"Holy Royce has fired upon the Balenefarian fleet" The Rear Admiral Lower Grade would yell "Start instant decimation" as a shell would hit the fleet as three big Battleships would come from the East Fortside Docks. The Vice Admiral would say "Third fleet in position" as they would would fire shell after shell. Round after round. The Red Sail, Balenefarian Fleet and Holy Royce Fleet had all been sunk. "Red line protocol. Ready" The Vice would say. As all the shells of the third second and first fleet had fired upon most of the Nefa Personal whittling down there numbers. Voll would look at the man standing infront of fhe Gates. "So should I fold him?" Voll would say with a large grin as he would look at Cephas. "He is very powerful" at this moment twenty seven men and seven women would appear wearing the same uniform as Voll expect ten of them would have two stars instead.
Five would have three stars and two having four stars on trench coat. "Sorry boys. You won't get pass us" a four year girl with red hair and a very noticeable bust would say. Cephas would laugh as ge would say "Fat Man" as the area would explode. Six of the men and one of the women were down unconscious. The captain of the honour guard would say "Allow me and my men to take out these hindrances for you Lieutenant General". The red hair girl would charge at the honour guard Second Lieutenant Julia would dash forward transforming into a tiger hybrid would claw at her arm and stomach. The red head would retaliate with a punch of her own which would stun her temporarily but she would punch her arm as it would fall limp and Juila would yelp. "You aren't on my level cat". As a First Lieutenant of the honour guard with black hair and black pigments would jump in and who put his hand out repealing the red head.
"SHE BROKE MY ARM" Juila would scream in pain as Voll would walk forward as a Brigdiar General would rush infront of him and would get punched in the stomach crack most of his ribs and sending him back seventy meter towards of the building's entrance. They would charge all expect the Lieutenant Generals, Generals and The General of the Army for Fortside but Voll would retaliate with a powerful kick as the wine pressure would knock them back as Cephas would say "Fat Man and Little boy with a little bit of hydrogen" As a powerful explosion would soun the area. More high ranking personels had fallen unconscious.