Chereads / TRIP TO SWAKOP: A Ratchet vaccation / Chapter 13 - CHAPTER 13: SANDRA BULLOCK DID IT



The first thing on the Gondwana collection agenda was the boat cruise, which was already past the time. They then decided that since they are now in Swakop, there was no way in hell, they were going have their trip activities cut, Valery being the lady with the money amongst all her friends, hired a compact small car from an organisation knows as Go2Rental, that is so light on her pocket and the other ladies helped with fuelling it up. Now that that was out of the way, they needed to buy boat cruise clothes, so they drove to the shops to see what they can get with the cheap change they have. It was bad on them because they realised that they can't really afford all the nice beach clothes, since they exhausted their account s with tickets and all and most of their cards went with the plane as no one was really planning on buying anything mid air. Emma told the ladies to take all the clothes they think they will need and since there was no supervision in the store, she purposely picked that shop.

"Okay ladies, I think I have a plan." said Emma looking at the girls in a bikini boutique.

"Why do I have a feeling we are going to regret this?" asked Paulina looking at Valery, Anna and then turns her face to Emma.

"There is nothing to regret, I will pay for the clothes, you don't have to worry how, I have the money." said Emma whispering yet convincing the at first hesitant girls.

"There is a catch though, you guys only take the clothes you want, you give it to me, then I pay, but you guys don't have to be here when I do the payment, you wait for me outside in the car." said Emma looking at the squad, waiting for their response.

"I don't trust this plan so I am well on board with the waiting outside in the car idea." responded Valery, smirking and trying on a pair of shades she likes, turning side to side in the mirror.

Emma always wanted to try out a trick she had seen in the movie oceans 8, and if it didn't work out this time, she will have nothing to loose, or she will resolve to how her Ghetto ass always solved situations she couldn't win, running away.

The Emma funded shopping spree finally began, and the girls with no idea how the things will be paid for, and hoping that it wont end up with one of them having to suck an attendants private part, they took bikinis, heels, hats, and everything they could get their hands on and then they handed it all to Emma and left the shop, even went inside the car, with the plan of basically denying they were part of the Emma shopping spree in case it backfires.

Emma took everything given to her by the girls and went to the till, coming from the entrance, as if she just entered the boutique.

"Hi, I would please like to return these." she said calmly behaved Looking at the occupied sales attendant, whom in her eyes, looked just like someone who walked in.

"Hello ma'am welcome to Justy's Fashion Boutique, can I please have the receipt ma'am?" asked the saleslady punching in keys in the computer.

"I misplaced the receipt, and I can't find it, I think I maybe have thrown it out with the old bags or something, I'm having trouble locating it, so will you be able to help me?" asked Emma holding her clothes and looking at the sales lady smiling.

"I'm sorry ma'am we wont be able to help you without the receipt, its company policy and without the receipt I can't do anything, unless we call the manager." said The sales lady apologetically looking at Emma and feeling guilty for basically no reason.

"But its not even worn, its all still new, I didn't even try the things on I'm pretty sure you can see that yourself, they still have their price tags on them." said Emma as If getting pissed.

"I'm sorry ma'am, and why even buy 4 of everything you will return later ma'am, I think maybe we should call the manager to resolve the issue." asked the saleslady about to catch on.

"Well, I had a beach date with my girls from Windhoek but they cancelled on me… you know what, no need to call the manager, I don't have the time, I'm just going to keep them for the next trip, can I then get a bag at least or maybe I need a receipt for that as well?" asked Emma, sounding all holly.

The sales lady gave Emma 2 bags in which she carried her things and got out of the shop, she found her friends waiting outside for her in the car.

"Okay, I'm now way curious to actually find out what you paid with." said Anna concerned when Emma entered the car with shopping bags.

"Uhm, any of you guys watched Sandra Bullock in Ocean's 8?" asked Emma, with a wide grin on her face.

"Wait, that actually worked?" asked Valery in the driver's seat looking at Emma in the rear view mirror.

"No freaking way". Said Paulina on the front seat as Emma pats Valery on the shoulder as an indication for her to start driving.

The squad all laughing out loud, drove their car to the nearest toilets at the boat cruise spot and quickly changed, and went on deck to wait for the boat which was out in the sea, doing its last trip for the day.

The boat finally came upon deck and the squad excitedly, waited for everyone else to come out of the boat as their cruise was exclusive to them only, Gondwana collection really made sure for the girls and they had to enjoy.

"Sir, here is our paid tickets, so shall we enter?" asked Emma, sounding fancy and laughing with the friends at her fancy English.

