Igris paused for a few seconds before turning to face the woman. She seemed to have been eavesdropping on his conversation with Drake the whole time.
Fortunately, they didn't say anything abnormal unless he would have to behead her.
"Really?". A tender smile formed on his lips as he looked down at her.
She nodded with an anxious smile. His tone was nicer than the way Drake often spoke to her, although she couldn't understand what they'd be talking about - it was obvious they weren't the closest of brothers.
"Yes, I know who Diane is". Her eyes moved back to Drake's door. "But we'll have to talk elsewhere when I'm done with work. What do you say?". She avoided his gaze by staring at her feet.
His brow twitched in minor annoyance. Did this woman want to bargain with him? At least, when they were away from Drake, he could kill her without getting scolded. "Then let's meet tonight". He used a hand to cup her cheek.