Chapter 65 - Chapter 65

Artemis flew down to Genesis right after he hangs up his phone. She noticed that he was surrounded by the army and has the General in his hand. Everyone stopped and look at the tall woman and she approached Genesis. She could see the angry look on his face and was concerned

" Is something matter sir? "

" Tch, the kid as been kidnapped....Did you know that this would happen? "

Genesis ask.

"Forgive me sir, I wanted to warn you, that's why I rushed over as soon as I possibly couldn't "

" Just tell me where they went and make it fast? "

To reply Genesis question Artemis points her finger at the one of the tall skyscraper that was far into the distance

" The top floor of the Rolland Empire Building "

" Okay, I'll head out now, You should be able to handle the army can't you? "

" Sure, leave it to me "

After that Genesis took off for the skyscraper leaving General Granger in the hands of Artemis. He was trying to shout but all that he could say was some mumbling words. The General turned his gaze to his men.

" Nuuu Nnnnnnun ( Open Fire) Nuuu Nnnnnnuuuu Nuun Nuun ( Open Fire I said ) "

His men looked into his eyes and soon after they all got the message and point their guns at Artemis.

" Lower your weapons "

She said gritting her teeths and displaying her long fangs, The soldiers didn't listen to her words when one of them noticed the badge on her uniform.

" She's, She's another General and a Five star one at that "

The soldiers as well as Granger was shocked to see that she's a General aslo.

" My name is Artemis A combat Class Android Type Alpha and aslo a General. I'm from the future and was send here with the mission to save humanity from the Tinarian. I'm currently under the command of sir Genesis who is tasked to save this world. So soldiers I ask you this, we will you listen to ? A general who only uses his strength for his own behind, By flaunting his status about other, Someone who wants to protect themselves in time of war or are you going to follow your heart and protect this country ? "

Artemis ask.

The soldiers looked at General Granger and the bad condition he is in and the woman standing before them. It was obvious what the soldiers needed to do so they all lowered their weapon like they were asked to. General Granger was suprised to see his own men turned their backs on him.

" I don't know what's going on but it seems you know more about this than we do, so we'll trust you on this one so tell us what to do "

Said one of the soldiers.

In the meantime.

The two Android from the back alley both stood over April was unconscious and laying on the table. One of them walked up to her and checked her body. Suddenly his eyes chained and he looked at the Index Network that was inside April's Body. A small prism shaped glass spining around inside her body.

" The index core network "

" We shall destroy her before she pose a threat to The Dark Neptune "

The dark skinned Andriod reached out its hand to April and before he could touch her Genesis flying through the window and kicked the Android straight in the face sending him flying through the wall. Genesis turn to the other one and looked at him intensely.

" Get ready to die.."

Genesis said, He then noticed the other one walking from the other side of the broken wall. The skin of its face was gone revealing a robot face with a shoes print dented into its face. Genesis smiled because he finally found two of those Tinarian Android .

" Very nice, now you're making things more interesting for me "

He said.

The white skinned Tinarian scanned Genesis and came to the conclusion that he was a target to be eliminated. The Android ran toward Genesis who didn't move but smile.

- What is this heap of junk planing to do, there is no way he can get passed my barrier -

Genesis was confident in his defense but was suprised when he receive a punch square in the face and was sent flying into the bookshelf. Genesis stood back on his feet and look at the blood running from his nose.

- I've been hit ? what the hell ?!"

He couldn't believe what just happen. His barrier protects him right around clock, He was sure he could survive the blast from a nuclear power warhead but for punch to penetrate his different came at a shock to him.

" Damn you ! Daaaamn youuuuu! "

In a fit of rage he dashed at the Android with his hand reached out but it dodged his hand and deliver a punch to his stomach. Once again the androids fist passed through his barrier and connect with his abdomen. The punch was powerful forcing Genesis straight into the ceiling. Luckily he reduced the impact when he smelled into the ceiling and when he fell to the ground he coughed up blood.

>> Resistance is futile <<

Said the Android as it lifed him to his feet and punched him left and right. Genesis couldn't do anything other than take the Android punched until he was too weak to stand on his feet. His face was covered in blood and his consciousness was slowly fading.

>> The two of you pose a threat to the Dark Neptune but April will be an even greater threat in the future, We shall eliminate her first <<

The two android raised the hands and charge the cannon in their palms.

" Don't touch her "

Genesis said, The two Android looked at him and he slowly stand on his feet with his head still down.

" I don't give a f*ck about your Dark Neptune but I won't let you hurt the kid then you and I will have a problem "

>> You cannot defeat us, you shall meet your end <<

The white skinned Andriod fired a beam at Genesis and before it made contact he shout to the top of his lungs.


The G On his headphones turned into 5 and increased all the way to a 7 that turned red in color. His eyes hair changed to sky blue again and the two wings grew out of his back. They grew so large they cut through the ceiling of the building and still continue to stretched outside. The ceiling collapse and Genesis flew out of there with April in his arms.

He landed on a sky scrapers and put her inside a transparent barrier similar to his. The two Android landed on the roof behind him and the dark skinned Andriod attacked him. Without turning around Genesis grabbed it's fist with his bare hands.

" Dismantle "

Genesis spoke in an echoing voice, Suddenly the hand of the of the Android started to break down on the atomic level and in a matter of minutes he turned into a pile of dust blowing away in the wind. The white skinned Andriod was trying to comprehend Genesis suddenly increase in power. Heat, Electricity, Gravity, Space and Magnetism all these was being affected by Genesis EP energy field without him even trying .

The Android didn't show any fear and dashed towards him with its full strength. Genesis raises his hand and suddenly the Android froze in mid air. He started to clench his fist and the Android was slowly being crushed into a ball the size of a football, the core inside it couldn't take the pressure and exploded but the explosion was contained within a set perimeter by Genesis. He remained standing there motionless until his hair and eyes returned to normal. He swayed left and right until he fell over unconscious beside April who was released from his barrier.

Some time later...

Genesis open his eyes, His vision was blurry and after a while they became clear. There was two curvy objects hanging above him as his head was rest on something warm and soft. Genesis soon realized that his head was resting in Nightshade lap.

" I'm so glad you're awake my love "

She said.Genesis rise out of her lap and hold his head that was throbbing.

" What am I doing here? "

He ask.

" We found you laying on the roof unconscious beside April "

" Where is the kid anyways? "

" I'm sorry to say but she's still asleep and she hasn't waken up yet, Artemis suspected that there might have something to her "

Nightshade said.

" Artemis "

Genesis rushed to of the room to find Artemis and found her beside April's bed. He grabbed her around the throat and slammed her against the wall.

" What are you doing sir? "

" A few hours ago I got beaten up by a robot and for some reason my attacks didn't have any affect on him. Your hiding something from me and I suggest you tell me what it is before I turn you into scrap metal "

Genesis continue to leak out his killing intent towards Artemis, He slowly strangled her and she couldn't hear the metal in her neck crumbling.

" Okay, I'll tell you, It's Dark Ore and it's the same ore that gave Evolvers their powers "

Artemis said "

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