The boat cruiser, tired as he was done for the day, took the paper and looked at the girls, carrying their champagnes and bags and phones snapping photos.

"I'm sorry ma'am your slot was supposed to be somewhere around 10 in the morning, you guys where late and we had to give away the slot to someone else so better luck next time." said The Cruiser looking at the girls, completely emotionless and handing over the papers, then continued docking his boat.

"Wait what? We are here now sir, we didn't go for the cruise and it was paid for, you can see on that paper that you got from Emma." said Anna, pointing to the paper trying to make sense and a little disappointed.

"I got this, y'all need to let me handle this." said Emma looking at the girls, and her fancy English faded, she took off her sunglasses, put them in her handbag that was too tiny, it looked like she could only carry a 100 dollar bill in it and moved closer to the man. Anna moved closer to Emma, and held her arm, expecting Emma to fight the man, so they are trying to avoid that, because they are well aware that if they Let Emma fight the man, they can actually end up in prison because to be fair, they were the ones late.

"No, I ain't gone whoop his ass, I just need to talk to him, so y'all can please just let me go." said Emma looking back at Anna, and then Anna let her go, but just standing not further from her because if she snaps, someone is for sure getting his ass whooped.

"Okay, sir, we, that is me and my girls respect your job so much, and we didn't mean to be late, matter of fact, we been on time, we want to unwind, we got left behind by a plane, that basically took our stuff we don't even know where to, we lost out tickets money to this boujee flight cashier or whatever fancy word they call em selves in that glass ass cubicle, the car we came with broke down, because it has this b*tch ass battery thing and shit, we had to travel in a truck, we had to find ways to actually get these clothes, so please, don't do us like that, give us the slot of whoever took our slot, or whoever took the slot of those who took our slot, or… you know what, I'm sure you get the point I'm trying to make so… please." said Emma calmly and apologetically looking at the man.

Anna, Valery and Paulina looked at each other all surprised that Emma can actually be polite when need be. The cruiser looked at them once more, then looked at the paper he took back from Emma's hand and out of pity, he allowed them to enter the boat, the girls where so excited to actually get into the boat, and they made it a priority to have the best time of their lives, they are busy popping champagnes and laughing out loud, hair blowing in the wind, shades worn to perfection, and that sweet black Melanin, being served, popping all over the boat. The cruise went on until they reached the seal area, the cape seals, at which the cruiser lowered the speed and then a seal actually jumped into the boat expecting to be fed.

"What the f*ck!" screamed Emma moving away from the seal and the other girls started laughing, the only thing Emma came closest to a seal was its oil, which is believed to have so many benefits, and now that she came closer to a real one, it gave her a run for her life.

"The thing doesn't bite Emma, he is here because people do feed him." said Anna laughing looking at Emma and then walks to the seal.

"He is so cute!" said Paulina and snaps him later for the gram.

"Are y'all seeing the same thing I'm seeing?" said Emma looking at Valery and then pointing to the seal. Everyone including the cruiser guy looked at Emma laughing.

"Oh, even you Mr tour guide are laughing? I ain't willing to risk getting bitten by some rabid infested Water dog." said Emma scared and standing a bit further, no longer snapping even.

"Come, touch him, he is adorable." said Anna petting the seal and looking at Emma and actually feeding him horse mackerel fish.

"If he by chance bites me, I'm going to sue y'all wh*res, including this Boujee ass yatch club, that goes for you too Mr driver." said Emma terrified pointing to the Cruiser and moving closer to the seal.

"Oh, okay, I think we getting somewhere, I might not need to sue y'all asses after all." said Emma with a scared smile on her face, after she took a fish from a bucket and fed the seal and finally petting it.

"Ooh, you're smooth as hell, come here papi." she said seductively as she moves closer to the seal.

"You're too smooth you could actually get some." Continued Emma, taking pictures with the seal and laughing, one could actually say, she got over her fear of seals, that's if it was a fear in the first place.

"You know well enough that's a seal right?" asked Paulina puzzled looking at Emma, going crazy over a seal.

"Huh, my cooch*e don't discriminate girl, you know my man been neglecting me lately so…" she said and laughs out loud as she takes another flick and fish for the seal.

Upon hearing Emma talk about her man, the girls looked at each other wanting to tell their friend but they didn't want to ruin the moment, so they all in their head figured that it wont hurt to maybe tell her some other time, so as Gondwana Collection intended, the girls as planned enjoyed their boat cruise.