A fresh wind clutched at Ralf's chest, it seemed like how Aion hugged his sparkling body. Linking with the irresistible shadow, it squeezes his arms, how the stunning princes bonked at his dazzling arms. Alongside him, princess Nymph slightly attached to the enticing shadow which blocked her way. Once she couldn't get out from the shadow, her body would turn into salt, whether she liked it or not she would utilize her power of light as a princess.
Much light came out from her diamond eyes, it eventually faded the shadow, but her entire body still sensed how bewitching the guy is. Indeed, her nerves kept on quaking until she could decry the genuine reason why she was still alive physically. On the other hand, Aion was unable to recognize the day, even if Cullen, the king, would give whatever she wanted to buy. Countless nights her eyes fell down the tears, it made rain to the earth. It was converted into Nymph's tears which fell down when nobody comforted exclusively for her.
Whether it's dreadful swaying the way without the person, who really loved you from the bottom of their heart, still she yelled her bad situation, maybe the copper star might fall to care and wipe her tears. Meanwhile, she turned off her dazzling light since she couldn't view anyone, who may listen to her situation. But the tempting shadow clutched to her arms again with a fluffy voice," is this you, Aion?"
In a quick, her miracle eyes flashforward the glittering lights, which she finally beheld the bewitching man, who undyingly stared at her. Honestly speaking, she found a handsome man before but she never got attracted anymore, except him, who removed her stress and pain.
A hot light clutched at her heart when Ralf looked at her. This shuddered her cell, it seemed like she found her destiny when the guy touched her hands. With a fluffy voice," just ceased to bawl," Ralf's mind casted what Aion did in the palace without him.
It's awkward to shake her arms," it's my first time to hear someone who comforts my painful heart." she said.
And echoed," painful? We're both having the same experience tonight," Ralf said. Meanwhile, prince Nymph longed to reunite their feelings, since their faces were like the weekend.
The more I looked at his eyebrow, the more she made a beautiful line exclusively for him. Can't deny, every sight that she spent for it was worthy, like how she had found the real heaven where she will live with her dream man, who would accept her life, even if she was just an adopted girl.
At Ralph's side, his shadow began to imbibed at his arms, but it's indeed different, if he could hold at Aion's chest. Similarly, Aion's hand got insane to look for him, despite that king Tyler congenitally comforted her, no matter what Aion did to him. He actually has an interest to open his heart, exclusively for her, after the queen kicked the bucket from his hands. Although he's already old but his love still young for her, he would give everything, just Aion to feel chuffed, even the clouds, he would convert its image into a lovely necklace just to hold his love until the end of his life.
That night, prince Ralf and Nymph became friends after sharing their identical terrible experiences. Under the counter, Nymph yearned to be given a chance to recognize her feelings for him. Though it's hurt to accept if Ralf may reject her gleaming heart, yet she longed to be part of his heart. Every time they met one another, can't deny, Nymph craved to spill the beans of her feelings for him.
A lovely star reflected its precious light exclusively for them. To contemplate how romantic his body to be clutched in her arms is indeed having a whale of time. Linking her arms with him is an unforgettable night with him, even if Ralf never opens his intimate relationship. That moment, Ralf unintentionally casted back how amazing his life to live with Aion, he kept on regretting himself why he never patched before sauntering the way.
Can't make his life prolific, if he can't behold his match princess, she further heartily accepted that his hands kept on clutching the shadow, no matter how tough to move, just to hold how romantic Aion's body is.
Having deep imagination about the prepossessing princess, it closed Ralf's eyes and mind. Alongside him, Princess Nymph quaked her cells and veins attaching her hands to Ralf's arms, it would eventually magnetize her feelings for him. She craved to hug him, yet she shook her heart if the bewitching man wouldn't respect her.
That night, prince Ralf dreamt about Aion together with king Tyler, who will carry the body of Princess the entire world. It further stated to her dreams that Aion gave her candied kiss to him. It may feel down his whole heart, if he can't express how much he loves the princess. So, he woke up and climbed the clouds, just to search for the kingdom where Tyler and Aion sweetly united their feelings.
It's really befuddled to understand what the good-looking prince told her. Instead of longing to show her feelings for him, she felt forlorn about her life, if she can survive without the fetching man, who dropped her pain.
Above the clouds, Ralf noisily heard the exquisite princess, who stayed at Tyler's hands. This would shake his madness to the man, who took over his dream woman's heart. Then, his enticing eyes finally beheld her, who happily attached Tyler's chest. So, he would use his power to get the princess from the king's hands.
While king Tyler slightly gazed at him, he was astonished why Aion bawled her tears upon decrying the enticing man. A loud voice," Ralf, my only prince, hold me." The king's teeth jumped the way, so he prepared his power to assassinate the prince, if Ralf would steal Aion from his life.
Would Ralf win to get the princess?