"Great work. I am sure that old woman must be having a headache right about now." Samuel recieved the news about Ellie's succesful rescue which made him sigh in relief.
The credit should go to Jane who managed to hack into their intranet network discovering a host of new information on the mysterious MI7 also scanning for the location where they took Ellie.
Since they wouldn't want it to come back to them, they choose some abandoned industrial district which was one of their black sites to hold 'prisoners'.
With a timely intervention and some clever rues by Steve, they make it out with the 'package' without any injuries or casualties.
He didn't expect their first clash with MI7 to go this smoothly but he knew he couldn't expect such flawless routine in the future.
The more the situation escalates, the harder it will be for either party to take the non-lethal route especially when one of them was getting desperate.