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A Sojourn in Romance

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Many tells told about this, and this being nothing like they have heard, read or seen. The One brings to mind, every woman's fantasy and was able to show that nothing in life is beyond overcoming. The one is an epitome that defines entertainment, while fulfilling satisfaction. the role he plays brings to mind a possibility of a ninth wonder in the world.

Chapter 1 - A Sojourn in Romance



After many days, he woke up from the sound of the phone crinkling crinkling in his ear. All along, it looked as though an experience as it was going to be never going to be part of his story. So, when she said it, he didn't immediately understand it.

Probing for clarity, requesting for simplicity, behold it was right around the corner all along. Then, it became all clear that the brown study in him needed to be studied. And then she said they all loved him. He feels that way too and exercises it in the way they call phyllo.

the main issue at hand and his hands shaking, as he listened. Becoming clear with her declaration. Then all of a sudden, he heard the word;' ''Jay!'' it is not that I don't care about you, but everybody wants to be with you and you being all ignorant keep passing by, leaving them all repeatedly frustrated. That was when I vowed in my chest that I will never allow myself to fall for you and becoming your victim. Notwithstanding this, I keep seeing you in my sleeps. When it first started, I thought your being in my sleep was enough; and then you left without saying goodbye.

My mum knew we had something going down, but she never bordered because she trusted you. Like she will always say, ''I know his heart must be like the shoes he bought for Vectron.'' Vectron on the other hand will say Bros Jay is the 21st Century First Born''. He never believed that anything could be wrong with Bros Jay

Still in the bed, ''The One'' heard her again saying, ''I didn't feel too bad about you, because the manner and way you left, to me meant that you will be back again. Then one evening, IBB told me you were back in town. Looking out on how to see me. Immediately, my chest started beating and this is why I know I love you. So, because I love you, I don't want either of us to hurt. Yet Can't wait another day without seeing you.

The One who was already overwhelmed, said calmly, ''I understand how you feel mummy. You see, I missed all the days I was without you. However, it doesn't matter anymore as long as we are good with one another. All I will say right now is when are you coming to see me then? Because until then, all these won't mean a thing.

Ooh! Ooh baby! You are the one in town, so by twelve noon, I will expect nothing but your nock on my door. By my judgement you have seven hours to put yourself too together. Ooh by the way, Vectron said you should bring that new song you just recorded along with you. Which according to him is an antonym of notorious BIG's More Bitches More Problem if I must add. Janus, I know you're a genus. She continued: '' you know my father once said; ''if you are cool, he was also cool. But I am not putting words in your mouth. However. it is better I say it all out to you now because even my best friend will say this same kind of thing to you at the slightest opportunity on setting her eyes on you''.

You don't always have to sound like this. Janus queried. I understand you more than you can ever imagine, but what really matters is that I love you even more than you do me. so, I feel it is time we put our heads together and neutralize every anti-matter. Like my mum will always say, ''They aren't no true friendship unless this barrier is broken. Not hearing a sound from her end, he called out to her, ''Bleson'' to be sure she was still there. He continued: you have to understand that I want to get married in 2021. And I cannot marry myself. You see, I made a song while in school, titled: ''The Time Is Now''. I strongly believe that we are going to party that.

Ooh my God! Bleson called in. What is the problem? The One asked and before she could say a thing, the line went dead. The One who could not make out what caused the break in communication, made to call back, but was disappointed with: the number you are trying to call is not reachable at the moment.


A little flashback

Still lying on the bed, The One realized suddenly that his good thing had found him. Him without mistakes is what could be referred to as the 21st Century oldest spinster. Although not exactly totally innocent in the sense but had been celibate for how long God knows how. The One who had spent most of his time in the past in different places around the country; was kind of unstable and this had rendered him unavailable for profitable socialization.

This strong point apart, The One used to be a very lively person, but at the demise of his father, he was left to make all life's decisions by himself. This meant that and coupled with other factors that followed implied the stoppage of cash flow. Even though a lot of people used to call in his house while his father was alive proclaiming themselves uncle and calling beloved. He stopped seeing them few weeks after the death of his father and he and his siblings then meant or constituted nuisance and burden. For this reason, The One and his siblings were not longer worthy of association. Realizing his predicament, The One's prayers to God was for guidance towards achieving all the goals he had set for himself as was with every man that ever became great.

