Chereads / Woes Of A Villainess / Chapter 7 - The Sticky-fingered maid (2)

Chapter 7 - The Sticky-fingered maid (2)

The largest study in the manor was reserved solely for the head of Lockhart, serving as a quiet place for work and an intimidating place for meetings of any kind. Its solid oak walls and furniture evoked a reminder of the honour and longevity synonymous with the family name, making it the worst place for Layton to be resting at the moment. A deep sigh left Layton's lips as he ran a tan hand through his dark blue tresses. Another all-nighter, all for the sake of sorting out the manners of the Earldom haphazardly left behind by his father. And he wasn't even finished yet.

Setting down the pen after signing another form, he allowed himself a break and reclined in his father's chair... Or rather, it was his chair now, wasn't it... He frowned, deciding to push that thought back once more by delving back into his work until a gentle knock on the large double doors caught him off guard. He quickly cleared his throat to answer, "Ahem... Enter."

A maid holding a tray entered the room and offered a quick bow, "Good morning, Milord. Letters have arrived."

His face fell for a split moment at the mere thought of having to respond to requests to meet with people and leave the house more than needed, but he quickly hid it by furrowing his brow. He uttered a small thank you as the maid left the letters with him and he began digging through each. Of course, it was the usual, requests for audience and such. All piled high on the tray, awaiting his approval. He opened the drawer to set them aside with the many others but froze in his tracks at the unsent envelope haunting him within it.

He had been withholding from sending his letter, confirming his inability to complete his final year at the academy ever since he had first heard the news of his father's passing. It had to be done eventually. But it was as though his body physically prevented him from doing so.

He was needed by the earldom. He was needed by his family.

Layton's frown deepened in thought and a heavy feeling of guilt settled in his chest. Shame from his inability to let go. He didn't know what to do...

He was dragged out of his thoughts by the ticking of the clock... He needed to get back to work.


"Lady Arabella, tea is ready for you."

Arabella's bright blue eyes turned away from the piano and she had to try her best not to make her eagerness obvious. It hadn't even been a week since she had returned to the past, and she was still adjusting. She had found that, as a result of being locked away in prison for a year with very little to eat, her relationship with food had become turbulent. It took an active effort not to gorge herself now that it was readily available and her body was no longer fighting to keep itself running. Still, the fragrant scent of the fresh cake made her salivate.

"Thank you..." Arabella left the piano stool and followed Aubrey who took the tray and set it on the table in the centre of the room. Arabella couldn't help the drool that began to pool in her mouth. With that, she dug in, actively focusing on pacing herself.

As she ate, she focused her gaze on the other presence in the room. Carol stood by her diligently, waiting to pour tea when asked. She seemed to have settled since the incident 2 days ago and gained some confidence in thinking that she hadn't been caught and had a scapegoat to boot. That much was evident, as more things were beginning to go missing. She was growing bold. Aubrey herself seemed to be catching on to this fact. Aubrey had always been the type to silently observe, making her an excellent maid who always knew Arabella's cues. Arabella was sure that under any other circumstance, Aubrey would have spoken up by now, but it seemed she was aware that her lady was up to something. A knowing look was clear in her silver eyes. A silent understanding was cemented between them.

"I'm done with my food. Aubrey, please return the dishes." With a curtsey, Aubrey obeyed and left the room. Then it was her and Carol. She locked eyes with the red-haired girl standing across from the table with a severe expression. "Carol, I wanted to send Aubrey away to speak to you in private." Carol nodded, awaiting her next words with slight hesitance. Arabella rested her cheek in her hand and lowered her gaze dangerously. "It seems that more of my things have been going missing."

Carol's composure was impressive. Either that or she was truly so confident that she felt no fear. But Arabella could sense the slight quirk downwards of her lip despite the controlled smile she held on her face. Carol waited a calculated moment before speaking, "...Yes. I've noticed that too, milady..."

Arabella let an uncomfortable silence settle between them. She was almost impressed with how easily lying came to the young girl. Even in this staring match, Carol had yet to flinch. She smiled, easing the atmosphere, "...Good. I knew it was not merely my imagination," Arabella stood up from her seat and walked over to the girl with crossed arms. "I had been thinking of what to do and decided that it would be best to go to my brother to investigate this issue."

This seemed to strike some fear into Carol, her eyes widened in shock, "T-The earl...?"

"Is there a problem?" Arabella smirked slightly.

