Chereads / The God Made Man / Chapter 2 - the man God Formed

Chapter 2 - the man God Formed

I would start from the cosmogony of creation, and biblically the intended created species called man.

biblically we were told in the book of Genesis that God start his work of creation by hovering over the deep water. that was covered with gross darkness which was none and void of any living things, and has no shape of recognition. This was when God decided to call forth light out of darkness that has bedeviled the world ( earth ). further more he went on and separate the heaven from the earth, and founded the earth upon the water. but that was not enough he called forth the green plants the forest and all living plant ☘️. he further called all the fowl of the air, beast of the earth and fish of the sea ⛵ until he was done creating and design the earth into the shape he desires. that gave him pleasure.

Then he decided who will rules over all this my creation and give directions to them. I (God) been a spirit being, won't want to be interfering with this physical being. so he decided to create a man that mirror his exalt image but bearing a body that allows him to interact with his environment, that also has the mind of God, who's operation mirror the operation of heaven. therefore he formed the man from the dust and infused his life into the dust and he became a living soul.

Now the work of creation was perfected by God so .he decided to hand over the earth to .his created image call Man. to keep the earth in shape and in order.. so .much more that the earth was command by God that what ever man call. the earth that is what it must be. but for man not to. miss represent God, God has to teach man his mode of operation.therefore for God to achieve this he has to put a man on constant fellowship with him. so God come in the cool of the day and trasmit his essence ( mode of operation) in to the man. the man was on this school of leaning from God and was progressing so fast. that a time came he was thinking at the same frequency with God. the man first test was to name the things God himself created. and it was recorded that he name it exactly as it was in the heart of the father (God).

at this point the man was making a wonderful progression in God that he was becoming like God and when other being that were already created before the emagence of man saw this. jealousy came and this is where the major problem of man beginning.

so all the force of darkness Colgate to ensure that the next text that God will give the man. them must ensure for the being called man to fail least he be lord of all the being God created.

the second test God gave man was the test of obidence. but man was not deserning enough that this was a promotion test for him to get to the final stage where he can become like God, as much as even have an imotal life of God. ( by eating the fruit of life ).

For this, God put a man on the test of obidence. even when the man appetite does not comform or in accordance to the will of God.

God allow the serpent to enter into the garden to check the choice of the man whether he will chose him even when his will says otherwise.

man fell and fail the test of time. and this bring man into suffering. (for every sin there is a consequence!) man became an obsolate being without course. a rejected species with a diffinity destiny. man lost his manual or mode of operation that was given to him by the intimate fellowship he has had with God. man became a vulnerable being that thing that were created to give account to him become his dreads and fear. man beginning to live without a compers of his destiny there all that the man was doing or trying to guide himself was a continuous fallen into error. and death.

it was as a result of the fall the vaccum that was filled by God became void for man looking for a way to fill it back beging to explore the woman and tis was where the sex come into existence.( sex was introduced to satisfy the desire that was formally a hunger for intimacy with God).

now in all this we have seen how man was made according to the oldest and the most trusted book on earth ( bible).

then our major purpose of of writing this book is to find out.

* what was God intentions while he was created the three dimensional being call man?

** what was the real Identity of man?

*** what has Jesus come to do to man kind .?

**** how can we trace back out step in other to fit in, into the real intent of the heart of God other to actualize or fulfil divine purpose?