Prologue (1)

The birds basked under the sunlight which gazed upon the willow tree's branches as they swayed slowly in the morning breeze. A clear sky: with only a few small clouds as blemishes welcomed this new day.

Underneath the sky lay farmers accompanied by cattle towing along crates of goods and wheat to the Silvermoon village. People's voices filled the air as the morning crowd of men, women and children alike dotted the market streets of the village.

An ordinary day.

"That chicken please!" A young man's voice boomed at the merchant.

The merchant's rough voice sounded, "1 tael of bronze for it, no cheaper."

The two quickly exchanged belongings and the man left holding a chicken. Tonight was a special occasion, his parents had told him to buy some meat for he was turning 16 years old this year.

This boy was Li Fen, he lived two streets behind the main market area with both his parents. He was an only child, which was rare for where he came from, a child's future wasn't guaranteed in these areas, and accidents were prone to happen: so other families in the area all had many children.

But this did not discourage or annoy Li Fen, he was content with his current life, he lived a tranquil life helping his father make farming tools and repair people's leather shoes and equipment. He found the concept of forgery fascinating, he eventually hoped to carry on his father's legacy and inherit his old business, as his father had with his father.

Li Fen approached his home, jumping over any old random rock on his way, speeding towards another alleyway. He imagined himself soaring through the skies, like immortals of tales. He had once hoped to become an immortal himself, wielding weapons, warding off evil and slashing down mountains and upturning oceans with a flick of his arms.

It was everyone's dream, alas not anybody could partake in such fantasies, at least not him. The truth was not always the best. For a young boy like Li Fen, becoming an immortal was an impossibility that far surpassed any other dream imaginable by anyone.

He did not possess the wealth, talent, or opportunity to do so. Yet it remained a simple hope in his heart, akin to a withering candle in the night.

Cling, cling!

Li Fen opened the door to his house, he carried the headless chicken to the kitchen. Here was his mother, humming as she cut vegetables, they were preparing for dinner… His birthday.



Li Fen plumped down on his bed as he looked out the window, the stars shined and gleamed. Li Fen lost himself to the stars. Every night they called to him, they pulled him in towards them, he always felt as if he was falling. Falling in the stars.

Li Fen looked up at the ceiling. Today he was 16.

When he was 8, every child was forced to have their spiritual roots checked. Few were lucky and invited to cultivate the great Dao.

Li Fen's spiritual were checked to be grade nine spiritual roots, the worst of the worst. He had no hope in cultivation. However, this was normal in his family, neither of his parents could cultivate.

This was why Li Fen had accepted his fate and decided to carry on his father's legacy as a blacksmith, at least he could earn a stable living doing so.

With these thoughts Li Fen drifted into sleep.