Chapter 80 - Chapter 80

The president George Dunrobin stood before thousands of people and also this event was live for the entire world to see. Medals would be given to Genesis and the members of Misfit as well and Ultimate and his colleagues for their job in saving the country and the entire. The government was aslo made to drop the charges again Genesis and his friends so they don't have to worry about being wanted fugitive anymore.

The president waved his hand to everyone with a smile on his face. Genesis looked at the short fat old man with a bald spot and got irritated. He didn't want to come to this event and he was talked into it by Chelsea and April. Ulimate noticed his irritated expression.

" Cheer up, this won't take long "

" Tch, I hope so "

Genesis replied.

The president steps forward to the mine and address everyone.

" First I would like to offer my sincere condolences to those in America and across the world to have lost their friends and family. This invasion has taken so many lives world wide but this is a new start to prepare once again. We will not let this happened again and I as well as the government are making plans to help the people "

Genesis listened to the promise the government is making and all of them sound fake to him. The president plans to build shelters for the homeless, Provide jobs for the jobless and upgrade their technology to better help the human lives. The president made a very long speech until he has come to the main topic.

" I want to thank all the soldiers who fought to defend our country and aslo thank all the Evolvers as well and that's why we are going to honor our brave heroes who defended this country "

The crowd clapped loudly as they looks at the Evolvers and regulars standing there. Everyone recieved medal from zero to terabyte to all of Ultimate friends. The president shakes all of their hands while handing them medal until he reaches to Ultimate.

" Thanks you for all your efforts hero, "

" I was doing my job "

" I look forward to your services "

The president returned to the stand to speak again.

" I would like to introduce you to someone very important to this country who is responsible for saving this world. "

Genesis stepped forward as the president called to him.

" This is the S ranked of our Country, Genesis The 1st Ranked Evolver "

Not many civilians know that Genesis is the Top S Ranked and was shocked to see that he was his young. The president hands him to a medal of higher ranked than what the other have.

" I hope you can keep on protecting this Country and It's People as its S ranked Evolver, I look forward to that "

The president hold out his hand for Genesis to shake but he didn't. He continued to look at the presidents hand and remember all that happened. While he and everyone else has been fighting for their very life the president and his government officials have been hiding in their bomb proof room underground. Genesis got irritated and crushed the medal in his hand.

" Look forward to what ? "

Genesis ask as he looked at the president with cold eyes.

" While all of us was fitting you guys was hiding behind us pissing yourselves and now you're giving me this bullshit, You got a lot of balls don't you ? Take a look at all these people do you know what it's to what someone close to you get shot in the head right before your So how the hell you know how everyone is feeling you cheap *ss son of a b*tch "

Everyone was shocked across the world to see Genesis talking to the president in such a manor.

" I didn't save this world for humanities sake I did it for my own selfish reasons. I don't give a f*ck about this country or it's f*cking people and for the last time, I'm retired as this country's S ranked... So you can kiss my *ss and if I see one of you *ssholes again I'll f*cking murder you "

Genesis looked at the president with his killing intent before walking away.All across the world everyone was speechless that Genesis would say such a thing. Since the birth of the first president no-one as ever spoken to them in such a manor. Even the other seven S ranked was shocked.

" Hahahahahahahahahaha, "

Claudia bursted into laughter in her living room as she watched the event.

" This guy is crazy but I like it muahahahahahaha"

She fall off the sofa while laughing until she reverted to her quiet side.

" Aww, my throat hurts "

Claudia got up.

In the meantime.

Chelsea, April and Toshiba was watching at home together. Toshiba bursted into laughter and Chelsea shakes her head left and right. April didn't react but instead looks at everyone.

" I should have known he was going to say something like this "

" Hahahahaha, Genesis is a World Class Villain now "

Terabyte and the others look as Genesis walks away.They were still dumbfounded by his threatening words to the president. Even the president himself couldn't move as he was still terrified of Genesis.

" Leave it to Genesis to do this in front of the whole world "

" Hahahaha, this guy is crazy as hell "

" That's the love of my life "

Nightshade was the first to follow him and everyone in misfit followed behind him. As they walk the crowd parted ways for them, none of them said a word to Genesis as they didn't want to mess with the strongest guy in the world. Terabyte suddenly spotted four familiar people in the crowd.

