CHAPTER 50 - Getting Used to an Annoying Girl.
I took out my books from my locker and stored some extra things I found on the street. I found a keychain of a white rabbit and a plush toy of the same rabbit. Yuki doesn't know if it's from an anime, but she liked it, so since it was on the street, it's mine now... Well, Yuki's. I don't need it or want it, so Yuki will keep it.
I think I'll keep the keychain and give it to Sumi. In order for her trust in me to grow, I must treat her well and earn as much trust as I can with gifts. I don't plan on falling in love with her, I'm not a sick person or anything like that, that's why I thoroughly researched everything about friends, so as not to make a mistake. I don't want my actions to be misinterpreted and be labeled as a pervert.
I admit that in the past, I did embarrassing things that earned me a certain reputation as a pervert. I sacrificed my first kiss and my virginity to capture legendary ghosts. I even had to kiss a man once to distract him and defeat him.
I've done things I'm not so proud of, but as long as I achieve my goal, nothing else matters to me.
Ah, that reminds me of when I had to dress up as a woman so that a robot that wanted to kill me wouldn't detect me.
Well, I better stop thinking about that, now I have to solve this problem.
"Come on, come on. Why don't you respond to me? It's rude, cutie. Someone needs to punish you."
Ah... How many times do I have to save Sylphie? If she were like Naima, she would hit the guy or at least insult him and continue on her way. Sylphie is scared, so she just lowers her gaze and doesn't answer.
"Why don't we go to my house after class?"
I put my hand on his head and stroked it. The boy, quite confused, turned to look at me.
"Eh? And who are you?"
I lifted my hair so he could see my eyes.
"Sexual harassment is prohibited, I recommend you go to your classroom."
"And why should I care? Mind your own business."
"I see..."
I took out a small notebook from my backpack.
"Mmm... Done."
I noted down his characteristics, I'll investigate him later.
"Akito and you... Mmm... Yes, you'll be easier."
"Eh? What? I don't understand you, idiot."
"Enjoy school as much as you can, you'll be expelled soon."
"Are you trying to threaten me? Hahahahahaha! You're even more of an idiot than I thought."
There's no need for me to stay any longer. I walked away and Sylphie started walking beside me.
"T-thank you for helping me."
"I've already told you, you won't always be able to rely on my help. You have to ignore them and continue on your way, and if they keep insisting, hit them."
"I know, but... I'm scared."
"Yes, I know. Don't worry, you'll overcome that fear someday. No one changes overnight. Step by step."
Yuki sat on my shoulders and started laughing.
"Saik, Saik, he took a picture of Sylphie's butt while she was walking! I saw it! If we manage to take his phone away, you can get him expelled!"
Sexual harassment is worse than bullying. If they wanted to expel me for allegedly hitting Akito, if I make a scandal with those photos, they will definitely expel him.
Well done, Yuki. We'll take the next step at lunchtime.
"But I'll need help."
"Sorry, Sylphie, I was thinking out loud. It's nothing."
Sylphie won't be of use to me this time, I need someone who isn't afraid.
Ram... No, I don't want to owe her a favor, she'll end up taking advantage of me.
Evelyn? No, not her either. Since my memories were erased, I feel like I see Evelyn as a prostitute now. I used to suspect she was, but now I feel like I've confirmed it. Did I uncover it? Well, maybe my suspicions just increased. It doesn't matter. I won't ask her for a favor; I'm not interested in getting involved with someone like her. I have a feeling it would only give me a headache.
Mmm... What about Cristal? No, we're only friends in the game, not in real life, just like Hanako. I can't ask them for a favor.
I'm running out of options... No, I have one option left. And it's a perfect one.
Lunchtime arrived... Well, Saik, I know you get a little nervous around her, but you have to do it.
"Hey, Naima, can we talk for a minute?"
She's looking at me as if I'm a bother to her. Should I feel bad? Because I don't know how to feel about it. Should I be happy that she's looking at me?
"Tsk. Hey, hey. Just because we're companions on the island doesn't mean we're friends. Don't get confused."
"And who says I consider you a friend? I don't even know you. I just want to ask you a favor. After all, I spent over 10,000 positive points to ensure our comfort. Don't you think I deserve at least a favor from you? I'm even willing to pay you with 1,000 positive points if things go well, or a protection point. Whatever you want."
Well, Saik. You made it clear that you don't see her as a friend either. You're not humiliating yourself to win her friendship; you're still maintaining your dignity.
Ah, she stopped looking at me with disgust and even approached me. Surely, the protection point caught her attention.
"Do you want me to help you expel someone?" she whispered.