Carol swallowed hard before composing herself and laughing nervously, "W-Well... we already know that Aubrey is the culprit so..." She hesitated to speak for a second but ultimately pushed out her next words. "Then, if we know it is her. Then surely you should not hold an investigation. You would be wasting Earl Lockhart's precious time-"

"Carol..." At Arabella's mention of her name, Carol perked up and waited for her to speak. Arabella dropped all pretences and gazed coldly at the girl. "Who are you to order anything of me?" Carol seemed to shrink into herself at the cold words, and Arabella stepped closer, glowering. "I was not making a suggestion, therefore I did not ask for your opinion. I was simply warning you of an investigation that will occur out of kindness. You share a room with her, do you not? But it seems that you've become too comfortable with this modicum of goodwill." With that, Arabella raised a brow in challenge. "Now. Do you take issue with the investigation?"

Carol's face remained calm, though her body betrayed her when Arabella took notice of how her fists clenched so tightly that they began to tremble, "...No, Milady."


Carol lay awake in the dead of the night, unable to shake off her conversation with Lady Arabella that morning. She had figured that she would have to end her slight 'hobby' eventually, but an investigation...? She shivered and sat up abruptly in her bed, being careful not to wake Aubrey who was sound asleep in the bed across the room.

It could happen at any moment. For all she knew, Lady Arabella would have gone to the Earl that very same day and people would be waiting outside the room at that moment. Nervously, she brushed her wild red hair out of her eyes and tiptoed to the door, planting her ear on it. Once she was sure no one was there, she peeked through a gap in the door and sighed in relief. Nothing in the halls. All the other servants were sure to be fast asleep by now.

Carol bit her thumb hard. She had time to save herself. A few hours until everyone had to wake up and begin work that morning, so if she was careful then... Silently, she rushed to the space underneath her bed, making sure once more Aubrey was asleep and pulled out the box containing her many treasures. Ribbons, perfumes, and jewels of all kinds awaited her. It wasn't like that brat deserved any of it, anyway. But she had no choice but to return them.

Box in hand, she slipped through the dark manor in dead silence until she reached the familiar door. This would be the most difficult part. But she was certain that this late into the night, Arabella would be fast asleep. So she proceeded with her plan and opened the door as quietly as she could. As expected, there was not a sound within the room and she rushed to return every item as she had found them. If everything were put back in its rightful place, perhaps Arabella would drop the issue... Even if she did not, Aubrey was the main culprit anyway. With how hot-tempered the young lady was, her rage would blind her from accusing anyone else but who she thought was guilty. Arabella didn't like admitting she was wrong.

She sighed in relief once everything was put back. But anxiety continued to gnaw at her mind. She needed to know if Arabella had truly spoken to Earl Lockhart about the issue. If so, then any chance she had of securing a recommendation to work at a higher-ranking house would be for nothing. Her brown eyes flitted to the desk across the room and taking a deep breath, she rushed to it, opening the drawer the way she had discovered a few months ago. With a quiet click, she removed the false bottom and rushed for the journal lying in wait.

"So it was as I thought."

The voice caused Carol to stop dead in her tracks, journal in hand. This could not be happening. She could not even turn, praying that she had been hearing things until the voice spoke up again.

"Don't test my patience, Carol. Turn and face me."

Carol swallowed hard, hands beginning to tremble and sweat collecting on her brow. But she obliged, slowly turning on her heel to face Arabella sitting cross-legged at the end of her bed with a flit of amusement in her eyes. In shock, Carol dropped the journal to the ground and called out in terror, "L-Lady Arabella...!?"

Arabella simply placed a finger to her lips to shush her, tilting her head, "There's no need to wake up the entire estate with your squealing. After all," She smiled and interlaced her fingers on her lap. "This is between us." Carol trembled as Arabella's eyes flitted from the journal lying on the floor, to the removed secret panel and finally to her dressing table in which a variety of perfumes had returned. She touched her chin in thought, letting the heavy silence simmer, "So in the end, you were the thief. My brother will not be pleased to hear about this."

Sensing danger, Carol immediately let tears fall, crying out in desperation and dropping to her knees, "N-No! That's wrong! You see, it was Aubrey! She threatened me and forced me to do it!" Arabella raised a brow at her words. "Please, Lady Arabella, believe me!"

For a split second, Arabella saw herself in the pitiful figure begging before her and it disgusted her. But she had a plan and she was going to stick to it. As the girl begged on her knees, Arabella simply stood from her seated position and made her way towards her across the carpet. Carol winced as she neared but was surprised when Arabella kneeled to her level. Carol swallowed nervously, "Will... Will you tell the Earl?"

