"The unbreakable vow. You're sure that's what Snape said?" Ron asked with a serious tone. Harry had heard Snape explicitly mention it while protecting Drako.
" Positive. Why?" Harry asked.
" It's just you can't break an unbreakable vow." Ron added.
" I worked that much out for myself, funny enough." Harry said sarcastically.
" You don't understand."
" So what happens to you? What happens if you break an unbreakable vow?"
" You die." Ron stated ominously.
" So Voldemort has chosen Drako Malfoy for a mission." Remus asked. Harry, Arthur, Ron's father and Nymphadora were sitting together while others were celebrating in another room. They were discussing what each had uncovered about the Voldemort's plan.
" I know it sounds bad." Harry stated.