it is a story that talks about the force that push things to happen. in life there are situation that one can't control but they just come to pass...Fate is defined as the force of Destiny .in this chapter we are going to talk about a girl who was born out of wedlock and as a result ...she suffered so much in life.
My name is Liz 12 years old a pupil at Matunda primary school born and raise by a single mum. my mother was born in the western region of Kenya so many years ago in a polygamous family..I was born to a 17 years old lady by a married man who happened to be working for the police force of Kenya being a 2nd child of my mother ,she ran away from the village due to shame and frustration for having two kids before marriage ,she ran to the central part of Kenya where I was born .when I was 2 years mother returned to the village and left me with my grand mother so that she can further her studies .what I wicked world uncle raped me for the first time at the age of 3 years an adult of 27 years what a shame as if that was enough ...Grandmother was a busy person since she was a nurse she always left home to visit relative helping out those who were sick and most of the time she left us home ,with uncles exposed to wickedness and cruelty of life .all the male people around saw the woman in me and not the child that I was and they always took advantage of me. At 3 years I was used to rape and harassment from cousins and uncles .My mother decided that I should go and stay with the sister since my academic life at level one was pathetic...the sister was something else she could beat me up and denied me food .I spend my life crying and wishing I was never born...the son to the sister could rape me everyday and I wounded was my fate to be rape.? tear became my food and bitterness become my lifestyle at this point I was only 7 years .I could do all the works at the house include cooking washing and making the house since it was a village house we use cow dung and smire . whenever mother visited I could cry to unconscious, I was never given the chance to explain to her what life was about at that point .life was a living hale for me. she could leave thinking am okay but I was dyeing inside. for 15 years I spent crying until I developed a condition ,which I could faint everyday whenever am exposed to any form of heat..I was admitted to a boarding school where I could go to school jam either at school or at home .but in between school and home .I was getting the last or 2nd last position in school .Mother paid her money in school in vain. I transfers school at list twice a year. and this really affected my studies at some point I dropped out of school and went hunting birds with some male friends ,who later took advantage of me. sexual harassment become part of my life and I had to live with it. I become my own Shadow. Mother use to buy me cloths and uniform but the sister could take and give to her children and me I remain without cloths .sometimes she could give me her sons broken cloths and take my new one. My duties were tough ,at lunch break I could come home ,fetch firewood prepare porridge feed the kids to the sister then .take them back to school .I was treated like a house help .I was force to go to school late and snick out early .so us to meet my duties on time...evening it was upon me to go and do some farming for the family vegetable .life was actually a living hell for me .As time went buy I became bitter with my mother and myself ...I blamed her for abandoning me I blamed her for the pains and frustrations I was going through. I developed a crying character I could cry at an small opportunity.
Life become more difficult as time went by and all I could do was to cry and accept my fate .we could grab any opportunity presented to us to run away every time I could run away to my grand mother place but every time I went to her she could sent me back immediately .she was tough and all the time they blamed me for my bad character of crying and being bitter I never talked or complained to anyone for what I was going through. All I did was to cry and remain silent .
one day mother invited me and my other cousins to visit her in collage for the Holliday's ,mother's sister was so mean that she hide the invitation from me till I was left behind. she was scared that I would tell my mother about the kind of life she was giving to me and mother would not allow me go back to her .so she kept me from going ...when I learn about the rest having visited mother ,I cried for three days but she could beat me up and denied me food and going out . I was forced to do all the chores and stay with her babies at home as she goes to visit her friends in the women groups (Chama). she med me feel rejected and not wanted.
when I was now 10 years I realized I have messed up my academic life and I needs to change or forget about school I ran to grand mother to tell her its either she let me stay or I stop going to school .she allowed me to stay but that was not better ,I could only see mother at list ones in a while. I had rumours that my mother was getting marries .I was so happy because I believed God has remembered me and he was coming to my resque.
Its a beautiful Tuesday we are all gather at grand mother Ruth's home the compound is packed to capacity with people from different origins .." its my pre- wedding ,what a sad news to receive today..Did she really had to die today.". this very day we receive a news that mothers in-law was dead.on her ore- wedding day