She clearly doesn't want to miss this opportunity and even avoids others overhearing our conversation. Very clever of you, Naima, keeping the information to yourself.
Sylphie is a trustworthy girl, but she doesn't know how to act. Naima is perfect for this.
"Yes. If things go well, the protection point will be all yours, but I'm also willing to accept positive points. Whatever you want."
"How sure are you that you can get him expelled?"
"If things go well, 100%."
Yuki told me that he discreetly took a photo of Sylphie. No one noticed. If this were a setup, he would have been more obvious.
Yuki is spying on that guy right now, and since he hasn't returned, it means he didn't find out anything. It's not a trap, so I can take the next step.
"So, are you interested?"
"Mmm... Alright, I'll help you. But you better make sure everything goes well. I don't want to waste my time on something useless."
"Yes, yes, I know."
"And what do I have to do?"
"Pretend to be sexual partners."
"I'm out of here."
She tried to leave. Ah, I should have said it differently. I messed up.
"Just pretend, we won't actually be that. It's to attract the attention of a pervert."
I stood up and followed her. Ah, do I really have to beg her?
"Please, it will only be part of a trap. It's not like we're actually going to be that."
"I'm not interested."
"Well, I'll go ask Ram then."
I turned around. I want Naima's help, but I won't humiliate myself by begging.
Though I don't think Ram will accept... Evelyn? Yes, she seems like a very obvious choice, but we don't get along, so it's not in my best interest.
Ram or Sylphie... Sylphie would get too nervous pretending, and Ram is too proud; she wouldn't want to humiliate herself like that.
Should I ask for help from a girl in another class?
I sat back down and took out my notebook. Without Naima, I'll have to modify my original plan. I tailored this plan to Naima's personality; it won't work the same way with another girl.
"I want you to help me train."
I looked up to see Naima. Is she really asking me for a favor? I would usually accept, as helping her would make me progress and reach the friendship stage with her, but I'll reject her. She didn't want to help me, so I won't help her.
"You have a good body; you should train a lot. I want more muscle, I suppose you understand."
"And what do I get out of it? And don't tell me you'll pay me with a 'thank you'."
"I'll help you with what you have planned if you promise that no one else will know."
"Alright, let's do it."
I extended my hand to seal the deal with a friendly handshake, but she simply walked away.
"Don't act like we're friends."
Ah... Why do I like being treated poorly? I hope it's not a fetish.
My teenage self is acting strange. I really miss being a carefree little boy... Well, yes, I had to watch my back, avoiding getting killed, but I was happy with my parents. Being a teenager is more different than I imagined.
Well, changing the subject, she had planned to ask me for that from the beginning. She rejected me and planned for me to beg her to ask me for that, so she would gain a protection point and my help with training.
Well, well. Naima, I think my opinion of you improves every day. You're very manipulative. If I weren't used to dealing with human evil, I wouldn't have realized what you planned to do. Acting difficult to get more than what you're offered. Quite clever of you. I'm really starting to like you more and more. If I didn't plan on committing suicide, I would do everything possible to make you my future wife.
Today is Monday, September 29th. The special test will start on Wednesday. The test will end on the 22nd. I'll have over half a month to make her fall in love with me, or at least consider me a friend. Yuki says I'm handsome, but I won't use that. What's the point of having a girlfriend who only cared about my appearance? No, I'll use my charms... But what charms? If I'm boring and cold... Ah, it will be difficult, but not impossible.
Besides, we'll also have classes and tests between classes. Our alone time will be greatly reduced, but at least we can collaborate and study together.
Step by step. Saik, remember your father's advice. "Always listen and pay attention when talking to a woman. Don't ignore the hints. If they give you a hint, it means they like you. Get a girlfriend and take her out for dinner! Even a boyfriend, I don't care! Understand the hints, son!"
I never understood why he told me that out of the blue, but it was great advice, father. If I get Naima to give me a hint, I will have succeeded. I must pay attention, even to the smallest details.
"You've been looking at your notebook for a while. What are you planning? What were you talking about with Naima?"
"It's private, Ram... Ah..."
A hamburger smothered in melted cheese?
"Where did you get that hamburger?"
"They sell them in the cafeteria."
I immediately stood up and left the classroom. That hamburger smelled and looked so delicious. I'll buy two... Ah, better make it three, I'll give one to Yuki... Ah.
As I turned left, I bumped into a girl. I was so distracted imagining the taste of the hamburger that I didn't pay attention to my surroundings... Ah, it's Hanako.
"I'm sorry, Hanako, I was distracted."
"D-don't worry." She said, rubbing her arm.
Did I hurt her? Sometimes I forget how tough my body is.
"Where are you going?"
"To buy some cheeseburgers."
"I'll come with you! I wanted to try them too."
"S-Saik, you didn't bring lunch...? Ah... H-hello."
... Bloodlust? It was for less than a second, but I felt it.
Does Hanako hate Sylphie?
Sylphie caught up with me and spoke.
"No, I didn't bring lunch today. I'm going to buy some cheeseburgers. Ah, by the way, this is Hanako, I play a game with her. Hanako, this is Sylphie, a friend."
Friend, not so much, but at school, I have to pretend that we're very good friends to prevent others from messing with her.
"Nice to meet you," Sylphie said, extending her hand, and Hanako shook it.
"It's a pleasure, Sylphie!"
Now I'll leave.
I continued my way, but the two of them started walking beside me... Ah, I won't enjoy my hamburgers as much anymore.
"I've seen you two together many times. Are you dating?"
"N-n-no, w-w-we're just friends!"
"And I'm not interested in romance. I prefer to be single forever, so I don't risk being cheated on. I think reading so many drama novels really affected me."
"Don't you want to date anyone for fear of being cheated on?" Hanako said.
"Yes. I prefer to avoid the risk and stay single. If I'm single, I don't have to support a wife or kids. More money for me, and with more money, I can have more fun. You know, going on vacations, exploring places, and so on."
"And... Aren't you interested in having a family? A solitary life can be... You know... Boring," Sylphie said.
"Mmm... Yes... I suppose so. I would like to have a family like the one I had. Find a faithful wife and have one or two children. But as I said before, I'm afraid of being cheated on. Maybe I'll change my mind in the future about having a relationship with someone, but currently, I'm not interested. Besides, I've never been in love or liked a girl. I'm not gay, so it's not because of that. I'm interested in all things related to sex and kissing, so I'm not the type of person who doesn't want to get involved with that. I think I just haven't found the right girl... or the right guy. I'm not interested in men, but you never know what could happen in the future. And have you ever been in love?"
"Yes, once, but he turned out to be a complete idiot," Hanako said.
Ah... I better not think about that.
"And I... Ah... Well... I've never been in love or liked anyone. I've never had time for that," Sylphie said.
Fortunately, we arrived at the cafeteria. I'm going to get my cheeseburgers.
I approached the employee and took out my student card.
"Three cheeseburgers. Sylphie, Hanako, order whatever you want. Today I'm feeling generous."
"I'm sorry, we're out of them."
I'm not feeling so generous anymore.
"Hahahahaha! Poor thing, you missed out. Come, I'll give you a bite if you say, 'please, my master.'"
The guy I plan to expel is mocking me. Destiny really wants me to expel him, huh?
"Tsk. Shut up, idiot. Saik would never say that."
Ignoring Hanako, I sat next to the guy. Do I just have to say that to eat? Easy.
"Please, my master, give it to me."
I snatched the burger and took a big bite.
"Hey, you idiot, why are you taking my burger?"
Am I in paradise? Triple meat, so much cheese, avocado, lettuce, tomato... All the ingredients dancing in my mouth. When I get home, I'll make many more. I hope they turn out just as delicious, even though my hands are covered in cheese.
"It was worth saying that, although I didn't know you liked guys too. Don't get me wrong, I said it just to take a bite of your burger. I'm not interested in you. I respect your sexual orientation, but I like women."
His friends started laughing, making the guy blush with embarrassment.
"Are you mocking me, you idiot?"
"You're the one who asked me to call you 'master.' I'm just clarifying my intentions. But if you keep giving me delicious food, maybe you could win my heart. I'm an easy guy when it comes to food."
Ah, I think it was a bad idea to say that in front of Sylphie and Hanako.
"Thanks for the bite."
I left his burger on the plate.
"Do you think I'll let you off that easily?"
"Ah... Won't you give up on me? I'm heterosexual, sorry. I have to reject your feelings towards me."
His friends started laughing even more, including Hanako, and Sylphie, although she tries to hide it by covering her mouth with her hand.
... Am I saying something funny? That guy is trying to conquer me, right? Wasn't that an innuendo? Maybe I just misinterpreted his words.
Father, I did what you told me. Why did I fail?
"Tsk. You'll pay for this."
He left... He left... Ah...
"Hey, you forgot your food. Can I have it?"
"Do whatever you want, I don't care!"
I took his burger and walked away, along with the girls.
"That was amazing, Saik! You humiliated him!" Hanako said, patting me on the back.
"Even though I was just clarifying that I'm heterosexual."
Why do they say I humiliated him? I don't understand.
"S-Saik, be careful with him. He might try to hit you."
"He'll try after I expel him, so I'm prepared already."
"Do you plan to expel him?!"
"Hehe. How cruel. I like that. I want to help you!"
"I don't need help, Hanako, but thanks."
I took a bite of my burger.
Yes... I have everything planned.
"That burger looks delicious. Give it to me, give it to me!"
Yuki, I'm sorry, but this hamburger is mine. I got it.
"I think I'll make burgers like these at home."
"Saik, do you know how to cook?" Hanako said.
"The truth is, I'm an excellent cook. It took me years... Well, months, but months filled with effort."
"I would love to taste your food! Would you invite me for dinner?"
"Ah, sure. I have plenty of food."
"Yay! I'll bring drinks."
... Wait... Doesn't it sound like a date? I have to keep my distance. I don't want Naima to think I'm in a relationship with someone.
Sylphie looked down. She might feel left out. Ah, Noel, I really regret that promise.
"Hey, Sylphie, do you want to have hamburgers too? I have enough ingredients for everyone."
"Uh? S-sure! Th-thank you very much!"
... Bloodlust? Again... I have to be prepared.
Lunchtime ended, and I returned to my seat.
Well... It's time to hear what my adorable informant has to say.
"Just as I suspected, he's just an idiot. He has nothing planned, so we can act without worries."
"Which class?"
"He's in class 2-C."
... He's in the second year? And why does he act like he doesn't know me?
... Acting... Mmm... Why doesn't someone in the second year know me? I'm pretty sure the student council president warned them about me. Why does he dare to defy me? Did the president tell him, or is he just a complete idiot?
... No, I shouldn't act without knowing more.
I could ask Yuki for more help, but I think it'll be more interesting if I improvise a bit.
I stood up from my seat and headed to the door. The teacher entered, but I don't care.
I walked past her and left the classroom.
"Where are you going, Saik?"
"To expel someone."
I need to be prepared.
"Yuki, did his phone make any sound when he took the picture?"
"Yes, but it was very low."
"Was it loud enough for me to hear it?"
"I think... I think so. I think you would have heard it if you had paid attention."
I see.
"And how did he take the picture?"
"He discreetly took it out of his pocket a little and snapped the photo."
If I had turned around, he would have quickly put his phone away and pretend he didn't do anything. If I had accused him, someone else would have had enough time to delete those photos from another phone using the cloud account. He would prove his innocence, and I would look bad... I see.
"Yuki, don't stop following him."
She left.
I recently learned that a person can delete photos from their phone, even without using it, if they upload them to the cloud. Taking a picture of Sylphie was a trap, a trap I didn't fall into.
Now, well, how can I expel him? I can't use his phone as evidence; someone else would delete the pictures.
... No... I won't use ghosts; I'll handle this on my own... Maybe... Yes... I got it.
"After all, I think the original plan will still be in motion."
But just to make sure...
"Yuki, come back."
... Here she comes.
"Uwaaaah! Kya!"
She bumped into me.
"Uwaaaah! What was that?! My body just went flying!"
"Sorry, but I need your help."
"Ahhhhhhhhh! Sometimes I forget that you can control me as you please! That was too rough!"
"Hey, Yuki, I want you to do something, but I need you to be very, very careful. Understood?"
"For pastries, I can even fight an alien with my bare fists. What should I do?"
"Take control of that boy's body."
I went out to the garden and sat on a bench.
"Take control...? I don't know how to do that."
"I'll give you a bit of my power. You just have to pierce his chest with your arm and say, 'I want to take this body.' You'll have two or three minutes, and then you'll leave. He won't remember anything, so make sure to lie down and pretend to sleep. When you leave, he will fall asleep."
"Wow. This will be the first time I take over a body! Awesome! What should I do when I have his body?!"
"First, tell me, is his teacher male or female?"
"Where does she sit?"
"At the end of the second row."
"Are there women in front of him and beside him?"
It can't get any more perfect than this.
"Before taking his body, you have to wait for him to use his phone. Memorize his password and then take his body."
"And then you'll have to sexually harass the girls."
Yuki left, and I'm lying on the bench, looking at the blue sky. I feel a gaze on me, and I recognize that look.
The president. She's probably wondering what I'm planning. Even the most unpredictable people can do predictable things. If the phone plan fails, that guy will do more foolish things to make me angry. If he hits me, I won't be able to accuse him because he will only hit me in a situation that favors him. I won't be able to record a video this time either, as they would surely notice. Using a hidden camera in my clothes would be excessive, but I'm also sure they would notice. The president is careful; she would even use devices to detect hidden technology in my clothes. It sounds excessive, but she is the daughter of the president of a car company, so she has more than enough money. To think that she would buy something like that to make sure I'm expelled doesn't sound far-fetched.
But my plan is simpler, and I know that pervert will play along.
"Ah, I'm bored... 30, 31, 32. Ah, counting is even more boring."
"I'm done! And yes, I didn't do anything foolish. I wrote as if it were you," said number 31, raising her thumb.
I can't use the powers of the legendary ghosts, but I can still talk to them and bring them out of my body.
"Should I go back to the classroom? Yes or no?"
I have to speak like this; I don't know if the president can hear me with some device.
"Yes, they agreed to help you, but with the condition of a protection point for each. Well, Ludius agreed to help you for free, but I know you won't accept his help without giving him something."
Naima, thank you. Ludius, you're a good classmate... Well, I think that's all I have to say... Think... Whatever.
"I'm thirsty."
I got up from the bench and started walking towards where the president is. She didn't hide. I see. She won't even pretend she wasn't spying on me. Does she want to tell me something?
"Hello, Saik. How was your weekend?"
Well... I suppose I got my face beaten again, considering I had to modify even my own memories.
Ah, right, I shouldn't think about that.
"Putting aside the fact that a bear almost killed me, I guess it was a fairly enjoyable weekend, although I would have preferred to stay at home and sleep. I had to sacrifice my weekend to get my classmates to study. And how was your weekend? Did you manipulate someone important into licking your shoes?"
"Fufu. Do you see me as a dictator?"
"Nope, but you're a manipulative person, and I don't need to investigate to confirm it. You might even be manipulating me right now. I'd like to know what you're thinking. Are you one of those people who constantly analyze their surroundings and people?"
"I would say I just like to know the chess pieces."
"And that confirms that you're a manipulative person. You see us as mere chess pieces that you move at your convenience. Unfortunately, I'm not a piece; I'm a player. A player who can play just like you."
"I admit you're one of the few I can't fully read. In the special test, I want you to prove that your words are not exaggerations."
She extended her hand to me.
"My weekend was normal; I spent it reading and studying advanced books."
Just imagining that being normal for her makes me sleepy. Even though it's normal for me too, I think she enjoys it, and for me, it's torture.
I shook her hand.
"Let's make a bet. If I win, I want you to join the student council."
"No, thank you. I'm 95% sure I'll lose against you. I'll use the special test just to get to know you better. I'm not naive enough to think I can defeat you without knowing you."
"Well, well. So you decided to participate knowing that? Is it worth spending a protection point?"
"I have plenty of positive points, and spending it this way is completely worth it."
"I see. Fufu. I didn't mistake you. I even felt like failing just to stay in school for another year."
"Anyway, I have to go back to my classroom. I missed a class just because I was sleepy."
"See you soon."
She said goodbye with a smile and walked away.
... Well, well. I really like her. Intelligent, manipulative, and not naive at all. I love girls like her. Unfortunately, Naima is in my heart now, so I have to stop thinking about other girls.
Jokes aside, the president is a dangerous opponent. During the special tests, I'll have to be alert to any threats. We'll be safe on the island; they'll monitor us, and I doubt the school is corrupt. No one can leave the assigned area, so Naima and I will be safe. The chances of cheating are very, very low, so I think it's impossible for anyone to be expelled. I think that danger only exists in the Capital, but only lazy students who don't want to work are at risk.
Since there are very few possibilities of expulsions, the school organized an additional special test to ensure expulsions. From what I saw, only I and a student from Class 1-E will participate from the first year, three second-year students, and five third-year students.
The others don't interest me; only the president does, the representative of Class 3-A.
Ah, I arrived at my classroom just in time. I entered and made eye contact with the teacher. She didn't say anything, so I returned to my seat and took out my notebook. Let's continue with my school life.
(Pov - Yuki.)
"Say you love it! Say it!"
"Yes, I love it! You're so much better than my husband! Keep going, please!"
... I really don't know how to feel about this... Yuck!!!
I walked away and out of the classroom... What kind of person looks at pornography in the classroom?! That guy is sick! I'll tell Saik that he beat him up!
Yuck! Gross!
And, even though he was wearing headphones, it was a little audible! Was it only me who heard it because I was nearby or did the others hear it too? It doesn't matter! That guy is sick! And he likes infidelities. Only sick people are excited by that!
"Saik, I want you to hit him!"
Tsk. I better wash my face... Ah, yeah, I can't touch anything... Hehe. I'll go spy on the girls. Maybe I'll find out something.
All the students are in class... Mmm... Yay! One class is at the pool... Wow... Wow! That girl is huge! Although she's pretty flat. How tall could she be? 1.80 meters? Maybe more. I think Saik is 1.75, but I think they're the same height... No, the girl is taller.
Wow... I wonder how tall I would be if I hadn't died. My mother was 1.69 meters. Would I be the same height?
"Do you like that boy...? What was his name...? Saik? Are you serious?"
Huh? Could it be...? This scenario... Is it possible?!
"W-well... D-don't you think it's cool that he was able to expel two third-year students? And his hair... I-I know he doesn't style it, but his hair looks so soft."
... A girl speaking well of Saik?! Ahhhhhh! The end of the world is near! This is not a drill!
"Oh, your tastes are really weird, Paola."
"Let's not talk about that! D-did you do the math homework?"
"Changing the subject because you're dying of embarrassment, huh? Then why did you tell me?"
"I-I... I want to be his friend! But I don't know how to approach him."
"I see... We'll talk about it later, the teacher arrived."
... Ah... Ah... Ahhhhhh! You can't leave me like this! I need the full gossip!
Saik caught the attention of a tall girl... How will he react? Knowing him, he won't care and will ignore the girl. Cruel, but it's the reality.
(Pov - Saik.)
I gathered my things and left. I need to go to the library and pretend to be busy for at least a few minutes.
"Saik! I didn't understand the last thing the teacher said. Could you help me?"
"Ah, sure, Sylphie. I was just heading to the library. Let's go."
I don't need to be there for long; I'll explain briefly and that's it.
While Saik and Sylphie were in the library, reviewing the last topic from class, Naima and Ludius were by the school exit, talking to each other... Or at least it seemed like they were talking, as they were only discussing things about the last assignment. In other words, they were just killing time.
"Yes, I want to ask Saik to teach me that last part. I've been trying, but it just won't stick in my head."
"Does he really teach well?"
"Quite well. I think his mother taught him how to study. I heard his mother was a prodigy or something."
"I hope he knows how to teach training just as well. I need to get rid of the extra fat."
"And don't you go to a gym?"
"I don't have money, you know that."
"Ah, right... And how are your younger siblings doing?"
"They're doing fine, thanks... Ah, here he comes... Ah... Damn, I can't believe I'm doing this."
"You know my situation, so there's no danger of this getting out."
"Yeah, I know... Tsk. I already told you no!"
The guy walked past them and moved away.
"Come on, Art Room 1 is empty, we should take advantage. Doesn't it excite you to do it at school?"
The guy's ear twitched upon hearing that and he stopped.
Naima and Ludius were on the other side of the wall, so they continued acting, unaware if he was really listening.
"Just 5 minutes. Admit it, you want to do it too."
"... Do you have protection?"
"Hehe. Let's go."
Ludius took her hand, and they started walking toward the school. They entered, and the guy smirked with lust.
"If I record them, I can blackmail her," he thought maliciously.
And thus, he fell right into Saik's clutches.
Ludius and Naima were sitting next to the door of Art Room 1, waiting for the guy.
"Tsk. Damn it, I hope it's worth it."
Ludius started clapping with a certain rhythm to make it seem like they were having sex, and Naima, filled with embarrassment, pretended to moan.
"Not so loud! They'll hear us!"
"Hehe. Your face is all red," Ludius whispered.
"Sh-shut up! You better not tell anyone."
They kept pretending until the door suddenly opened.
"I caught you, perverts...! Huh?"
The guy entered, recording a video with his phone, but he didn't find what he expected.
Ludius continued clapping and smiled at the camera.
"Behind you."
The guy felt a chill and turned around.
Saik was behind him and kicked his legs. He took his phone, and the guy fell to the ground.
"Now let's see what this pervert has."
(Pov - Saik.)
Well, well. It really worked. I hope he didn't notice the pictures Yuki took.
"Give it back to me!"
He tried to get up, but Naima held his arms and put her knee on his back.
"Shut up, your voice is annoying!"
... Did I just feel jealous? It's the first time I've felt it... Ah, better not think about that.
I continued searching through the pictures.
"Mmm... No, there's no picture of Sylphie, but I found a lot of her classmates, as well as... Ah... There are... a lot of porn videos... Ah..."
This video... Wow... This makes things easier.
The teacher approached me. She arrived just in time.
"Well, here I am. You better have an explanation for this."
"They stole my phone! I demand that you give it back to me!"
"Is this your phone? Are you sure?" I said.
"Of course it is! It's mine! Give it to me!"
"I see... Teacher, this morning, I caught this guy taking inappropriate photos of Sylphie while she wasn't aware. I suspected he was a pervert based on how he looked at women, so I set up this trap to see what his phone contains... And it's even more disgusting than I imagined. Take a look for yourself."
I handed her the phone, and the teacher started looking through the content.
"This is illegal! I'll sue you! I have my rights! You can't look at my phone!"
"T-this is... This girl can't be more than.... I'll call the police."
