In the heart of the impenetrable void, a spectacular battle unfolded between Klaus and the elusive shadow master, Gypson. Klaus was determined to prove himself worthy of his heritage as the reincarnation of Lord Kravenus, but his power was still unrefined, and Gypson took full advantage of this fact.
"The boy is fueled by a number of things. One of the biggest ones happens to be rage. What a bad place to be then?" Gypson mused.
Klaus began the battle with newfound confidence, summoning shadows to form a massive, shadowy hammer in his hand. The hammer crackled with latent power, a glimpse of the raw strength Klaus possessed. He swung it at Gypson, but the attack lacked finesse, making it easy for Gypson to sidestep.
[-5 demon energy — 5/500]
"The new level up left me with a pretty nice gift, the "shadow construct".I can conjure up very specific items available. But it seems that wouldn't even be enough here!!" Klaus realized.