Chapter 54 - Chapter 54

Terabyte dropped off Genesis and April back at the apartment.

" We'll stay in touch Genesis "

She said and drives off. April and Genesis returned to the apartment where he continued to do research. Genesis was thinking about what Terabyte just told him that he will be impossible for him to regain his lost powers. He didn't want to hear those words but he was someone who could make the impossible possible. While he was doing his research Chelsea and Toshiba soon arrived.

" Hey guys, did you play nice? "

Chelsea ask and april gave a response. Toshiba looked at the computer screen and noticed that Genesis was doing research on how to regain his lost powers. Chelsea soon noticed it as well and she approached him.

" Genesis you Shouldnt believe what you see online"

" Who says I do? "

Genesis turned off the monitor and walk to the sofa.

" I'll go ahead and grab a quick shower "

Toshiba said and 30 minutes later she returned.

" Not that we are all here I guess I'll make dinner "

" You know I have a better idea why don't we go out and eat together "

Chelsea suggest.

" You know I think that's a great idea. April, Genesis want to join us "

" Yaaaaayy, April's excited "

" Fine, as long as you're paying for it "

So Genesis and the other left the house and returned to the car. They notices that there was a small sign by the car with a two white fox ears on the top and on the sign it said [ Push Button ] beside a red button.

" Who left this here? "

Chelsea ask as she looking the parking lot, nobody was there besides the four of them.

" Don't Know, It wasn't there before "

" Those fox ears looks familiar "

Genesis looks at it profoundly. April approach the sign and move her hand in to press the button.

" Wait, don't touch that! "

Genesis called out but it was too late, april had already pushed the button but nothing happened. Genesis started to become nervous and he grit his teeth and clench his cane tightly.

" Damn it that witch, How is she still alive and why is she coming now? "

He said. Chelsea noticed his nervous expression and she started to panic as well.

- Genesis is afraid of someone ? as far as I know there is one person who could strike fear into him and that's...-

" Wait ! don't tell me ! "

Chelsea looked up as she heard the sound and a plane passing about. Someone was falling from the sky at rapid speed and crashed into the parking lot like a meteroid. Toshiba noticed chelsea and Genesis scared expression and she points her gun at the dust.

" April stay behind me ! "

There was cheerful laughter coming from the inside the dust and when it cleared away there was a woman standing there. She was 20 years old age, has long pink hair reached down to her ankles, Her eyes was closed shut and her skin was pure white. On her body was a pink classical Japanese maids outfit, her head was a black headphone. She has has fox ears that twitch repeatedly and a white fox tail wagging from left to right.

" That's a perfect landing no applause please ! "

" What is she doing here? "

Chelsea ask

" Huh? Chelseaaaaaaa ! "

The woman rush over to Chelsea with her arms wide open to give her a big warm hug but Chelsea stopped her with her hand on the girls face.

" Oh Chelsea honey I missed you so so so so so much let's hugs and kisses and cuddles eachother with kisses and hugs Hahahahaha hehehehehe "

While the was busying trying to give Chelsea a hug Toshiba was still shaking.

- What just happened ?! my eyes couldn't keep up with her speed at all -

Toshiba though to herself.

The woman looked over at Genesis and she rushed over to give him a big warm hug but Genesis wasn't having it today so he used his Crutch to hit her on the head and smash her face into the ground.

" Stay away from me witch or I'll kill you "

" Ow that's not a very nice thing to say "

She said rubbing the jump on her head. By the time she looks up Genesis has already left on his bike.

" How rude ! Isn't that boy glad to see me ? Chelsea could you give me an minute pretty pretty please"

" Sure go ahead "

" Hahahahaha okaaaaaay GG Wait up "

The woman startes running after Genesis on foot as fast as the wind. Chelsea and the others remained on a uneasy mood.

" * sigh * I can't believe it's really her, things are about to get more dramatic "

" Uhm who was that? "

Toshiba ask.

" That's Dr Raphaela Xavier , The world renowned Scientist and April's creator "

Chelsea explain. Toshiba was shocked to here this news, not only her everyone thought she was dead.

In the meantime.

Genesis was swerving through traffic trying to get away from Raphaela but it was too late. Raphaela has already caught up to him on foot.

" GG I finally caught you hehehehe "

" Don't call me that now die "

Genesis takes out his gun and started firing at her and all of the bullets missed because she didn't take too much effort in dogding every one of them. Soon Genesis' gun runs out of bullet and he put it down. Raphaela kept running with her hand behind her like ninja beside his bike laughing cheerfully with her eyes closed.

" You can't escape GG "

Raphaela said

- What's going on ?! She shouldn't be this fast -

Genesis ask himself.

Suddenly Genesis lost control of his bike and was thrown off it. He could feel death creaping up on him and closed his eyes. After a while he open them as found himself under Raphaela arm while she was standing on the stoplight. Genesis then looks at his bike that was on fire in the middle of the rode.

" Don't worry Raphaela is here to the rescue? "

" Well I rather die than be saved by you "

" Hehehehehe, looking like someone need a spanking "

" Shut up and let me go this instant "

" No not gonna happen hehehehe "

So Raphaela and Genesis returned to the others and he was bounded by ropes and pulled back into the parking lot. Chelsea and Toshiba was suprised to him at Raphaela's mercy.

" look who I caught hahahahaaha"

" Are you, Dr Raphaela Xavier, the famous Scientist ?"

Toshiba ask out of curiosity.

" That's Meeeeee, Raphaela Xavier the Super Genius and Smartest Person in the galaxy. Go on you can praise and worship me if you want to "

" But weren't you declared dead ? "

" Was I ? I didn't know but it sound CRAAAZY Hahahahaha i"

Raphaela casually laughed it off until she looked her clone April.

" Oooooooh, who do we have here? "

" Hello Original,April is glad to see you again "

" So adorable just like me , You can call me Raphaela sweetie but we do have the same memory and DNA. GG you've been taking good care of her, you're such good boy"

She said while putting Genesis on the head like she did in the past. With each gentle stroke he got more and more furious.

" I told you not to call me that and stop that I'm not a child ! "

" There there "

" I said stop that ! "

Genesis continue to shout at Raphaela but continue to play his cheek while he was giving her his killing stare. Raphaela wasn't afraid of Genesis in the slightest.Toshiba was in a confused state because she noticed that he was more afraid of Raphaela instead

" GG? "

" It's a nickname she gave Genesis when he was smaller "

Chelsea explains. Raphaela suddenly stopped playing with Genesis and look at April profoundly and noticed something.

" Are you..... Oh my, this interesting "

She was giggling about something but the others didn't know what.

" Hahahahah soo anyways You guys are having going have lunch, I'll join you, it's a long trip from here and Japan so I'm kinda hungry, let's gooooooo "

Chelsea started to worry when she heard this.

" I have a bad feeling about this "

Soon they went to restaurant and all five of them are sit together while Genesis was founded to a chair. Raphaela ended ordering a bunch of food that would be impossible for her to finish but for Genesis and the others it didn't seem that way because Raphaela kept eating and drinking like a ogre.

" Yummy these lobsters are deliciooooooous "

Raphaela said as she showed down on a lobster with her fox ears and tail twitching and waging. The wait brought more food even he4 and the bartender was astonish to see how much she was eating all at once. She takes up the barbeque ribs and gnaw away at the meat then used shampaign to wash it

" Okay I think it's time we have a serious discussion Raphaela, do you mind explaining why are you proclaimed dead and what are you doing here? "

Chelsea ask.

" Do you really want to know Okaaaaaay "