Chereads / Hadrian Peverell in Hellboy / Chapter 22 - Nest of Origin 17

Chapter 22 - Nest of Origin 17

Hadrian could tell the Nest was a volcanic explosion where the lava froze. It created an incredibly interesting shape. Volcanic rock is porous, so we ended up with holes. You would have light flittering through into the Nest based on the time of day.

Hadrian was now flying through a huge tunnel.They could see a small shaft of light at the other end and flew toward it. As the light grew brighter, the tunnel widened, finally opening into a huge land inside the nest.

They were in some sort of makeshift hideout. It was dark, and a fine layer of mist covered everything. But through it,Hadrian could see dozens of Fey moving through the nest-like space. Some were alone. Others were in groups.As they moved through the Nest, Nuada explained"The Fey

Only a few generations ago... roamed every part of the world. The tundra. The forest. The jungle. The desert.But because of increase in human kingdoms caused them to come in conflict with humans,therefore move away."

Tundra fey were pale, their wings and hair white. Smaller than the other fey, they were close to the ground, both physically and emotionally. Then there were the colorful jungle fey, with long limbs for jumping and swinging. Their wings were bright, each pair unique and compact.Hadrian saw many of them lived in hanging nests made of leaves

The desert fey had gold-flecked skin and substantial jointed wings. And the forest fey were like Queen Lyra massive dark wings and proportions similar to hers.

Lyra with slight scoff and said"Yes,humans invaded our homes without any excuse.But our Goddess Isis protected us,gave us the Isle and created the Nest for us to live."

Queen Lyra had brought them to the Great Tree. Walking around the base of the enormous ancient tree,Hadrian felt small. It was the most sacred site in the Nest.

Hadrian inscrutable etchings were carved into the curved walls that surrounded the base of the tree. Over the years, the room had become a shrine, and the history of their kind was written on its walls.

They paused in front of a huge rock. In the center, preserved in thick orange amber, was a set of bones. Queen Lyra was the one to speak"A phoenix,It is said that the Dark Fey began with her evolved over centuries."

At a distance was a circular council chamber granted its occupants a rare glimpse of the phoenix.

Hadrian eyes widened, standing in the middle of the chamber was four towering figures. Each figure had a large set of horns on its head and dark heavy wings hanging from its back.They were representatives of there respective groups,Queen Lyra nodded at them,which they returned with the same respect.

As Lyra sat down on her throne,while the representatives sat on there chairs too.Lyra looking at Nuada and Hadrian said"From what I gathered,you are here to ask for help in the war with the humans."

There was now murmuring amongst the representatives,who seemed to be slightly worried.

Nuada nodded and replied"While we have been winning against them,the humans exceed us in numbers and death count is increasing.So we have come to ask you to join us in this fight."

Queen Lyra hummed looking thoughtful,as Shrike,who was representative for the Jungle fey.She had very brightly colored wings,as she spoke up"My Queen,is it wise to take part in this war,after all we are safe in the Isle."

Borra a desert fey agreeing added"No,human ever has reached the Isle."

Hadrian seeing this was not going well spoke up"But you can't always be sure about that,since humans are bent on removing everything magical and from what your Queen has told us,there has been couple of tries to get to the isle.So the humans know something about the Isle."

Lyra agreeing with Hadrian said"True,the sea elemental is protecting us.But if attacked from all sides,it would overwhelm even the elemental making some of the ships to come to the Isle."

Lyra was smartest of the Fey,she knew the Isle is not untouchable as her people thought it to be.While her statement did cause many to quiet down and become serious about the serious about the situation.

Hadrian once again spoke up"I have solution,in return for helping us in the war.I will cast a protective spell around the Isle making it unreachable to anyone,but your people."

Lyra was now curious about this magic asked"Please explain this spell,you talk about."

Hadrian saw all everyone was interested,Nuada already knew this as he had seen this Ina action before.As Hadrian explained"It is a very ancient and complex spell involving the magical concealment of a secret inside a single, living soul. The information is hidden inside the chosen person, or Secret-Keeper, and is henceforth impossible to find unless, of course, the Secret-Keeper chooses to divulge it. As long as the Secret-Keeper refused to speak,thr humans could search the location sound the isle for years and even then they will never find it,the Isle will become invisible, intangible, unplottable, and soundproof."

Lyra discussed more about the spell and finally came to the decision of Nuada being the secret keeper.Hadrian with smirk looked at Nuada,since he could tell there was some kind of romantic history between the two.Nuada seeing the teasing look,ignored it.