Running across the island, Rowena and other captives searched for a way off. In the caves of the islanders, the Hyperionites and their captives had found things that did not seem as if they could have been made by simple shepherds. From the materials of some of the items, the Hyperionites and their captives initially believed them to be traders as well. It was only when the islanders appeared that it was realized that these shepherds were also pirates.
Trader, pirate, it made no difference. It just meant a way off the island and hopefully, reaching Falco's ship as it came for them.
It was only when coming to the top of a large hill, that Rowena and the others saw an Aetherean ship and realized that Falco and his group had found them again. They were saved! All they had to do was get to the ship!
Making their way down from the hill, the captives found the Hyperionites on their heels once more. Alas, the Hyperionites had the angry islanders upon their heels as well. Had the Hyperionites not killed some of the islanders' sheep and stolen some of their cheese, perhaps they would have been more hospitable, but with Acinonyx and his band having already made a breach of hospitality by abducting his host's lawful wife, any chance of them being good guests was non-existent.
Before things had made an even worst turn, Acinonyx had boasted of his abduction of Rowena and the others. Upon mentioning Aether, the one-eyed leader of the islanders showed some recognition of the name and when the Crown Prince of Hyperion mentioned that Pasiphae was the sister of the High Priest of the Earth, that was when things had truly made a turn for the worst. The leader of the islanders was a native Aetherean, that much was plain from his appearance, but whether he was friend or foe, Rowena knew not.
Approaching Falco's ship, Rowena heard someone call her appellation. It was not evil-hearted Sarpedon, standing upon the deck of the Aetherean trireme looking bored. It was the voice of someone who made her heart leap with unbridled joy!
It was Falco!
Turning, she and the others saw Falco and his group running towards the beach. Kenneth, the brave little caracal, was running next to Falco, it seemed like the perfect happy ending... And then Rowena noticed Achilles carrying Frumentius' lifeless form. She heard a distraught cry come from Xe-tian, with whom Frumentius had been close, and so Rowena realized, that this was a bittersweet ending at the most.
Alas, a story cannot end before the ending. It cannot end at the middle either. Alas, this was not even the middle. This was before the middle. While Falco and Rowena ran over to one another, who should appear then and there, but evil-hearted Acinonyx, his cheetah Paris by his side.
The moment the black-feathered arrow landed between the two, all eyes turned to see the Crown Prince of Hyperion, glaring with eyes like a burning ember.
"Well, Falco..." uttered Acinonyx as he prepared another arrow and looked to see the rest of his band arriving, only a little bit reduced by the islanders. "I suppose you have figured it out by now, it was I who slew your paterfamilias and now I have slain your compeer as—"
"No time for dramatics, cousin!" exclaimed one of the Hyperionites. "We must leave at once!"
Acinonyx had barely opened his mouth when the islanders had appeared on the scene. He had thought them slain by his band. When their leader appeared, whom Acinonyx had thought he had lost, things grew worse.
A fight broke loose, causing Rowena to lose sight of Falco. Of the captives, only Xe-tian was able to make it to the Aetherean ship. Eithne, Pasiphae and the others had been taken by some of the Hyperionites to their own ship was the now free Scholastica stayed near her brother Alboin, her javelin cutting down enemies just as his axe did.
Rushing to the aid of her fellow captives, Rowena picked up a dagger from a fallen Hyperionite and thrust it into the unprotected back of the man who had been carrying Eithne. They were not in an enclosed space anymore, now Rowena could utilize her acrobatic skills to great... Sighing as the Hyperionite fell, Rowena quickly took a good luck at her surroundings. There was no charging bull to leap and this was certainly not the time to shoot a bow with her feet. So much for utilizing her acrobatic skills to great effect.
Perhaps her dancing skills would come to better use. In addition to the typical education for girls on Aether involving cooking, spinning wool, managing a household, reading, running, wrestling and throwing javelins, Rowena had elected to train as a performer, acrobat, dancing girl, athlete and actress, overall leaving her with a number of skills. Which set of skills was she supposed to draw from was the question however.
Sending another Hyperionite down with a swift kick, Rowena looked to Eithne, Pasiphae and the others and exclaimed: "Come on! We're going home!"
A bold declaration, but alas, a story cannot end before the middle. Another Hyperionite, armed with a club, struck and soon everything went black for the Queen of Aether.