All this put together and other undermining factors left The One with the option - expand your personal space. He did and everywhere he went, he was proclaimed the most popular. A characteristic that kept peers wanting to always be around him in order to be noticed. He knew their motives but never bordered about it because as is his nature, it has always been a thing of joy to affect the people around him and that he did relentlessly.

The One was skilled in the way that any intelligent person should be, but never took the girl very seriously. But for all the ones that came showing love, he reciprocated without hesitation, However, when whenever he shows reluctance to get sexually involved, all they do is nag him to his brown studies. You will hear them saying all sort of things like, The One is pompous, proud, haughty, etc. The One on the other hand always done his best to play along. Each time she plays him to a dark spot, he always wanted to be entangled, but whenever he made to connect with her, the lady's face kept coming back to him.

The lady being somebody he had met while on a visit to a general hospital with his mother while he was still very young. At the time, he had heard a lot about HIV/AIDS and what it does to the human system. He never realized the intensity of what the description meant until the visit with his mum to the hospital. His mum although a commoner had made it a duty to visit the needy and assist in meeting their needs in the little ways she could. On this faithful day, it was the turn of those in the hospital.

At the time, almost everybody thought that the main and only cause of the sickness was sexual intercourse and The One at the time had just started having girl friends. Even though he was only in JSS1, most of the pretty girls in his community would not leave him be mostly because of his rare skills. It was on these same grounds that, his mother returned home one day and found him with a girl on his bed in a very compromising position. His mother had returned earlier than anticipated and discovered some girls stuff she couldn't recognized as her daughters scattered around. So, because The One's elder sisters could not have been the ones using those stuff, she made for the boy's wing. Pushing the door open, she instantly spots The One on the bed with a girl of his age wrapped up in ecstasy.

The mother at this period was working with an NGO which specialized majorly in championing the awareness for the eradication of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. She suddenly realized that something had to be done about the whole situation and so she took The One to see what people living wit HIV/AIDS looked like and believe you me, it worked.

out of bed Janus walks straight into the bathroom. there he brushes tooth, share and the number of times he spent in the bathroom before coming out is one and the half hours. Janus who also used the lulu on Ade sure he performs the rituals before coming out. back in the room, he performs is constant morning drill. outside the room, he went into the kitchen to take a bite before concluding on what just to do. why eating, his phone rang again. an old friend whom he served with was calling to ask and wish him a happy new year in advance. the friend expresses some dis-satisfaction in the way Janus have greeted her in the last month. this friend whose name is I.J. why they where serving made it clear to the one that she was realty to settle down. that infant her mother had warned that she should not serve and return to the house but should ensure she get herself a life partner. all this put together couple with the bravery Janus showed with the orientation camp lift her with no doubt that they can never be a better man than Janus. on the other hand, Janus though ready for marriage did not have the strength to really go into college. he did not lift her anything about his medicament but instead played along believing that God is capable of doing something in his mysterious ways. with the understanding that they are going to be married after service. Janus set out to put his hype stunt as best as he could for them to shine till, they became what most people refer to as best couple as is know in the part of the setup and campaign, an American who was the director of farmer in the tone sport them and was going to do business with them. The One being a graduate of mass. communication and I.J. that of particle physics where on the verge of sealing their first deal and then I.J sold out. The One did not immediately understand what was going on but just was not longer seeing his girl anymore. Initially, he thought it was a tight scheduled and network problem seeing that her primary assignment place was a little in the interior. And one day seating in front of his school, outside the gate, he spots a jeep dropping off somebody and behold it was IJ. Without doubt, the person on the wheels was the Henry Porter but he had left immediately before The One could get the opportunity to reach up to him.

