Jeremy is an orphan who lived alone abandoned by both his parents, he never had the life most kids have, he would always go and stay in corners peeping or watching as others kids play and had fun, he had no friends in which he could play with, all he does was watch as others play, being an orphan he had no body to take good care of him, he barely ate everyday, he would go by a Mac Donald's store where he always looked for leftovers to at least feed himself, life was not fair in the sight of Jeremy, he was mocked and made fun of by his fellow kids and they would all laugh at him...
One cold night, Jeremy came outside the trailer in which by he lived, then he saw something glowing far from the woods near him, he decides to go and check it out, after approaching where the light was coming from, Behold, it was a sword, Jeremy picked it up suddenly a huge white light shone above towards the sky, everyone present outside in the night could see the ray of light as it shone into the sky. Unknown to Jeremy that which he had in his possession was the great *Exscalaber* "THE SWORD THAT CAN CUT THROUGH ANY THING AND DEVOUR ANYTHING". Suddenly as he was about leaving the spot, something came out from the dark, something terrifying, scary... To Be Continued