" Dad "

Terabyte was suprised to see him, Genesis and the other stopped and look at the blue haired man as he walked up to Terabyte.

" Cynthia, It's good to see you again my daughter "

" What do you want ? "

She ask while looking at him intensely.

" I want you to come back home with us, It's high time you did so "

" Why now? "

" You're invention are impressive, It's now worthy of my attention "

Person said, Terabyte was not happy to hear this but instead she was furious. The only reason he came to her is because of her invention. Terabyte knows what peaked his interest, it was that car she has that turns into a robot

" I'm not going back home, I have new friends and a new life, One where I don't see you in. Go back home because I'm not you're daughter "

She turned and walked away.

" Cynthia, Don't do this, You're making a big mistake "

Person continue to shout at his daughter as she walked away. However, Terabyte didn't look back, instead she look forward at the future with all her friends. After that they returned to the hideout to celebrate. Overheat popped open a bottle of champagne.

" Cheers to us saving the world, our names will now engraved in history "

He said.

" I can already see the headline [ The Friends Of The Guy Who Threaten To Kill The President Of The United State ] "

Terabyte said.

" That was amazing, I never felt such a thrill in my entire life.. Oh my love, I want you even more "

Nightshade charged towards Genesis and she was kicked away with ease after coming to close to him.

" So what now? "

Zero ask.

That was a very good question that nobody hold the answer for. The world is now peaceful once again and nobody has to worry about any impending doom at this point in time.

" I guess we just chill and do our own thing....where are you going Genesis? "

Terabyte ask as she watch him walk away.

"That's none of your business "

Genesis got in his car and left. As he drives he reminisce on what happened with April, There is guilt weighting on his chest that would never go away. Genesis realized that he cares about April and to him nothing else matters. His first time of shedding tears it was for her and everything else made him feel warm. Genesis soon reached home and as he opened the door he was greeted with a warm hug from April.

" Welcome back "

She replied with a smile, Genesis looked at her silently. Genesis grabbed her around her collar and moved her oneside.

" Can't you see I was walking ?"

" Mmmmmmmm "

April pouts and chased after him while complaining. Chelsea and Toshiba watched at she continues to lecture him but Genesis wasn't paying attention to her.

" It's glad to see thing coming back to normal "

Toshiba said.

" Yeah, it's good "

The door open, Terabyte and the others walked in.

" What are all of you doing here? "

Genesis ask.

" Since you didn't want to celebrate with us, I thought we would bring the celebration to you "

Overheat said.

" What do you say Dr Chelsea ? "

Terabyte ask Chelsea.

" Toshiba bring out the glass "

" Sure "

The door opened and Veronica walked in to join the celebration that was hold in toshiba's apartment. Raphaela appeared in the apartment with all of them.

" Don't forget about me "

" Where did you come from ? "

" Hehehehehehehe "

Overheat raised a toast

" Cheers to a good life "


Genesis looked at everyone laughing and having a good time. For the first time he has been at peace like this. Genesis stepped out on the balcony and look at the sun. April walk on the balcony beside him and hold his hand. Genesis looked at her as she looks at him with a smile.

- In this world, Heroes have to Remain heroes and Villains Have To remain Villain, that's was the concept I followed but what heroes and villain have in common is that they all have something to fight for.... And I have something that I'm willing to fight for -

Genesis thought to himself as he look at April and then he smiled, for the first time this wasn't a sadistic smile but a smile of happiness. He was comfortable with the life he has now and woupd trade it for anything else.

" Hey what are you too young holding hand "

Veronica said holding Genesis right hand.

" Hey back off, April was here first "

" So, we are the same age so we are compatible "

While Veronica and April argued Nighshade hugged him from behind.

" My love, having these girls fighting over you are you making me jealous "

She ask.

" Another one ?! "

" Another one ?!"

April and Veronica shouts in unison.

" Are you playing, I'll play along as well GG "

Even raphaela joined in and soon all four female fights over genesis.

- I can tell my life as a World Class Villain is not easy from now on -

Genesis Thought to himself.