Talia and the woman descended from the plane. Talia looked around and found that it was a private airport with minimum facilities right in the middle of the forest.
"Are you wondering why such a large place remains hidden? You will see soon enough." The woman seemed to sense her thoughts.
Talia saw many people start to get busy right after they left the plane. Using fake tarps and trees, they meticulously covered up the run way to make it look like just another open grassland. She couldn't see everything because it was still middle of the night but they worked diligently keeping their light exposure to a minimum.
"There are set times for taking off or landing, keeping in mind the location of satellites, avoiding detection. You already know about these black planes so I don't need to tell you no one would find it unless we want them to."
"Why this much secrecy? If you say you are so powerful, there is no reason for us to hide."