Stepping down, walking the sloppy road towards the gate, she started laughing as though she had won a jackpot. As she reached The One, she flew into his legs kissing and apologizing for her not being contactable for the past ten days. She explained that it was due to her new schedule as she then had to go to work at Henry Porter's company after school hours. She explained that, that normally left her totally exhausted at the end of the day.

Without saying much, Henry Porter's original intention was for them to participate in a commercial about FARMER's activities in the zone and them serving as talent for the commercial. Dominantly, FARMER at the time had just started a new oil plantation project in Imo State. IJ who had one on one contact with man instead of doing the needful digressed after establishing a relationship with the director and seeing what the man was worth decided to sell out even though the man was married at the time to a Nigerian lady.

After the at Janus' place, she officially justified her reason for not always being around to hangout with The One. Therefore, the only time she could be seen became only during CDS days and clearance and other times when Janus decides to go to her house. Nothing really changed between them, because The One was not the type to easily get upset and die twice. So, towards the end of their service year, she announced that Henry Porter was leaving his wife and that they are divorcing. She furthered that as she spoke to him that his wife was not longer staying with him in the house. She continued that his wife had moved out the day before and that the man was then insisting that she should move into the main house with him as she had not long before then gone to stay in his boy's quarter. She complained that she did not want that, but that the man had started threatening her. That was coming after the man had forced her to move into his boys' quarters seeing that staying at her place of primary assignment was a little out of town. For the above reason, she had to, move to town as it was during the first term's vacation and at the end of the vacation she wanted going back, but he begged her to stay and even when she complained that she could not bear the stress of waking up early to meet up with the school standard. He promised he was going to drop her every morning and pick her up after school.

So, when she insisted, she was not going to cope, and moved back to the interior, the following day on getting to work, he told her that her services were not longer needed as there were many girls who were lined up in town waiting to play the same role, she was being reluctant about. The One who all along had been listening to her, said she shouldn't worry about the man; and encourage her to know that he wasn't worthy of her. The One was going to continue with what he was saying when IJ broke in with question: Jay! when do you planned to go and see my parents? She asked and continued - you know that in a couple of months. we shall be rounding up and that her mother was even in town at Olu. A neighboring village in Imo State. She pointed that if he could just go with her, that weekend and went ahead to point that there was no need for him to take anything along as they only going to see her alone in order for her to officially introduce him as her closest friend.

The One in response queried that she didn't need to sound like that or try to push him. He reminded her that he had always told her that, she was the one for him and by then she should know that he was a guy of his words. He furthered that she was the only thing he cherished outside his family. He told her she was that thing he could go out of his ways for. Therefore, to be what she meant to him, she also needed to reciprocate his affection towards her. Which was because when you really love somebody, nothing on earth could stop it from manifesting. He concluded by affirming to her that he was crazily in love with and asked she was also with him.

It is important of note that, they eventually went to see her mother and she was jolly happy to have met him. As their service year gradually drew towards the end, they both agreed to start up in Abuja. But it so happened that as The One got back to Abuja, some player haters had gone to soil his ground. So, he had to leave for Lagos with a promise that he was going to be back in no time soon for their conjugal nuptial bliss. However, as it was in Okigwe, immediately he left, she couldn't control herself but instead went about indulging in the ways of the Babylonians and Sodom and Gomora. Only fo0r her to later call The One accusing, that he had not kept his promise to her. Still on the dining eating and in the mo0od for argument, The One simply told her that nothing had changed and hanged up the phone.



Moment later, as The One prepared to go out, his elder brother walked into his room joking about his Christmas escapade with a girl whom he had met that same day. As he got the point where he started lecturing The One about romance technology, The One apologized and said it was time for him to set out seeing that he could not afford to be a minute late for his first date with his oldy of oldy.

