"Stoves... check, lights...check,okay, everything is now checked. It's time to go."-???
He headed towards the exit with a tired face.
??? locked the door and left,Looking at the sky he sighed as he left.
"It's just 8pm and yet it's so dark,I better hurry I want to play it as soon as possible!" He said as he hurriedly walks, couldn't wait for the certain game he's been waiting for so long has now arrived, a small smirk apparent on his face completely overwhelmed the tired expression on his face a while ago.
Character Intro(CI)
Name: Yuuki(Yuu) Tomaru
Hobbies:Playing games,Anime, going for a walk.
After some time of walking,he briefly stoped at a Grocery store to buy stuff.
"Hmm I'll get this... and this..."-Yuu
After he picked some things up, he went and paid it and left right away.
"I should be getting near the dorm by now...Oh! I can see it from here!"-Yuu
He ran as fast as he could, to reach the dorm before it's set curfew.
"Pant* pant* pant* ,I could pant* really use more workout like this pant*"-yuu
As soon as he reached the dorm gates he stoped and sat on a bench nearby to calm himself down.He placed the bag besides him and then pulled a meat bun out of it.
He ate the meat bun slowly while looking at the sky,feeling the fresh cold breeze blow from the nearby woods.
The time he finished eating the bun, he picked up the bag beside him and headed towards the building,and soon enough arrived at his own room.
He then bathed and changed clothes clean his room and set his AirMX(A device that looks like Airpods but actually is a device used to play the game) up
"Finally! I got to play it! the popular action game everyone has been talking about!"-Yuu
He pulled a bag of chips out of the grocery bag and opened it. After minutes of setting the game up he can finally enter and play the game!
"Hmm What should I say to make this work again oh! Enter!"-Yuu
A bright robotic tone filled his ears as his consciousness entered the 'World of Sylph'
Upon entering a robotic figure popped in front of the screen and said:
"Hello new adventurer!, I will be your guide and teach you the basics of this game! My name is Kat!"-Kat
"Ooh, okay! Hello kat."-Yuu
"Lucky you for being one of the ones that signed today For the event this time is The Lucky Wheel! that only first timers can participate into."-Kat
"But before all please set up your profile!"-Kat
"Special event...? Lucky wheel...? Umm...Alright!"-Yuu
"There is 5 races,There is Humans, Dragons and BeastMen, this are the ones that you can become into. Demons and monsters are the other races, that you can't pick using the character creation system. In this world you will also be born with a rank: common,Uncommon,Noble,High-Nobles,Royalties and High Royalties.What of the three races do you wish to be born into?"-Kat
"Hmm being a demon is pretty cool tho... being a dragon can be tough too... and beastmen always stay near other beastmen.. okay I pick the human race!"-Yuu
"Are you sure? It will be very hard to change in the future."-Kat
"I'm Sure!"-Yuu
"Loading Complete... please think of the appearance that you would like to have."-Kat
"ah! ok." 'Hmm I'll just think of my own appearance only more handsome'-Yuu
"Profile created! You can now proceed on Spinning the wheel!"-Kat
"Hold on, can I check my profile before I go?"-Yuu
"Huh?, Oh! Yes of course! Come and take a look!"-Kat
His profile;
Name:Yuuki(Yuu) Tomaru
Race; Human Race
Semi long black hair with smooth light tanned skin, strong sharp face, slim and tall body with long legs That any model would be jealous of, and dark eyes with a hint of curiosity that will make a girl blush.
(Sorry but I don't draw that good.So please imagine it as a model of some kind)
Yuu looked at his profile as his jaw dropped.
"What the... is this me..? If I was a girl and saw this person I would go crazy..."-Yuu
"Ooh! wow! out of everyone I gotta admit you are one of the most good looking!"-Kat
"Haha...Thanks.?.i guess..."-Yuu
"Now let us proceed with the 'Lucky Draw!'"-Kat
With a single flick of a finger a huge spinning wheel appeared with lots of items on it.
"This is the Main thing on the event! This is The Lucky Wheel! All you have to do is pull the lever as hard as you could! You can win common, Uncommon, Rare,Epic,And Unique things that can give you a either a minor or major boost! You can even Get the chance to Win The Legendary Jackpot! Although no one has ever won it no one can tell right?"-Kat
"Alright! Wish me Luck! Hopefully I can win a rare item or even epic!"-Yuu
"Good luck Yuu!"-Kat
Yuu pulled the lever as fast as he can As the lucky wheel started to turn feeling nervous yet also excited Yuu Waited as the wheel that will change his life forever continuously spun!
Yay! My first chap is done!
It took me some time haha, 3hrs just to write this one!
Compared to others long chaps,mine would be a peice of cake haha...
Got a head ache because of the heat this morning and I gotta split my writing time to 1hr then rest. Cause my head hurts so bad!
It still hurts even now...but Im feeling a lot better now.
It's fun tho haha, it ceeps my mind busy and entertained! I have many tho very short ideas, I figured out that I should just start it like this. My Way. Cause why not right?
Also if you liked it please leave a like and if you have ideas, advice or thoughts to share please comment it here! 👇
- Here Please! -
As yesterday today and always thanks for reading! °^°
chapter words here from now on > 1060