This was a writing prompt offered by an overseas university to write about dragon fire a fiction story and the winner's story would be printed in their school magazine. I didn't win the contest though.
My name is Nick and I have a story to tell you so read carefully for where am about to go I may never come back. The village where i came from is just below the mountains and is built beside the river whose waters flow from the mountain top. we call the river Tibis and the name of our village is Beverly.
For past few weeks we heard stories of a strange flying creature which destroyed the surrounding villages, it had been over two weeks since the same accident occurred to the nearest village. The Stories were everywhere even strange superstitious belief spread that it was a demon that escaped from abyss they named it dragon.
This deepened the terror even further among the people, our village increased its security measures, we built towers to keep watch if dragon came. Also, we built larger shooting spears of pulling with lever so as to shoot it down once it flew past the village. Nights became more terrifying than days for it always attacked during the nights, we set a curfew which started at nine to keep people indoor and protect them from dragon. I couldn't say more on such a creature for there were too many rumors about it that became impossible to separate truth from lies, some said it released fire on its eyes and nostrils, others claimed that it had six thick legs, others went further by saying it's wings flapped so hard that full grown trees were uprooted.
But I do remember the day when I saw dragon, it was afternoon sky was blue as the ocean when that peace was broken by the sound of horn from the mountain top by the watcher, before everyone could take a breath we saw fire before dragon lighting up the tower of the watcher and continued blowing it along the mountain, when dragon emerged it was such a pure nightmare to experience it flied high up to the sky, everyone started screaming and running for shelter. Soldiers started running for the shooting spears I was on the river bank far from both the shelter and spears. Then I saw dragon as it started descending upon our town on full speed there is when I recognized the rumors were true if they hadn't hit the mark, once it neared the ground it flapped its wings down so hard that it made the trees bend and leaves scatter then it opened its mouth. That was the first time I saw dragon fire, it blew flames so hot from its mouth that when came into contact with anything it was quickly burnt to ashes I was petrified then dragon flew up again and started heading direct for our village as it blew flames along its path. Before it reached shelters a spear was shot and hit the dragon's collar bone in anguish it roared and flew past our village without harm, we have decided to follow dragon before it returns again.