Poor BFG. The only food that grows in Giant Country is the snozzcumber. So that's what he eats instead of humans.
When Sophie says that snozzcumbers don't exist, the BFG points out that she didn't believe in giants yesterday. He also names a bunch of animals that Sophie's never heard of, and they all sound like Dr. Seuss characters: the humplecrimp, the wraprascal, the crumpscoddle, and the great squizzly scotch-hopper.
The BFG takes out a snozzcumber, which looks like a cucumber, only it's half his size and covered in knobbles. In other words, it's huge and looks gross.
The BFG and Sophie get sidetracked again when Sophie corrects his word choice. He explains that he never went to school, nor had a mother who could teach him. Giants aren't born—they just appear.
The BFG hates the snozzcumber and sprays pieces of it on the table when he complains. Sophie tries it and cries out things like, "Oh help!" Apparently she's not a fan, either.
The BFG asks Sophie to stop correcting him about his word choices. He says his brain gets scrambled up, but Sophie tells him he speaks beautifully. Sometimes scrambling and beauty go together, even if they're a little confusing at first.
Sophie suggests the BFG take some vegetables from a garden in England, but the BFG says he doesn't steal. Is this giant a great guy or what?