I watched him from where I stood, hell no I wasn't going with him.
He stopped walking, bent down in a squat posture and picked up something I couldn't quite see. I watched him turn his head to look around before he got up and walked back towards me.
"So….?" I was inquisitive and didn't get why he was silent.
He opened his right palm and I saw the marble sitting on it. The marble had a blue and white tint.
"This is it?" I asked,
"How could something so trivial possess so much power?" I said,
"The smallest things are the most powerful," He said,
I turned to look around.
"It's so– ugly," I said,
"Yes, purpose is what makes life beautiful." He said, still staring at the marble he held.
"What now?" I inquired.
"I take back what is mine." He said,
"And the things hanging in the air?"
"Each one has what is mine." He replied.
"Including your immortality?" I inquired.