Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

Chen stood in front of the closet. It was made of pure thick titanium. Not even a metalbender can open it. And of course, if he remembers correctly, he needed around 1668 degrees to melt it.

Now, he can use fire or lightning to achieve that. Titanium wasn't a good conductor of electricity. It meant that it has a high resistance, which meant that the electrical energy will turn into heat.

Aiming his hand at it, he unleashed lightning, which ran across the closet. It turned red in a very short time, before melting, creating a small hole.

Chen stopped for one second, and he realised that he was dumb. Why would he try to store the money while he could store the whole closet. he could always open it later.

He put his hand on the closet, which seemed to be 1 cubic meter large, and he opened his storage. He moved his hand, and a small 2D picture appeared next to the slots on the screen. Chen could place it wherever he wanted, he put it down. The closet vanished from reality, and it took one slot out of 64 in the storage

The Agni Kai did many criminal activities. One of the things they were famed for was money washing.

Chen didn't know whose money was that. But he knew that it belonged to him now.

Taking a shirt from his storage, Chen wore it. He felt a burning sensation come from his back. The pain was caused by an injury. He knew that spot was red by now, and he needed to buy some creams to treat it.

Walking to the window, Chen jumped from it. While falling, he pointed his fists to the ground. Jet fire lit up, slowing his movement. The fire was dark yellow, and it hit the building wherever he passed. When Chen reached the ground, he put his hand on the headquarter of the Agni Kai. He knew that they will seek him if he left any.

He needed to destroy them, not defeat them.

Activating Flame Generation skill, he lowered the quality of the fire to a common one. However, he increased the quantity to the max. With his skills current left, the flame flew from his hand and rose to the whole building.

Chen didn't like killing. He'd always hate it. But given the nature of his previous life job, it wasn't his first time doing it.

To protect his life, he was willing to do the extreme with his enemies. He'd even betray his boss if he was a bodyguard.

He was, and would still be, loyal to himself.

Chen took his hand back, gave the building his back, and walked away. He left the fire spread. It will burn everyone into ashes very soon.

Chen vanished in the dark shadows of Republic City's streets. The citizens started leaving their houses. They observed the huge fire that swallowed the building of the Agni Kai.

Some had smiles on their faces. Some were angry, and some were sad. The Agni Kai were humans. They had families, they had clients.


Chen reached the pharmacy. He endured the burning feeling and he bought some medicines. Pain killers, sterilisers, and creams. He acted as if he was okay, and he even flirted with the receptionist girl.

When he left, Chen reached his apartment. The first thing he'd done when closing the door was groaning.

"Fuck, that hurts." He threw his shirt as soon as possible. He ate the painkillers, and he walked to the bathroom. Giving his back to the mirror, he turned his head. He saw a large red mark on his back. It would take a week or so to heal completely. There were few other wounds he had sustained by accident. But those would take a couple of days.

After going back to his room, he sat down and started treating his wound.

To distract himself from the pain, he turned on the radio.

"Sad news. This morning, while the people were sleeping, one of the buildings on the right side of the city was burned. It was said that it belonged to the Agni Kai triad. Rumours say that an internal conflict happened, causing the building to burn. Some citizens witnessed that they heard firebending duels happening…"

Chen turned off the radio, happy that he'd gotten away from this.

Now, no one will threaten him.

He will open some projects with the money he'd stolen.

"But I can't just spend money like that." Chen sat up. "I need to wash it first. After participating in the tournament, I can open a small cafeteria, manipulate the gains, and then I'll be good to do more."

Chen smiled at the closet that resting in his storage. That's going to be his ticket to freedom. Although his back ashed a little, he managed to sleep.

'Also, I need to change my apartment. Tomorrow, I'll move to a new one.' That would be the best option for him. He can't stay here, in this dirty spot. He needed to start a new one. His winnings from underground fights and the gains from work would be enough for him to buy a new one.


Chen was shaking the hand of a man in classical clothes. The man smiled and handed Chen the keys. "Congratulation Chen. It's an honour for me to deal with a new raising pro-bender in my apartment."