Yes... You're sick.
This guy had two phones, the one he was going to use to trap me, and his private phone. Yuki confirmed it when she told me that the guy's phone was different from the one in the morning. Thanks to that, we were able to proceed with the plan without modifications, although I was surprised that he had that illegal material... Ah... No... I won't think about that. It's not worth remembering the past at this moment.
As the police took the guy away, I looked at my phone. I have 27,158 points left after that purchase... Ah, I feel poorer and poorer.
At least I managed to send a message to the president. It won't be so easy to expel me.
"Thanks for the point of protection, Saik, but it wasn't really necessary."
"Hey, Ludius, you've been saying the same thing for more than 5 minutes. No, I won't accept it back. It's payment. Naima already received her payment, you did too, a pedophile was expelled, and now the school is a better place. A happy ending for everyone... Well, except for me, who just lost 25,000 positive points."
Ah, the point of protection is really an expensive item.
"Let's go, it's late," Ludius said.
"I've already wasted enough time, I'll go home."
She left without saying goodbye to us. Ah, so cold. I like it.
"I'm going to talk to a certain person who's been spying on us. See you tomorrow, Ludius."
"See you tomorrow."
The president is outside the school, looking at me. I approached her, and she smiled at me.
"I should have known you would uncover my trap. I admit it surprised me a little."
"It didn't go as planned, but the outcome was the same."
Originally, I was going to threaten to expose the school on my social media account, saying that the school protects sexual harassers, and I was going to have the photos Yuki took as evidence. The school wouldn't have had any other option but to expel him. But it wasn't necessary. That guy had a highly illegal video. Having that saved on his phone will guarantee him many years in prison. He's 18, I think. I heard they might try him as an adult.
"You planned for me to steal his phone, and someone else would delete Sylphie's photos from the cloud to embarrass me, right?"
"Fufu. Yes, just as you said. Did you really see through it just by hearing the camera sound?"
"What kind of idiot takes a photo of a girl without turning off the sound?"
"Exactly. Thank you for expelling him for me."
"For you?"
"That pervert was a problem that needed to be dealt with."
"You used him so that I would expel him?"
"I either embarrassed you or he was expelled. It was a win-win, although I must admit I was really surprised by what you did. You're worthy of my attention."
"Did you know about the existence of a second phone?"
"Of course, it was quite obvious that someone like him would have two phones. That way of getting his attention and leading him to an empty classroom to take his phone. Forcing him to use his most important phone... Well, you really like taking risks, don't you? If he had used the fake one, the scenario would have been different. How were you sure he would use the main phone?"
"Would you keep your blackmail material on a secondary phone? Besides, considering that you or someone else had his cloud account, he couldn't risk using that phone."
"That's why I promised him a point of protection if he helped me embarrass you. He gave me his cloud account, increasing the chances of him using his main phone. You're welcome, by the way."
"... You know, you're more interesting than I thought."
"Fufu. Thank you. See you tomorrow, Saik."
She walked away and got into her car... She used that guy so that I would expel him... She knew I would be capable of doing it... Did she really foresee this future?
"I think you're starting to scare me, president."
Was it a good idea to challenge someone like her? I don't know.
I arrived home and placed some sweets on my parents' small altar. I joined my hands and closed my eyes.
"Please accept this offering."
I opened my eyes and sighed.
"I'm back home."
Yuki will be here soon, so I better start making dinner.
While preparing dinner, I couldn't help but think about what happened today... A pedophile at school... It didn't really... affect me... Am I not truly human?
My father was not very masculine, quite the opposite, he was considered cute and adorable. My mother was the opposite, she was beautiful, a walking beauty. But despite their unusual appearances, their personalities were normal. They were empathetic people. I was raised by them. Why am I so cold and selfish? I don't know.
"But I better not dwell on that."
After an hour, dinner is ready. Burgers with melted cheese on top.
"It smells delicious, Saik!"
"Where were you?"
"Fufu. I found out that a girl has fallen in love with you! I was spying on her to get to know her better. She's in the second year, Class A."
"Ah, I'd rather not get involved with more people. Sylphie is enough for me."
My lonely school life is slowly fading away. Ludius, Ram, Bell, Evelyn, Naok... More and more people are approaching me, and I'm getting tired of it.
And the only person I want to talk to ignores me. Naima... But on the island, I'll make my move. I'll make Naima fall in love with my unique personality, and if that's not enough, I'll use my appearance. That'll be my trump card, even though I know it won't work on someone like Naima.
While Saik and Yuki enjoyed a delicious dinner, Hanako was watching Sylphie from a distance, a long smile on her face.
"Yes... We're almost there."
