Why you are not leaving my way? You are not allowed to come into my room again. Leonardo shouted without looking at who was behind the door.

Uncle, I want you to have lunch with me in my room. So can you please come in? Lucas asked

Leonardo stood up and went into his room. Ava was setting dishes on the table there. Leonardo looked at her.

"Why this girl is so stubborn and not bothering my words for the past three days," Leonardo thought.

Lucas wants to have lunch with you. So he called you here. Ava said

Listen beetroot, you are Lucas Benjamin. No Benjamin serves another. If Benjamin needs anything he would give an order and would come to him. Leonardo said to Lucas by looking at Ava who was getting mood swings.

But my aunt made this. Can we eat it together? Lucas asked

Okay, my dear. Let's eat. Leonardo said and sat on the couch. Ava didn't eat anything. She served both of them.

Aunt, I listen to you. I will finish my plate. Look uncle you should also finish it. Lucas said

Yes, my sweetheart, your uncle will too.

You should also do things that are beneficial for your health and good. Be a role model for our king Lucas. You don't? Ava said by looking at Leonardo who was staring at her continually.

Yes, of course, I do. Leonardo said by looking at Lucas. He was known to Ava. She was taking benefit of his presence in between them. So she was able to give him more lectures to be a good man.

After lunch, Ava took Lucas with her to Disneyland as Leonardo was not available due to a meeting. Lucas enjoyed it a lot. Aiden joined them there. So while coming back Aiden dropped them at the mansion. Leonardo reached at the same time as they arrived. Leonardo got aggressive by looking at Aiden with Lucas and Ava there.

Why did you take Lucas with him outside? Leonardo asked Ava

You cannot decide what Ava has to do. You have no rights to her. Aiden shouted

Get out of my house now. Leonardo shouted

Aiden ran to grab his collars. Ava stood in between them.

Please calm down. Go home Aiden. We will talk later. Ava said

Aiden looked at her and went out. Ava followed Leonardo who was going into his room.

Will you tell me what happened to you? Why do you behave like this with Aiden? What happened? Do what you want but keep my nephew away from that photographer.

But… Ava said

There's no more. I don't want to see that rascal with Lucas again. Leonardo roared

So why weren't you with us instead of him? Ava raised her tone

Leonardo wondered because Ava asked him first to go with him. But he didn't respond to her. He made an answer to not let himself down.

You won't give up? Will you? Leonardo looked into her eyes and asked about her challenge to him.

I will not. I am reading from your face. The dark water that you swam in before is no longer for you. When you see in the mirror, you don't see the same man. Accept that you changed. Tell me that you are happy. Tell me that nothing changed and you are as before. Tell me!! You are fooling yourself. Ava said and went away. Leonardo was wondering because he was unable to answer Ava's truths.

In the Evening, Ava went into Leonardo's room

We had conversations. We argued a lot. But we never understood each other. Now I am waiting for the day when we will understand each other without saying anything. The day will come. I know. Leonardo looked at her for a moment and got busy with his work again. Ava went out. Leonardo went into thoughts of Ava who was always telling positive to him.

"Why I felt jealous when she was holding his injured hand, whereas I became old Leonardo."

Leonardo mumbled and started making fists as he was not known to himself that he was walking in a new way.

In the early morning, Emma got prepared for the office she went to Leonardo's room to handover him the documents. She entered the room. Leonardo was roaring.

I will come and will finish all of them with my bare hands. Leonardo said to Frank.

Everything is okay? Emma asked

Leonardo took his gun from the drawer and put it in his belt.

Are you going to fight with Cam's brothers' gang? Don't go they are dangerous. Emma got anxious

I will fix the problem. Leonardo said and went out quickly.

Emma quickly went to Sophia who was sitting with Ava in the hall.

Sister, Leonardo went to shoot all of Cam's boys with his guards. He was talking to frank on the Phone. There will be a big fight. I don't want to lose Leonardo in any case. Emma said directly in front of Ava.

What? He will kill someone. Ava asked

This is normal in Leonardo's life. Don't be surprised. So you didn't see this site of Leonardo before. Sophia said.

Dear. It's normal. I told you. Sophia said

No one stopped him. Ava said

No one can interfere in his personal matters. You will understand this in time. Sophia said.

Whoever does not interfere? But I will. For Lucas. He will not experience another destruction. I won't let him lose someone he loves a lot. Ava said

How will you stop him, Ava? What will you do? What will we do? We are not going to get into the bullets, of course. Sophia said

It's about Lucas's life. I do not fear death, Sophia. Where did he go? Tell me, Emma. Ava asked

I guess the west wooden factories. The place of that man is there. Emma said

Ava looked at both of them. She went into her room wore her coat and bag and ran out of the mansion.

Sister, is she crazy? Emma asked

Leave it. She is out of our thoughts and understanding. Let's do breakfast. Sophia said

You saw how she was craving his attention. Emma said

Didn't you listen to her was only concerned for Lucas, not Leonardo. She is going into trouble. There will be no prince on a white horse to save her. But I will send her lover Mr Aiden to see her there. He might become her Prince. Sophia said.