"The honour is mine." Chen happily smiled.

His new apartment existed at the edge of the city, facing the sea. It was in the opposite place of his previous spot. Chen had 100.000 Yen left. He may buy a new satomobile. But first, he needed to get a license.

When he entered his apartment, he was quite pleased. It was wide with two bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. It was painted in white shiny colour with a few sweet patterns.

Chen can always hire someone to clean this. He went to the bed and he lay down.

Thinking about training with his team, Chen decided to skip it for today. He lacks clothes and groceries, so it was a fitting day to shop.

Chen grabbed a chair and sat in the middle of the room, away from anything that can burn. He opened his hand, and he started generating fire.

[Flame Generation +12 exp] [+10 exp]

While training, he gave his stats a quick check.

Destroying a gang surely had been rewarding.


Name: Chen

Age: 20

Level: 14 (20000/25.000)

Chi: 8000 points


- Chi Control level 10 (500/5000)

- Flame Generation level 11 (8000/10.000)


- Firebending level 12 - Master (10.000/15.000)

-Lightningbending level 14 (12.000/25.000)

Accumulated experience: 60.000


He had a lot of accumulated experience that it was hard to determine where to put it.

Since he has no major fight or anything, it would be better to keep them on the side and use them later when he would get frustrated with his training.

Feeling a bit border, Chen grabbed a near radio to listen to the news.

"And to the news. Yesterday, the fire had been controlled successfully by the waterbender units. The investigation says that the fire was set on purpose. It seems that it happened as a result of gang fights. The police are investigating."

Chen shrugged his shoulder. As long as there was no evidence he had done it, there was nothing to fear. Besides, the police hadn't summoned him at all. It meant that he is outside the suspect circle or they were watching him. The last option was unlikely to happen.

"Other than that, we have the Avatar arriving at the city. She promised the citizens to take care of them and do her job perfectly."

Chen frowned. He'd known one detail. Things are going to be rough with the Avatar's arrival. He didn't remember much about the first season, but he knew that the real shit would start with her coming to the city. The equalists would start their plan when Avatar Korra arrive.

"None of my business." Chen shrugged his shoulder and stopped lilting the fire. He stood up and took off his shirt. Taking the patch from his back, he was about to apply for medicine. His injury was healing well.

*tch* *tch*

The radio signal twitched. Chen turned his face and was about to change the channel. He then heard something that stopped him.

"Dear citizens of Republic City. I'm one of the representatives of the equalists movement." Said the voice. It held depth and strong charisma. "It reached my ear that one bender dared to steal the money that our members worked hard to make. Those benders, not only use their power to abuse the citizens but to steal from us and sabotage our righteous movement. The firebender will be presented at the great realisation. He will pay the start of the new equal world."

Sounds like a threat letter.

Chen thought for a second. He didn't think he was the one mentioned.

First, he'd stolen money that was meant to be washed.

Second, The equalists had a very rich man behind them.

What's the point of washing money then

Third of all, Chen hadn't started spending money like crazy.

"I'm coming to you in a mystical way." Said the radio before the channel changed.

Chen scoffed and walked to the fridge. When he opened it, he took his medicines and a juice bottle. When he sat, he chuckled. "Mystical way. What is he? 12 years old."

Chen held his laugh and drank the juice.

But then, it hit him.

Chen's title in the underground fights was Mystical Flame.

It could be a hint to Chen.

However, how would they know that it was him who stole the money? He'd burnt the building and made sure that everyone would get burned.

Chen didn't drag the money closet. He made it vanish. The pharmacy girl would witness that he didn't have any large sum of money on him, other than the one he'd used to buy medicine.

"Am I overthinking?" Chen shook his head, and the answer came to him. "Or they are just making an excuse to get me and sound righteous. They want to take someone's bending, and they are framing me. Just because they are correct with their accusation doesn't mean they are right. Well, they have to deal with Korra."


A/N: If you want to support the story and read advanced chapters ahead, go to:
