Down below, Sho was sitting against a rock, looking up as blood dripped from his forehead. He was panting heavily, feeling his legs shake, and his heartbeat grew louder and louder, crying out for a chance to relax, but it couldn't. Sho was genuinely scared at this moment, looking at Gideon's unconscious body that was laying right beside him.
Sho thought, 'Hmph. Look at this freak….it's's odd not seeing him smile every five seconds. I can't believe ever since I met this fool, I've protected him..even worried about him and Bebop from time to time. Honestly..when I met him..he was..nice to me. And I pushed him to the side. Ever since the class D raid with Bain, Moxxen, and the others..ever since Acna showed up and slaughtered half of everyone..Gideon has been with me..including Bebop. I could run right now, leave this bastard here. If we were in this situation before, I would've ran off, saying I don't give a fuck about any of these idiots.'