beautiful morning in Shanghai city people ready to start his work children play with their friends and their is someone who read book peacefully . Jungkook*shout*someone call his name and he look up and say Jungkook: what happen Jimin. yes those person name is Jimin he is Jungkook childhood friend . Jimin: you know A academy open for new students . Jungkook:so what . Jimin: can we apply please I want to apply. Jungkook: Jimin you know very well this academy not choose everyone he only choose FOUR person . Jimin: please this is my dream I want to ba a good fighter please 🥺. Jungkook:*sigh* oky we apply. Jimin:yeh *excited* then tomorrow we go and register our name. Jungkook:oky
next morning 🌄
Jimin and Jungkook go for their admission after ten minutes they reached A academy and both saw a coward. Jimin:look so many people come. Jungkook:hmm. Jimin: look there they write students name come*drag Jungkook with him *Jimin:we also want to write our name. Man:oky write your name and wait for academy door open. Jimin:oky after one hour wait door open and every student enter the academy. when everyone enter they close the door. suddenly someone speak . unknown man: WELCOME TO A ACADEMY I introduced you myself my name is bogum and I guide student for their test, first of all you all please stand in the lines . Jungkook: Jimin you stand in front of me. Jimin: okay. bogum : so students I tell you about our rules basically we don't select everyone we only select four person. we take your four test. if you complete your four test then you selected. but if you don't pass the test then you lose your life. (students start talking) then one student say. student: I don't want to die I can't participate in this test. bogum: enter in academy is your choice but leave the academy is our choice. so you have don't way and focus on your first test . you all go in different tests and the last only four person will survive. so you all pick your paper slip everything is written on this slip once you open this slip you know your test . so everyone open your slip and first test person come this line , and second person come in this line, third person come in this line and last fourth test person come in this line. Jimin: my is third test and your. Jungkook:my is first don't afraid. Jimin: who said I am afraid oky best of luck we will fight. Jungkook: yes we will fight. bogum : oky are you ready and best of luck don't lose hope. within the second they all enter their tests. TEST 1:
Jungkook:which place is this it's look like a forest. suddenly poison flower try to attack Jungkook. but Jungkook cut the flowers neck. Jungkook: I need to careful this place is too dangerous. suddenly Jungkook hear someone scream . PLEASE HELP ME . Jungkook run to those person but he is late because big earthworm eat those person and come toward Jungkook but Jungkook run and hide himself in safe place . Jungkook: what the hell is this place. suddenly Jungkook hear voice TEST I ONLY TWO PERSON Is ALIVE IF IN THIS BOTH PERSON ONE PERSON IS ALIVE THEN HE AUTOMATICALLY PASS THE TEST. Jungkook: only two so it's mean one is me and second but who is second. Jungkook come to his hide place and walk in the forest but he know that someone follow him . Jungkook:who are you. unknown: that's not matter, matter is this who will live and who will die. Jungkook:are you stupid. unknown: if I kill you then I pass the test and leave this place. Jungkook: try me . Jungkook and those person start fight but those person hit Jungkook chest and Jungkook step back . unknown: I kill you today. but suddenly big earthworm come and eat those person. then come toward Jungkook and Jungkook have no strength to fight back and he fainted. CONGRATULATIONS FIRST TEST COMPLETE.