In cab going to meet his date, he met two very pretty damsels who said they on their way to the beach and he jokingly asked if he could go with them. Are you really going to come with us if we say yes? The dark one asked and continued - because common sense put on entering this vehicle, you were headed somewhere. So, how do you intend to change all that all of a sudden because of us? The second girl asked. Don't over work yourself mama. The One responded and continued that it was his nature to do anything for pretty damsels like them. Hearing that, the girls in unison and a stare asked if he was truly serious about his insinuation. And about that time, the cab driver called out their bus top. The One who was writing a text message on his phone while the discussion with girls was on, finally pressed the send button. The cab came to a stop and after the girls had alighted the cab, they stood waiting for him to do the same; but he remained seated and smiling at the same time. The lighter of them started smiling too and wave her hands as in goodbye, while the darker one eased and turned as the cab continued for the next bus stop.

At the next bus stop, The One alighted at a point where they sell fruit and decided to some apples. Eh bros! Someone from within called out to him. He recognized the person immediately and responded as promptly as he could. How E be nah? The fellow asked as he crossed to the other side of the road into the estate.

Standing in front of Bleson's apartment, he knocked and waited. Before long, the door flew wide open as the she jumped right into his hands. With great joy all written on her face, she started kissing him immediately in front of her young cousin who was seated on the floor watching a Tom Cruise movie without paying attention to what was happening between the two of them. After staying at it for some time, they walked to the two-seater and level themselves. Good afternoon, the young cousin greeted and turned back his attention to what was going on the television.

Baby nah! How have you been faring all along? The One asked looking seriously concern and even in the way he said it. You know, he continued … I turned some girls down many a time back in school. But there was this particular one who knew and understood so well that she fought her way into my life and what I did for myself was also done for her. Also, she did whatever she did for herself for me too. When it first started, I wasn't just so careful enough that I made her cry all the time. It was so because you were always in my taught, so the whole idea was that my heart could not just betray you and the love we had for each other.

But when she would not give up on me and everybody around started calling her my wife. At that point, it became all so impossible to avoid her. One night she invited me to her friend's birthday party and begged me not take anybody along as her friend was more like an introvert who didn't know how to manage a huge crowd; as such, they wanted it low. But even when I did my best to know the identity of the friend who was the organizer, they insisted that they wanted to make it a surprise to me. So, I took her for her words.

However, before I advance, what would you have done if it were you in my shoes for a friend? Considering all the qualities I have expressed about her? The One asked. Ooh Jay! You don't have to tell me all these. Let's just forget it and mind the moment. Any ways what is your plan for today? I had camping at the beach in mind. We could get a private hut or still, just move to an extreme end where people will not pay attention to us and them, you could give me the stories you have tell. But first thing first. I made that type of afank soup you like eating, but I could not make fufu, so I bought from outside. But if you will not want fufu I also made wheat food, the choice is yours to make. The One in bewilderment, was not wrong in coming to make up with her, because she had not forgotten a thing about him. So, he said: akpu please.

Let's cross to the dining then, she said, pulling him up with her as she stood. The moment she sat on the table, she started dishing out the food. As they eat, Bleson observed that, he was not eating but staring at her and she stood up then to the end where he was seated and planted a kiss on his lips saying, Daddy! Just finish your food please at least we have the rest of the day together. You are no I missed you, right? She asked and went back to her seat. The One who was now laughing stopped and said it wasn't necessary mama. But I love the practical in you. So, when do we set out for the beach? He asked and started gulping his food into his system.

After the meal, Bleson held him in the hands and led him to her room. Inside with the door close, she stripped out of her bump shorts and her shirt without saying a word to The One. Then she asked him to assist her with her brazier. The One assisted her and moved closer towards her. As he unstrapped the bra, she turned round to face him with a full blossomed breast staring at him. She started laughing as she saw the longing in his eyes. She went closer again the more and they were both body to body, safe for The One's clothes that were still on.

You know I have missed a lot of you. So, how do you want it? She asked him and went on - I am going to like it how you used to years back. This was The One talking and then he continued do you still remember those moon light plays we used to play back in the days. My God! Babe you were so stubborn back then. Please, you have to take it easy with me, when we become ooh. She drew closer to him with her hands on his face and in one instant she started sucking is lips and he was chewing hers back. They were like that when the found themselves on the bed. Before long, her panties where down and his down too. She started sucking and when it got to the point when they were to join, he broke away. She pushed herself closer again to him, but he pushed her away again. When it became clear that he was not ready, she burst out in tears. At that, he stood up and wore back his clothes. After that, he went closer to her asking what the problem was, but she didn't respond so he straighten up and asked her to dress up for them to leave for the beach.



