"Hey, just what did you mean about by staying here"
Luke's keen ears begins to twitch with curiosity, Tyme eyes become more focused on Sasha's clothes.
"Hmm and what are you wearing?"
Sasha looked back almost completely uninterested in them. As she was scanning them, she noticed several things; first would be the colored marks that marked their bodies, second was the animal features that kept to show their species and finally was their beauty.
'What did mother say about marks?' Deep in thought she looks both intellectual and beautiful, her beauty made the normally loud Luke watch some in silence and the keen eyed Tyme asking questions. '…. Hmm it has to been the power levels?'
The marks show different levels of power achieve by the given beastmen. One mark indicates he has entered the beginning phrases of any given level, to figure out the level you would look at the intensity of the color. Level one is the most faded color just barely visible, level two is like a pale color but stands out much more, level three would be the normal appearance of the color if you were to be causual coloring a book and the final level would be the most intense color almost beaming with it's own light.
"Hmm so..." Sasha mumbles as she thinks about the beast men right in front of her.
Luke with his chizzled abs and firm alluring chest. There she could see pale in the sun two of the four marks spoke of, for level two. Tyme had a mark indicating level 3 at its beginning phrase. With that said, Tyme was just as build and gorgeous as Luke, if not more with that eloquent glow.
Luke had his savage animal charm but to Sasha, Tyme had just the bit over Luke.
"Well..." trying to think of a plausible lie to tell them,
"I came from somewhere quite far away. Somewhere far pass the mountains in the distance. My mother was very very worried about me going to find a male or some I like. As for my clothes my mother made them after much trial and error."
Smiling with honest sentiment, as the bit about the clothes was no lie. When Sasha was a younger child, her and her mother would sew and play in things normal for a young mother and daughter to do together.
With that look of sentiment pouring from her soul, both Luke's keen ears and Tyme keen eyes were all on her. They fell further from reason as they could see and hear nothing but sweet honey.
"You said you were looking for a male? Why not pick me?" Luke boosters as he is quite beautiful and attractive to quite the few females all around.
Tyme with his auburn hair and feathers, gaining a shadowish beauty from the setting sun ever so slow fall from the sky.
"You could pick me, if I like you in due time that is."
Sasha looks confused by these sudden outbursts. Luke seemingly putoff by Tyme even opening his mouth much less what he said, "Come on Tyme not yet another thing we will have to compete for? As you know, if a female picks me and I pick her back, I won't share so easily."
"Let's be honest, she's clearly more smitten with me and my feathers. My more quiet nature has her spellbound, true as stone."
Tyme says so with such soft yet bold confidence, sharp like a knife. This odd dynamic seen by Sasha has finally brought her to a vague idea of why they are out here alone, 'Hmm they seem oddly opposing for friends, could it be that they simple have grow attached to sparing. Like brothers, it's kinda cute when you think about it like that.
"Well female go ahead and make your choice!" Luke says trying to have Sasha end their childish fight.
"Why would I choice from two people I have just met? Plus I'm new around here I would much rather look around before I do much of anything with you guys, much less tether myself to either one of you."
With those words, Sasha began her travel in the dimming sunset to find a place to rest her head. In the distance smoke could be seen, so briskly to not waste time further, Sasha walks towards the smoke. Luke and Tyme seemingly stunned in her lacking desire for either and simply stare at each other.
'Shamrock and fern green grass, the wind sweet with air I have never had. It's just so pure and natural. The flowers too; blush, rosewood and cobalt. All of this colors couldn't be anymore nature and pure, their brilliance under a skye blue sky… well it's just blinding to my polluted eyes.'
Sasha continues admiring the surrounds and walking almost forgetting to follow the smoke. Seeing the pretty ebony female wonder away, both Luke and Tyme hurried after her to give her a place to rest her head for the night.
"I will spend the first night with this beauty!" They both said aloud.
They approach in much the manner predators would stake their prey before pouncing. Off in her mind enjoying beautiful nature untouched or harmed by modern life, almost completely forgets the men tailing her were there. It was only once they let their presence move to fast towards her, with unchecked intentions.
"If you guys are thinking of jumping me, I would dare to say even you would go without issue." She said bold and filled with confidences, cutting her eyes looking back at the approaching males.
"Well if you know that we are following and to be so bold, it makes me like you the more. Come stay at my home so you can rest a while." Luke walks bold and triumphed to Sasha.
"Could you possibly by any chance come to my home instead, I am quite the gentle bird. I also take time with my selection so please reside in my residence for the night." Spoken with such gentle and harmonious, Tyme was determined to woo her even if he ends up uninterested.
In times like this in the past, Sasha wouldn't blink any eye at the boys trailing her. They did so for quite sometime, stopping only once she proclaim she felt nothing for them and her power would faintly be released to scare them. 'If they were weaker, it could work like old times… Geez they are much more prideful than I had thought, the price some pay for pride is all their humility.'
"Well I was going to go into the village and if no one else has a place I can rest I will consider your offers." Shocked by her response, they look stun at each other at the straight forward ness that had hit them swift and hard.
"Did she just turn us done in so many words?" Said the auburn falcon
"Mmm no just simple another challenge."
"Then to ensure she comes with one of us, we simply have to stop the others from coming near her enough to allow such things." Tyme thinking aloud some, making a plan to get the girl quite swiftly.
Luke thinking with a mostly empty head said aloud, "Why not intimidate the other males in town? Or possible cause her to do so herself?"
Smiling as Tyme remembers they are the strongest in the village currently, "What a perfect plan, all we need to do and beat her there. Then we could set whatever we need."
With that shared plan in mind, they look ahead only to see Sasha has already made it to town. With ears quite keen herself hearing their conversation, had decisioned to hurry along and not let them pester her any longer. 'Pestering men, good thing the town seems nice.'
As she passes the closed door, her scent allow has people opening their doors and her face having passing beastmen stuck in some sort of trance.
"Female, what are you doing here by yourself?" A strange elder voice calls to her.
Bonus Content
That being said, Sasha was born in March 31 is the official birthday. That makes her an Aries, as she is born on earth the zodiacs really to say something about her.
Mei is mid January, more precise January 16th. She is a Capricorn, but … well she is from another world. Mei was born in that worlds pretty starry night, under the celestial dragon stars. It is a legendary blessing few and far between, this being said Mei is special for that reason. To tell what that is well, I won't be saying now.