She took a golden sphere out of her pocket and observed it.
"Yes... 78%... We're almost there."
(Extra- Legendary ghost number 10, the ghost of trust).
(Pov - Saik, 6 years old)
Hehe. I wonder if I can use the legendary ghosts to do a full swing. That would be amazing!
The park is full of children, and since it's far from my house, nobody knows me! I can play with everyone without fear of being rejected for being weird.
I jumped and landed on the ground. Perfect landing! Now, well...
"Why am I here?"
"Did you forget?! The holder of the legendary ghost number 10 is here, you must find them!"
Ah, right, number 1. Number 7 found them in this park. They said they were weak, so I shouldn't worry.
"Hey, kid, want a candy?"
Yuck. I don't like... candy... Ahhhhhh! My mom warned me about perverts who lure children with candy! I must kill him!
"Accept it, Saik."
"Sure, give it to me."
Number 1 told me to accept it, he must have his reasons.
The man gave it to me, and I put it in my mouth... Ah...
"I'm already holding the candy so it won't touch your mouth. Pretend to taste it."
I pretended to taste the candy, even though I don't feel it in my mouth.
"Drugged, huh? Let me analyze it... Mmm... Yes, I recognize it. Do as I'm about to tell you."
... Ah... Did he really try to drug me? This man is as good as dead.
"It's delicious! Give me more, please!"
"Of course, come with me."
Yes, I'll soon wipe that smile off your face, you sicko.
He took me to his car.
"I have more at my house, it's nearby."
"Let's go!"
I got into his car, and he drove me to his house.
We entered, and immediately he tried to hit me on the head. Number 1 and number 4 came out of my body and grabbed his arms.
"Eh?! Ghosts?!"
"... I smell... blood. Stay here."
"Wait, stop!"
"Shut up."
Number 7 came out and covered his mouth.
"You will die soon, you sick bastard."
I activated my Shadow form.
I entered a room... Ah.
... To use the power of his legendary ghost to lure small children and... And...
Are my eyes... crying? My legs are trembling in fear... Does something like this really happen?
"Why would God allow this?"
Adults should have sex with adults, not with.... Not with small children.
... This country is small... The world is gigantic... And at this very moment, some innocent child is being defiled by some sick person.... I am afraid of the cruel reality.
"Number 2, come out."
She came out of my body.
"What do you want...? Eh?!"
She fell to the ground and began to cry as well.
"W-who did this...? Was it you?!"
"The culprit is outside the room, being restrained by number 1 and number 4... Please, free the children and call the police in an hour. Don't let them leave. I don't think I can stay here any longer."
I left the room and saw number 4 mercilessly tearing off the man's nails. It was quite a satisfying scene to watch for me.
"So, you like to do perverted things with little kids?"
"Saik, what do we do?" said number 1.
"Number 4, you can torture him for an hour, have fun. Number 1, make sure he keeps his mouth shut."
"Fufu. It will be a pleasure," said number 4, as she stuck her thumb through the man's left eye, destroying the eye.
The man tries to scream, but he can't... It's truly satisfying to see.
"I hope you have enough for a sandwich."
I entered the kitchen and started vomiting... I can't get what I saw out of my head... Me... Ah... I don't know what to think about it... What should I do?
"I don't want to keep thinking about this."
... If I continue thinking about these things, I won't be able to sleep peacefully... This happens all over the world, and I can't do anything to stop it... I just... I just have to accept reality.
Accept reality and move on with my life. I won't think about it anymore... I won't.
After that, number 4 finished killing the man, and I absorbed legendary ghost number 10.
"The police are coming... By the way, are you feeling okay?" said number 2.
"To be honest... I don't know... This world is crueler than it seems."
"And that's coming from someone who killed an innocent child with Down syndrome. Don't try to act like someone with feelings, monster."
"He died because he was weak. If you had taught him to protect himself, he would still be alive."
"You didn't know him, shut up!"
"And you don't know me either, idiot! Do you think I enjoy this?! I don't! I'd rather be at home, sleeping or playing video games than being here!"
"Then go, go enjoy your damn childhood, idiot."
"... I can't. I simply can't... Let's stop talking about it, the police have arrived."
The police entered the house and discovered the man's corpse. I left a note on his body, a note they read. I wrote about what he did and why I killed him. I pretended to be the father of one of his victims.
I walked out the door. They can't see me, so I'm safe.
I just want to go home and hug my parents... I just... I just need to see them to feel better.
10 legendary ghosts under my power, 90 more to go.
(Author's note: Sixth volume completed. Send your comments through my Facebook page: AngelPikas or my Twitter: @HectorAngelAlv2. Thank you for reading.)