"You!" Atlas yelled out seeing the familiar dark-clothed individual and the yellow mask imprinted with the eerie smile.
The figure held a knife above a collapsed body that had probably long run out of blood. The body's head was off to the side somewhere else with a permanent mortified expression on its face.
Atlas grimaced as he saw the same scene with multiple different bodies, and the worst thing? None of them belonged to the monstrous bank tellers.
"Oh, you're back? With more friends too."
Atlas shook angrily and he slid both hands into his coat pockets to retrieve Yin and Yang. The rather monochrome-looking guns gave off a similar air to their master.
"Interesting weapon. It's almost as good as my knife. It just needs more time to develop." the other man said swinging the large knife to get the blood off of it.
'I don't care so much about those people to go out in a rage. However, it seems like we'll have to be extra careful. So, how do I go about the formation?'