Ava was reminding Leonardo's words he told her about his childhood. She didn't want him to do bad things. She wanted to stop him by coming in front of those bullets. Aiden called her. She didn't pick up his call. She started dialling calls to Leonardo to stop him. But he didn't respond. Gang members were more than Leonardo's guard. They were targeting his guards from every site with guns. The fight started when Ava reached there. Ava came out of the taxi. She started walking towards Cam's office. Ava was walking without fear of shooting. Leonardo was also shot as he turned to the safe site he saw Ava walking towards him. He lost his senses to catch whether it was a thought or for real. A bullet passed by Ava's leg without touching it. Ava got scared for a moment. Leonardo jumped toward her to save Ava from danger. He kept her to his back and ran to a safe site. Ava was looking at Leonardo's face full of anxiety. Leonardo was looking at scared beauteous Ava.

How did you reached here? Are you insane? Why you just don't give up? What is the reason for your stubbornness? Leonardo shouted

I told you before. I will not give up. Lucas will not lose his uncle. If you want to know how much more I can cross the line. You will. Ava said

Ava was getting scared of bullets that were touching the grill site where they both were standing. Aiden also reached there. He was standing far away from the fighting site. He looked at Leonardo who was protecting Ava. His jealousy was at its peak to see both of them so close to each other. The gang was escaping from there. Leonardo's guard followed them.

Frank, this chapter should be finished today. Update me every second. Leonardo said.

Frank nodded his head and left the site.

Get in the car. Leonardo looked at Ava and said.

Aiden went to the studio in anger. He was unable to control his anger.

Leonardo went to the hill site to take a deep breath. Snowfall started. He was unable to control his anger toward Ava. She came out of the car.

How could you get into that shooting? For what purpose? Who do you think you are? Leonardo shouted

Before you ask me who I am, you should remind yourself that you are Lucas's uncle. You are the person that he is trying to be like, trusting a lot, sheltered under his hand. I don't care about your other characteristic features. Because if a child has his dreams with you, nothing else matters to me then. Ava shouted

You neglected your life. So as not to destroy Lucas's world. What about your life? What if those bullets had hit you? Leonardo shouted

Could have been. What if those bullets had hit you? Hit your heart? What if you had died there? Lucas would die. I told you before I am his aunt and you are his uncle. If he loses one of us he will lose half of himself. I won't let it be. Ava cried.

Leonardo couldn't meet his eyes with Ava.

What do you need in this life? Your fortune is like mountains. So is your power. You need us. Because I know we need you too. You are concerned about yourself. It's like life stops at the mansion when you are angry or sad about something. When you rarely smile, in those brief moments the mansion also smiles. You are important to us for Lucas, for James and for….. Me also. Ava said all words picked from Leonardo's heart. But he was not able to accept it in his mind or heart.

I want you to leave the dark road. Can you please do it for us? Ava asked

Leonardo looked at her for a moment. He didn't reply to her as he couldn't. He went to the car. Ava looked at him for a while and then walked toward the car. Leonardo reached the mansion. Ava looked at him.

Will you think about what I said? Ava asked

Leonardo looked at her and didn't reply.

At least you didn't say no, it's better than nothing. Ava said

Leonardo went into his room. He was continuously reminding Ava's words she said on the hill. He couldn't believe that she started admiring him. Leonardo thought something. He stood up and open his wardrobe and took his all weapons and ammunition and put them in a bag. He went outside of the mansion alone. He stopped his car near an ambush field. He reminded himself of Mr Franics words.

"Whoever touches me, burns uncle! the best thing is she should stay away from me"

"Leonardo Benjamin is scared. So you are saying this?"

"I am not scared. I just don't want to carry this burden. It makes me do wrong. Doing evil is not for me."

"Then what will happen? How will you find a way to come out of this situation?"

"Everyone will learn their places. I…. and… That fiery shirt…"

"So your heart gives you pain. Does it?"

"It doesn't matter what you say, while I am in that burning shirt. I forget something that I know. I was burned before uncle, they were bigger fires than the ones I started. They are not firing burns. Ice burns that I carry. So I cannot. I will not walk this way. I have no other road than the old Leonardo"

It all happened against those words. She didn't burn. She didn't let him burn as well. She cared about him. She wanted to take him out of the bad world. He dug a big hole with a shovel. He threw all of that stuff one by one and covered it with mud. He was feeling a bit relaxed without knowing the reason. He came back mansion. He saw aggressive Aiden waiting for him in the garden.

This is the end of the road Leonardo. You reached the end of the road. You can't take Ava from me. I won't let you. Do you understand? You don't deserve her. What are you silent, say something. I will not let you ruin her life. Do you get it? You will not get closer to her. You will not look into her eyes. You will not take her into your darkness. I will not let you do this because I love her!! I love her!! Aiden shouted and punched in his face.

Leonardo didn't act because he stick Ava's words to his heart. His guards took their guns. But Leonardo raised his hand and stopped them. He was reminding the promise in his heart that he will listen to her words. Meanwhile, Ava came out and saw Aiden punching Leonardo's face. His mouth was bleeding.

Aiden!! Ava shouted and ran to him. She strongly slapped his face. Leonardo looked at Ava. she was upset by looking blood on his face.

How dare you be stupid like this? She cried

I … I … actually... he was unable to tell her the truth

Get out from here. Ava said.

Ava came to his room. He raised his hand to stop her. Ava opened the first aid box and took cotton to clean his blood. She was upset while doing so.

Does it hurt? Ava asked while putting cotton on his mouth

Leonardo held his hand and put it back on his mouth as it was hurting. As he was so close to seeing beauteous Ava.

Thank you. I knew you that the day will come when we will know each other without speaking. Ava said in a thankful way as Leonardo didn't respond to any fight in return after what happened in the wooden factories site. He was silent. Ava went to Aiden's place for a conversation about the actions he did with Leonardo at the mansion.