Chereads / Divine alchemy system / Chapter 37 - Chapter 37: Qi gathering pill(2)

Chapter 37 - Chapter 37: Qi gathering pill(2)

Richie then took complete control off the yin and yang qi in the core, he had around 5 minutes before his mind would become exhausted, though that didn't matter as he would be unable to sustain the fire in 50 seconds due to him running low on qi.

Richie slowly forced the yin and yang qi to come together according to the yin-yang harmonisation technique, the aim of the technique was to slowly fuse the yin and yang together to create ultimate stability, efficiency and quality.

Immediately the qi in the core began to react violently with itself, Richie suppressed this reaction with his qi and instead forced the yin and yang qi together even further, the more compressed the yin-yang qi was, the greater the effect.

Richie had been concentrating on the core for about 30 seconds, by now, Richie had already reached his limit, his qi was running extremely dry, he had pretty much stabilised the yin-yang qi in the core, now he could focus on the final task at hand.

Finishing the pill.

After Richie began putting his full focus on the compression of the core, the compression speed sped up greatly, but it was not fast enough. Richie was so close to fully sealing the pill, Richie only needed a few more seconds to final-

BANG! Richie's cauldron exploded into millions of pieces which flew all over the cavern.

Richie's body rag dolled into a nearby wall creating a human shaped dent in it, his face was firmly planted into the wall and there were multiple shards of the cauldron stuck in his back.

Richie had failed, he didn't have enough qi to finish stabilising the pill so it blew up, throwing him into the wall.

Richie had absolutely no qi left in his body, This was called qi deprivation, it was where there is absolutely no qi left in a cultivator's core, causing them to fall unconscious as their body heals itself by absorbing all the qi it can get to.

Silence descended as Richie's body slowly flopped out of the indentation in the wall, his body made a *Thup* sound when it hit the floor, this further pushed the shards of the cauldron deeper into his back.

Richie had fallen unconscious once again.

Meanwhile the lady observing from a secret room was laughing so hard that she was in the floor. ( Any things related to the system were covered up by the system, either using concealing formations or by secretly making her observation method shut down for a few seconds)

She found it extremely amusing that her candidate had almost blown himself up whilst making a mere qi gathering pill.

Due to Richie managing to make her laugh, she decide to remove the traps in the next cave that would most definitely be able to kill Richie.

It seemed that Richie had managed to save himself from some very serious dangers due to him nearly killing himself.

A few days later... ( a fee hours In real time, remember time can flow quicker slower here)

Richie once again woke up, but instead of feeling refreshed like last time, he felt multiple sharp pains in his back, he pulled the things out of his back with great difficulty and examined them.

Richie frowned, it was his cauldron, this made him remember that his cauldron ,which he had used for less than 24 hours, had been destroyed.

-Don't worry- the system reassured

-i'm sure that you are not the only one who has destroyed something valuable within 24 hours of getting it, but you shouldn't worry, the system has a cauldron recovery feature, you just need to wait a week before the system manages to restore it, the attributes also stay- the system explained to Richie.

Richie walked over to the centre of the cave where instead of grey rocks occupying the area, charcoal black rocks were there, courtesy of his pill explosion.

But wait, there was something in the centre of the black rocks, it wasn't black, but slightly green.

The pill! the pill hadn't exploded with the cauldron! Richie swiftly picked it up and examined it with the system.

It was the best pill he had made with the upgradeable cauldron! The purity was at 45%, and the grade was advanced.

this was incredible, Richie hadn't screwed up like he thought he did, he had the pill in his hands, it could've been better, but it was the best one he had.

When Richie checked the system interface, he realized that he had received 50 alchemy tokens for completing the Daly quest and 5 for creating a pill, now, with all the pills he had made, he had exactly 190 alchemy tokens (the speed enhancing pill and the qi gathering pill gave 40, 20 with the system deduction)

Richie decided that he would browse the system for anything interesting, he hadn't actually explored the system shop and its possibilities yet.


"What a weird way of comprehending techniques" The lady with red hair said to herself, she was truly confused by Richie, he had been standing in one spot after picking up the qi gathering pill which he had stored in his rather large storage ring.

The lady thought that Richie was standing still and looking blankly at the wall because he had gained some sort of lesser enlightenment and was further comprehending his techniques.

All techniques -whether they are alchemy, cultivation or battle techniques etc - have a more profound meaning to them, this meaning can be extremely profound or extremely simple, by comprehending the technique, one would simply aligning ones thoughts closer to the techniques creator

raising ones comprehension of a technique is one way to effectively 'upgrade' a technique, the higher ones comprehension of a technique, the greater power one can bring out of the technique, this is why most technique are created upon flashes of enlightenment or inspiration, so that they can have a deeper meaning than what the creator can even understand.

The more profound a technique is, the better it is, simple, there are multiple levels of comprehension of techniques, the levels go:

'beginner comprehension' (0-10% of technique

comprehended ) 'Minor comprehension' (20-30 %) intermediate comprehension (30-50) Advanced (50-80)

Major comprehension ( 80-99.9 reoccurring)

And finally 100%, or the 'fully comprehended state'

This is when you have fully comprehended the true essence of the technique, at this point, you will hold extreme power and will be able to further the technique.

After watching Richie stare at the wall for a few more minutes, the lady quickly got bored and went to bed on he abnormally large bed placed in the corner of the room.

(cultivators do not need sleep, but sleeping every once in a while can help cultivators improve their mental state.)