There was a king in ancient times. He was out hunting when he saw a beautiful slave girl. The king fell in love with her at first sight, so he bought the slave girl. Suddenly the slave girl fell ill. Physicians were called in to treat the slave girl. The doctors said that we have a cure for every disease but they did not want to say 'Insha Allah'. Therefore, Allah Almighty did not like their attitude and Allah Almighty deprived them of His healing so they did not receive anything from their treatment.
The king's health also got worsen, while the slave girl also began to lose weight due to illness. Physicians were disabled from treatment. Knowing this, the king turned towards the mosque and prostrated himself before God and began to praise and glorify Him and began to weep and supplicate to Him. The mercy of God came in excitement, while the king fell asleep in the arms of God, crying and helpless.
In the dream, he was told that a stranger would come and heal the slave girl and that the cure would be magical by the grace of God. The king waited for the stranger. At last the stranger arrived. The king welcomed him and met the stranger guest and treated him with humility and asked him for help. The king took the stranger to the sick slave girl. He examined the slave girl and revealed that the medicine given to her by the doctors was not correct because she was physically fit and only had heart disease.
After getting acquainted with the disease of the slave girl, the stranger told the king that he wanted to talk to the slave girl in solitude. The stranger asked her what city she belonged to, inquired about her relatives and kept asking her various questions. In fact, he wanted to know with whom the slave girl had fell in love. During the stranger's conversation with the slave girl, at some point, the city of Samarqand was mentioned. Hearing the name of this city, the slave girl took a deep breath and tears began to flow from her eyes. She told her story that a merchant in this city sold me to a rich goldsmith who sold me again after keeping me with him for six months. The slave's face turned yellow while discussion. The stranger asked the slave girl the name and address of this goldsmith and reassured her that I have understood your disease. Don't worry! now your disease will be cured, 'Insha Allah'.
The stranger told the king a few facts about the disease of the slave girl and asked the king to send an envoy to Samarqand who lured the goldsmith to the court so that she could see him. The king sent two envoys to Samarqand who reached the goldsmith and began to admire the art of the goldsmith. The envoy offered him some rewards 'gold and silver' and asked him to go with him. The goldsmith left his wife, children, work, city and home and went with him. He was presented to the king with honored and given royal gold and pottery.
The stranger advised the king to hand over the slave girl to the goldsmith. So the king gave the slave girl in marriage. During this time, the stranger prepared a syrup for the goldsmith, which after six months of use, his body became not only weak but also ugly and the color turned yellow. His beauty had vanished, the slave girl was in love with him. With the disappearance of his beauty, the love of the slave girl also vanished. The goldsmith died, the death of the goldsmith at the hands of a stranger was God's expediency. The stranger did not kill him out of fear or hope, for the sake of the king, but out of expediency, because he was commanded to do so by inspiration.