"I can't believe this"
Wini squeaks as her mother breaks the news to her.
" Me too" Stella exclaims.
" I thought it was going to be month long quest to convince him, or maybe more"
" But.. I think I had this belief from the very beginning that he will agree given our proposition is so logical".
Remarked Wini, who was 2 years older to Arya.
" Now you get ready with the packing"
Stella instructs Wini.
" Oh yea, yea.. Lots of work left. But, I am so happy for him. Finally I could leave with peace behind "
Wini says satisfactorily.
doorbell rings.
Stella sigalled Wini to open the door.
" Uncle Morris! "
Wini exclaimed.
Stella rushes to attend the guest at door.
"Mr Morris, what a pleasant surprise! Please, please come in! "
Stella warmly greets the man inside. Wini takes his coat off for him.
"Haha! I knew you all will be surprised"
Mr. Morris said.
" Yes, we were expecting you two days from today "
Stella says.
" I got a window seat for today, cancelled the previous booking, and here I am, haha! "
Mr. Morris said laughingly.
"Here, take this Sister! "
Morris hands over an envelope to Stella.
Stella took the envelope but didn't open it. Tears rolled down her eyes. Wini goes near her and places her arms around Stella to comfort her.
" Your kids are lovely Stella. I am just doing my duty. Rest it is your duty to make sure they are able to become their best versions. "
Mr. Morris said in a deep voice.
Stella shakes her head in agreement. She asks Wini to arrange some snacks. Wini leaves for the kitchen.
" Where is Arya? "
Asked Morris.
" That lad! My thoughtful Lad! I think he is going to be a great man someday! He thinks so much for his age. Haha! "
Mr. Morris said while moving his eyes around the house, looking for Arya.
Meanwhile Arya was speaking to Sana in his room, "What? You agreed? Did something happen? Are they forcing you?" Sana had a lot of questions. He couldn't believe that Arya would agree to the marriage after the last conversation they had. "Yes Sana! After hanging up the call, I got a text from mom. She had texted me about Maya's achievements. She is an overachiever. I doubt she will ever bother me. Moreover, I am willing to end this forever." Arya said. "End what forever?" Sana's curiosity was at its peak. "Just think about it, today if we are able to convince Maya behind the curtains, behind everyone's back. Even if she agrees to cancel the marriage, what is the guarantee that Mom will not come up with another brilliant girl to tie the knot with?" Arya asked Sana in an attempt to make her understand.
"Okay… so?" Sana asked.
"So I need to end this once and for all. Let me tie knots with this girl. She will not cross my way and I wouldn't cross hers. We live together yet we won't be together. Got it?" Arya asked.
"Oh boy, I hope your plan goes as you are expecting. Just play safe okay?" Sana warned Arya.
"I will, I will have to," Arya assured Sana.
"Arya will be joining us soon. He will be delighted to see you arrive early, " Stella said. " There's another good news that I will be giving you now, " Stella said to Morris.
"Oh my! Good, what's the wait then? "
Morris asked excitedly.
"He has agreed to the marriage "Stella said joyfully.
"Oh good Lord! " Mr. Morris happily exclaimed.
Meanwhile hearing all the commotion in the living room, Arya came out. Their house was a compact one. Rooms weren't far from each other. Single mother, Stella somehow manages to feed three stomach and fund her kids' education. That envelope by Mr. Morris had a cheque of $5000. He is Stella's blood related brother.
"Uncle Morris! "Arya walks towards Mr. Morris.
"My child. Come, here." Morris gives a tight hug to Arya, meanwhile Wini returns with a plate full of snacks.
"I am so happy for you Arya. You have taken the best decision given the time. You see your mother works so hard for both of you. She needs to see her grandchildren running around this house one day too, she deserves it "
Both Arya and Stella look at each other. Stella knows that she will never be able to force her son to give birth to her grandchildren, given the circumstances based on which she has managed to agree her son for the marriage.
The city of Volis, where the family lived, had a culture of getting kids married before they reached their twenties. This has been happening since decades.
"Don't worry Uncle, I know I did the right thing and for the right reason".
Arya responded to Morris while facing his mother.
"Hmm.. Ok now.. Can we talk about the main thing now? " Wini interrupted.
" Oh sure! " Stella joined Wini to clear the air.
" The Volis Flower Fest is here. This is the best time of the year for me to showcase my work in front of people from various parts of the world! "
Stella exclaimed.
" Certainly! I am very confident about your skills Mom. You are going to flare again in the florist contest this year " said Wini.
" Florist of the Year! Ay! "Morris remarked.
"Besides, love will be in the air because all the high school seniors are going to volunteer and attend the fest as well, especially from The High-gate International " Wini whispers to his brother and chuckles.
Ignorant, Arya starts looking for a song on his iPod to tune in next.