Arabella said nothing, deciding to let the girl sweat for a moment before smiling and tilting her head to the side, "Why should I? Are you the villain?" Carol was floored and stared in shock at the changed young girl before her. Arabella sighed theatrically. "All you wanted was to get what you're owed, right? Clearly, you must be displeased in some way. " She smiled maliciously. "Perhaps I insulted you. Or is it my family that has insulted you? For you to steal from a grieving family... You must have been wronged in a significant way. I'm sure that other noble houses would understand in a case such as that."

Carol bit her lip hard and Arabella smiled. It seemed she could sense what she was implying. It was no secret that the girl viewed the Lockhart estate as a stepping stool to higher pastures. Many maids and butlers had moved on from her home in the past to work at higher-ranking houses, all through letters of recommendation handed out by her father. Arabella had wracked her mind for what could have most likely been used to persuade Carol to betray the house when she was so desperate to please. Cecil was not charitable enough to offer a mere maid a sum larger than what she was already being paid generously. And it would have to have been a great amount for someone as wary as Carol to risk being caught. For a man like Cecil, there was only one thing he would offer to someone like Carol: Work within the palace.

Arabella couldn't bring herself to hate Carol. She was able to save face, a good liar and willing to deceive. Arabella had faked enough tears in her lifetime to see that the ones in her eyes were not real. How could Arabella hate someone who had all the traits she was trying to conjure for herself to take down Cecil? But Carol's problem was the fact that looked out for herself first and foremost above all. She had very little fear. And if she was going to be useful to her, that would need to go.

"You know..." Arabella began, taking Carol's hand in her own and speaking in a slow and methodical tone. "There's nothing that nobles love more than their precious belongings. So thieves aren't treated well here in Aurumia." A bead of sweat rolled down Carol's cheek as she listened. "The state of our prisons is much crueller than that of the other Kingdoms. Rats scour every part, searching for any morsel of food they can find. But of course, there is nothing. Every scrap and crumb will have been devoured by you no matter how filthy, just to provide the smallest morsel of sustenance for survival. With nothing to eat, the rats bite at your skin in your restless sleep on the stone floors and you can do nothing but accept it, too weak from malnutrition to fight. You're lucky if you die from execution before succumbing to the bitterly cold nights or disease rampant in your desolate cell..." The haunting picture painted by the young girl floored Carol. The faded look in her eyes almost seemed melancholic but it quickly faded when she returned to a carefree smile. "...Or so I've heard." Finally, Arabella let go of her hand and met her gaze. "You wouldn't want to end up like that, would you?"

Carol was stunned into silence. Merely gaping stupidly, like a fish at the young girl who suddenly seemed more like a jaded adult than a 14-year-old child at that moment. Dumbly, she lowered her head in silent dread, "N-No, milady..."

"But how can I trust you again after catching you acting so brazenly?" Arabella pondered aloud, tutting for effect.

"You can trust me, milady!" Carol scrambled to answer through chattering teeth, almost sounding delirious. "This will never happen again! I assure you, I will never act so brazenly again!"

Arabella hid her smirk behind her hand, "Then, I must take your word. Getting rid of you so rashly would be such a waste. Any great house would be lucky to have you." Arabella finally stood up and urged Carol to do the same by offering her a hand. Carol stared at the hand apprehensively before taking it. Arabella smiled in satisfaction when she did. "If nothing like this happens again, I may be able to finally let this go. If you do well as my maid, then I may even speak to my brother about it and you could be rewarded greatly. If not then... Well, I'm sure we've covered that extensively by now. Do you understand?"

Carol was still dumbfounded by what had just occurred but knew when to submit. After taking deep breaths, she gave a deep curtsey and lowered her head in submission, "Of course, Lady Arabella. This will never happen again. I apologise sincerely for my impudence..."

Arms crossed, Arabella watched as the girl robotically left the room until she was finally left alone. That was sure to have started it. Surely, Carol would now start to see that sticking by Arabella would be in her best interest. But Arabella could not be certain of that quite yet and would have to work more to cement her loyalty.

She moved back to her desk, picked up her journal and placed it back where it belonged, making sure to leave the small slip of paper on the cover as she had before, just in case. Her blue eyes then flitted to her jewellery drawer and opened it to find an old emerald ring in the back. Arabella then moved to her bed and placed the ring methodically underneath, to look as though it had been forgotten. The perfect bait. She would see how long it would take for the ring to disappear, or if it did at all. With that, she would know if her intimidation truly worked on Carol.

With that, Arabella collapsed back into bed.