The History of somalia since 1960 after the independent of Federal gov
The History of somalia since 1960 after the independent of Federal gov
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Hello hi welcome to the history of one of the Africa colonized by British, Italy especially in East Africa.
Somalia in briefly is a 100% Muslim country which has been one of the most prosperity country in Africa. Since it got independence with constitutional 5yrs leading president election from the hero of Mohamed siyad Barre UpTo now with the current second successful selected president Hassan shekh maxamuud we step and had different political instability and since then we didn't yet gave up.
Onbehalf of that the country has man resources like farming, keeping animals, harvesting fish , exporting neighborhood countries to the camels all in all due to the Long drought and fermine with this terrorist group alshabab we still love and working harder to rid of this we have been building military forces eredicate this harsh terrorist in my beloved country although many parts of the country live peacefully and in both urban and rural by the way we have blue with star flag and it's own national anthem
Somalia has 18 regions with each region has a leader that's elected by the MPS
The DFS (The federal government of somalia is strong with powerful, educated leaders but in every country have both internal political affairs in positive and negative side
I love my mother land