat there for a minute.I took off my shoes and pants as I laid back down in my boxers, I snuck out successfully.The most dumb thing about this all is why did I let Elliot go get his car, I know he had a tolerance but driving while drunk is a stupid thing.Maybe god let his car break down, saved him the trouble.

It's the next morning as I woke up, not realizing it's the day the boys leave, the last two.It's about 8 on the morning as I call Bobby,

"Hey you doing alright you dumb fuck ?" I ask as he laughs as says

"Yea and I'm on my way right now to hang out …" he says as I'm shocked and say

"Alright …" he hanged up as I texted Elliot to ask if he wanted to hang out.I quickly got dressed as I saw a text saying "on my way !"

I got ready as I put on deodorant and lotion.

I waited in the living room as finally I got a knock on the door.I opened it to see it's both of them, looking dapper and clean for once.

"How long y'all got ?" I asked as I let em in.They walked into the my room as Elliot replied

"3 hours before we go to my house to get picked up …" I smiled for a second until I realized I'll be alone for a while.Elliot turned on my tv and put on a movie on a steaming service as Bobby looked through my snack drawer in anger.

"fuck, I can't even be having this shit !" He let out as Elliot asked "you down for Casino ?" Me and Bobby agreed as we sat down on the chairs I had setup.The AC Is cooling us off as we all watch the movie, I feel saddened.I look at Them both and say "fuck, you two are really gonna leave me for months huh ? Imma be miserable …". I say a bit jokingly as Elliot says "you still got some friends around here …" as I say

"Come on man, they don't like me, they just pity me because I know you and Bobby …" Bobby added on

"Too be honest we drifted apart from them, but they're still gonna be our friends …"

I sighed as I said "either way it's alright, I don't want a pity party, let's just enjoy this while we can, but damn y'all gonna miss my birthday …"

They both looked at me menacingly

"We still got you a gift …" said Elliot as I asked cautiously "what is it ?" They both looked at each other again and got up quickly to punch me over and over.

"Ah fuck, god damn, you motherfuckers- ah !" I yelled out as they both gave me my 18 punches.

They finished as I laid on the floor defeated, I still got back on my feet.I looked at them and said jokingly "you guys need bootcamp if you swinging like that, feels like pillows …" I said as Bobby got up jokingly and replied "let me try again !" They laughed as I backed away a bit, I laughed then after feeling sore.

I sit back down as we watch the movie, I have one last glance at them as I smile in nostalgia.I know they won't be gone forever but they be around as often.

As the hours pass, Bobby checks his watch and says "we'll time to go …" they got up ad I walked them out, by now we've gotten to a second movie, Dallas Buyers Club.I was at my door as I looked at them walk out

"Hey…" I called out as they turned around.

"Good luck to y'all and in case I don't see you again, fuck you …" I said as I flipped em off and laughed.They laughed as well and flipped me off too, they gave their waves goodbye as I got back inside.I looked through the kitchen window as they walked the streets together.I now truly feel that urge to do something in life.All my real friends are out and getting settled as I'm back in this hometown, lost.Sure I have college but I don't see no future in that.

It's July 23, my birthday.My 18th birthday, I woke up to a text from my real friends wishing a happy birthday.We still have this online connection but I've found boredom for my phone, I only use it for music and any streaming service to watch my favorite shows.I hopped in the shower and felt myself, felt in a groovy mood.It's been a couple weeks since I was left stranded but I've found my footing.I got out the shower as I got dressed, i felt like a new man as I dressed more nicely.No more tank tops or T shirts with images in them, and no more Shorts or sweatpants.I wanted to feel good for my special day.I wore a brown suit with a white button up longe sleeve shirt underneath.I had my Stacy Adam black shoes and wore a my two gold rings I had saved.One on the pink and my index finger on my left hand.I felt like a king, so I went to fine my little throne.I walked out the house looking like the odd one out of the neighborhood.I walked by people as they stared at me in confusion, like they've never seen a man in a suit before.

