Klaus walked up to Benzema who had a familiar face in his clutches. The one being held didn't look like he did much to set himself free and neither did his captor pay much attention to him anymore. Rather, Benzema's gaze was fixed on Klaus who stood in front of him now.
"He is my friend, can I have him back?" Klaus said and for a moment there was surprised by the words that left his mouth at that point in time. Initially when he stood up, he held bad and terrible intentions in his mind and had it all planned out against Benzema but somehow remembering who was sitting on the ground behind him shook him out of his anger and he found a way to control himself to ask nicely.
"This demon thing is really getting out of control. Suddenly I'm all about violence now. I mean, yes, it was what I was trained to do but I don't remember me being this fight oriented all the time! Something is wrong with me," Klaus thought to himself while in front of Benzema.