Chereads / Knight's & Magic: Gundam 00 / Chapter 4 - CHAPTER 3: MEETING ADDY AND KID


Authors note:

- I got admitted into the hospital. I'm getting surgery for dialysis. My kidney failed. So I will come back after a week.


It's been a couple of years since then. Both Sonny and Ernesti are now 7 years old. They both mastered magic into a very high degree thanks to both being a programmer. Sonny has greater comprehension. So he mastered more magic. The worse one is an explosion magic same as an atomic bomb dropped in Japan.

Sonny made sure to make Ernesti train with him every afternoon into the night up on rooftop. He doesn't want to ruin cannon more than he already has. He also grown his hair so he looked more feminine than his cousin Ernesti. But he didnt care being called a goddess a lot. They still look like twins.

On a certain night, there lived a pair of twins climbing out their room onto the rooftop in order to escape meeting their father. Their names are

Aseltrude (Addy) Olter and Archid (Kid) Olter.

Kid: "Addy why not come back inside."

Addy: "There is no way I will meet that man. So Are you with me or are you with me."

Kid: "sigh~ I'm with you. But be careful, the roof is slippery."

Addy: "What are you talking abou--- Aaaaaah!"

Kid: "Addyyy!!!"

Ernesti was "it" I Thier game of tag. Ernesti saw Addy falling and he used his magic staff to summon wind like a jet propulsion and boost him up to catch Addy. When he catches addy, his cloak had been undone and showed his full feature. Addy thought Ernesti was the most beautiful girl she had ever seen. Until Another person showed up right behind Ernesti. This was Sonny. When she saw him she was awestruck. Her mind call her "goddess" until the 2 talked.

Ernesti: "Are you alright... Hi my name is Ernesti and this is my cousin Sonny. Luckily we train here every night. You should be careful."

Kid arrive at the scene

Kid: "We be careful, but your age is the same as us. Maybe you guys should be listening to tour advice. My name is Archid by the way, but call me kid for short. Her name is Adeltrude or Addy for short."

Sonny/ Ernesti: "Nice to meet you two"

Addy woke up from her stuppor.

Addy: "I refuse to believe you are Male whole you 2 are this cute. Especially sonny whose supposed to be a goddess."

Ernesti: "Hahaha, shes right. You look so much like mom and Aunt right now."

Sonny: "You know mom wont let me cut it. She'd kill me."

Addy: "Can I hug both of you"

Addy had the biggest urge to hug both of them. Even kid has an identity problem when he look at Sonny. He can handle Ernesti but Sonny became slender and more beautiful that Ernesti.

Maid: "Madam, I found them on the roof"

Kid: "Oh oh, were caught. Hey, bu any chance you can teach us magic. We can meet out here every night.

Ernesti: "Well it all depend on how you comprehend my teaching if you up to it.

Both Addy and Kid agrees. Afterwards they went back inside the house, while Sonny and Ernesti played magical tag while flying around from roof to roof. Ernesti always stopped by the Silhouette knight and admire it from a distance. He also request his mom to sleep over the dixgard home so he can hug Sonny and see the gundams. Sonny was sick seeing the gundams everyday, he wanted to pilot them instead. But he cant take it out from storage.

He use the rest of the time taking out his laser pistol and practice his marksmanship to already a master sniper. He practices gunfu from the movie John wick and deathstroke's weapon handling. It's all thanks to his perfect photographic memory of all the moves and also the knowledge of different anime like kenichi the worlds strongest disciple martial arts.

But due to his mastering shigure's martial art that he became toned like a women's body. The beatification also was the result of the martial arts.

So over a year. The boys taught both Addy and Kid the fundamentals and foundation of programming then go to magic studies.

They all turned 8 years old and getting ready to enter Laihala Knight Academy. Where they will learn how to pilot Silhuette knights.

Sonny went straight to his grand uncle Lauri Echavalier which was Laihala Academy principal.

Lauri: "Well, what brings my grand nephew to my office."

Sonny: "Grand uncle Lauri, can I skip the magic fundamental class and switch I lnto the Sihuette design class. You know I mastered every kind there is."

Lauri: "But that is for middle school students only, are sure you want to take it. Well, you the Duke grandson. So you do have some privileges. Also I already seen that explosion magic you did. It blew up half the forest. Everyone heard of it and now they call it the valley of when the night was illuminated and wiped everything out. So your name was put out there."

Sonny: "Yeah, I'm sure. I wanna make a Silhuette knight from scratch and make it better."

Lauri: :Alrght...Heres your new schedule. Also here's the not for your teacher of the transfer."

He walked out of his office and straight into the next class.

Meanwhile with Ernesti...

Ernesti: "I can't believe there is a height restriction to pilot the Silhuette Knights. I need to get taller somehow."

Addy: "Noooo~ please stay the way you are Ernie. Please stay small and cute."

Kid: "That reminds me, where's Sonny. I didn't see him in all our classes."

Ernesti: "I dont worry about him at all. He got those gundams anyway. Which I cant pilot, hes to stingy with it."

Addy/ Kid:" What's a gundam?"

Ernesti described vividly the gundams. It was bigger than the Sihuette knights by 1.5 times. Some are much slimmer but.way more powerful and indestructible. And that only Sonny can pilot them which bummed out Ernesti.

Kid: "Too bad you cant just build your own Silhuette knight."

Ernesti: "Hmmm🤔🤯🤗 That's it! If I can't accommodate the Silhuette Knight, why not build it to my liking. Uuuuuu~ I forgot that customization is the best part for all robots!"

Addy/Kid: "Robots ????"

Ernesti: "I mean Silhuette Knights. Also I will find substitute materials to copy much of my cousins gundam blueprints."

Sonny had access to blueprints and material compositions of each parts of the gundams. The muscle tissues of the gundam are made of proto adamantium, which was unavailable in the world they're at. Also the outer layer is a metal close the vibranium buy indestructible. The power source is also better than tony stark's arc reactor. It is 100 times more powerful and have never ending power supply. The beam cannons is even more op especially the beam laser bazooka from gundam nadaleeh. But it takes time charging it.

Ernesti also want to replicate the Optic camouflage of each gundams. But finding substitute is hard to find.

While they were discussing their future plans, a dwarf was being bullied by 3 tall kids taking his hammer and running away with it.

Dwarf: " Hey give my hammer back! I spent all my life savings for that."

The dwarf having short legs run slower than the older kids. Ernesti decided to help the dwarf.

Ernesti: "Would you acquire our assistance. I have a lot of respect to you sihuette knight engeneers."

Dwarf: "Okay,

please help me get me hammer back."

Ernesti: "Sure thing, Addy kid use wind thrust."

All three of them created program scripts in their mind. Then used wind magic to blow away the dwarf directly to the bullies. The dwarf shot like a bullet and knocked out the bullies. Due the the dwarfs physiology, they have tough skin to survive the clash.

Once the bullies were knocked out. the dwarf introduce himself.

Dwarf: " You guys are weird. But I'm impressed. Thanks for getting my hammer back. By the way, my name is Batson Termonen. I'm from the silhuette knight engineers."

Ernesti: "My name is Ernesti Echavalier. This here are Addy and Kid Olter."

Addy/Kid: "Hello"

While they were talking, Sonny came by flying using 2 magic staff. Sonny created a belt with sub arms on the back to hold the 2 magic staff. It's like a human like silhuette knight.

The people around had their mouth wide open in amazement. The belt had it's own power source. Theres a beast core up front and complicated scripts that activates on little mana. So mana consumption is very minimum.

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