"OMG! Julie! What happened to you? And why is he with you?"
Jane was waiting for me when we stepped out of the woods. I could hear the fear in her voice, and I could also see it in her eyes. As much as I want to run to her, I can't. Why? Because of the way she glared at Thor.
They knew each other. Thor on the other hand was grinning like a fool, and said, "Aunty! I'm back!"
"You are not my nephew," Jane said in a dismissive tone. I cannot help but stifle my laughter. The serious Thor I met earlier was gone. " You are not even Celtic how can you call me aunt?"
"You are Duncan's aunt right?" Thor asked.
"That boy," Jane's tone had softened when Thor said his name. Then she continued, "is special."
"Ugh! That special word again! Why can't I be special?" I suddenly looked at Thor in a different light. He was like a child having a tantrum while talking with Jane. And Jane had this twinkle in her eyes as she scolded and belittle the god of thunder.