"What the fuck is he wearing ?" Someone said laughingly in the distance to his friends.I ignored and put on my earbuds to listen to my music and ignore this world for a Moment. I played "Let Her Dance " by The Bobby Fuller Four, felt like a god.I was going to a local diner to eat as my father was sleeping in.I know I don't mention it but the rest of the family shuns me and my father out, like we're the outcast.

I walked into the diner as someone held the door for me

"Thank you …" I said charismatically.

"You're welcome …" he said as he walked out, he gave one last look at my appearance at awe.I got walked to a booth as I walked past more people wondering if I was a lawyer or something.I sat down as I met the most stunning woman that froze me, the hostess.She walked towards me ready to take my order as I took off my earbuds quickly.

"Hi…" he said as I replied "hey …" I couldn't stop staring deep into her eyes, those damn brown eyes.She got her pen and papers and asked

"So what'll you be having ?" I snapped out of it as I said "uhh, Um, let me get the nice stack of pancakes with bacon…" I said as she wrote it down

"And to drink I'll have a nice glass of orange juice please …" she took it all down and said "alright, will that be it ?" She asked as I smirky replied

"Yep …" I gave a smile as she walked a few steps until she turned around and asked

"Are you okay ?" I started to laugh as I asked

"I'm sorry ?" She reworded her question as she said

"No it's just, you're all happy, in this nice suit and just have a whole aura to you I can't explain ….are you high on something ?" She asked as I chuckled and said

"Nope just happy, todays my birthday but please for the love god don't have them sing it …" I said jokingly as she laughed.I finally looked at her name tag as it said "Amelia" such a beautiful name.She started to walk away as she said "okay, I won't …" I now awaited my food as I stare out the window to see a group of young kids running around and enjoying their adolescent years.They're playing with toy guns as they're chasing the fat boy of the group around, so sad yet so funny.I didn't notice as Amelia came back with my orange juice as she said "your food will be here shortly birthday boy …" she said with a smile as she's about to walk away, I stopped her.

"Hey are you doing anything after work, I mean if you're willing go out …." I asked boldly as she smiled worryingly as said "Well I don't know, I have things to do …" as I interrupted

"You sure, come on, just hang out for the day, we're still young, got nothing to lose right ? Just have fun while we can, so what's it gonna hurt ditching your other plans and hanging out with me….on my birthday ?" I asked as she thought about.I awaited an answer anxiously as I just took a big leap, she started smiling.

"Well what would we do ?" She asked as I said "well whatever you'd like-" as she interrupted

"No it's whatever you'd like, it's your birthday …" she said jokingly as I replied

"Well I was planning on going to the arcade down the street and then get some pizza …." She smiled at the thought as she said

"Okay then, we'll do that, I get off in a couple hours, come in around 4, then we can go …" she said as she walked off as we didn't lose eye contact.

"Alright I will …"

I waited a bit as I hear cheers from workers approaching me with my food as they chanted happy birthday.I looked around embarrassed as people around started to cheer for me, I looked more and saw Amelia in the distance, laughing.I shook my head jokingly as I went along with it. they Finished singing as I clapped along with them, I jokingly said "encore !" As they obliged.They started singing again as my food was placed on my table, I tried to hide my laughter and pain as I put my head down for a moment as they continue to singing, Amelia was dying of laughter.

Time passed by as I finished my food and left a hundred dollars, it was about 42 dollars so it's a good tip.I walked out as stared down Amelia as she flirtatiously looked as well.

"4 PM …" I said jokingly as I walked backwards towards the exit." Yep see you then .." she said as I bumped into a man as I apologized.She laughed more as I finally said comedically "Au Revoir !".I finally left and started walking back home for a bit.I was put my earbuds back on as I was listening to "Rich Girl " by Hall & Oates.I walked back inside as I was excited for my date later on today.It is about 10:00 am so I had hours to wait.I took off my earbuds and set an alarm for 3:30 pm and took a nap.