As the walk down the street, they came around Mr. Feeling's house and The One decided that they check on him. The One in the past, between the period (November 2006 and July 2007). Although feelings was not exactly a good person, The One still feel indebted to him. In that light, they had walk up to his house with Bleson in agreement. The one knocked on the door and as the door flew wide open, he was overwhelmed with the beauty of a young lady from the inside. He later found out that she was feelings wife. Then a baby crying was heard. Again, it is feeling son who was only seven-week-old.

They both refused the drinks that was given to them and promised to be back for it. Closed to the beach while they walk through the beach street, Bleson said, '' so what was the point coming this far when they just should have stayed at home. I do just so many crazy things these days. and when I can make this trip today with you, eh girl we are together he said smiling, but there were no many smiles on her face. The entrance to the beach they made payment and walked in hand in hand. The kind of scenario you see in fairytale.

When they got to the point where none of them could no longer put themselves in check, they fell on each other and sat up for the purification ri9ght. She had always right and because of how right The One was she knew she had chosen right. The was going to change later but where they set out and then she gave it out that was when he knew he was out. Not too far from their predictions, soon after on came a paparazzi but they were from a far. Whether the girl noticed they was something he could not say but she was so passionate.

So as the walk through the beach side and looking out for where to settle, they trade by and people around. They were a couple indeed. Although not like the romance in the tempest but the tempest within and everyone within staring and hypnotized. AS THE SETTLED down at a point, the next thing they started chewing of lips with the ocean blowing winds that interprets the meaning and the reasons for the action.

So now that you are through with school, what will you do next. Bleson said as she breaks away then continued you can even go and finish your album or still polish that last story you just finished, about the boy from uptown downtown. That your supervisor tried for you sha! You done the dance self.

The One who had been staring all through indifferent came to respond saying she was everything he will ever wished for and about his skills or how he made it in life is not something she should worried herself about. Then he asked her to excuse him to erase himself. A time which he used to buy some beverages for them. As The One was in the errand of buying for them, some hood past bye the girl commenting on her grandeurs and soon after another group past with the same fit that one was playing instrument. The One watched from a far trusting her to be pure. As he started walking back to her, she straightens up and made like she was shouting at the hoods who were amusing himself. She said something and looked up at the oncoming The One and left instantly. He turned several time lamenting over what he had just missed and was making sign putting body language like they were a next time.

The One now seated again face to face dropped the things in his hands. She looked away waiting for him to ask what the manner of play it was she was playing. He unwrapped the toothpick pins piece in it and handed it to her. He continued with a question; how do you like it with your boys? You see, even if it was originally Chris brown, I know just too many homies who have used that same line as Holla for instance screaming ooh baby, I'm in love, I'm in love. You make me feel like you are my selection. Ooh, ooh yes! It is what I mean to you, like what I mean to you. When you really love somebody, when you …. he stops there and looked her in the face. He continued and if you know why I am still like this, The Lord had showed me what I was going to be with my Holy Grail he concluded.

In the art of love and trust his own rank. He went for it but mixed the call and going through the details he decided he should call the number back. So Gando came to life from the other end. Complaining about not having money, The One asked him to meet him up at the beach. A camera man came by asking to take a snap of them, but there both turned him down afterward came an accessories hawker. The stopped him, stopping what they were doing and picking different pieces at a time. Then The One asked in Hausa/Fulani as the seller was from either of the decent. Five thousand naira he said and The One offered two thousand. The girl made a face and asked him to stop there. Like for what should he be pricing two thousand naira The trader who did not understand her quick smart English reduced the price to three thousand naira as his final price. nehu bar Zakka Kariba dubu bue den kabana. The girl said with finality. The man lingered for a while and then asked for the money. As he wrapped the piece, instead he wrapped three different articles. The actual priced goods, two other bracelets beat as accompaniment.



At the out gate3, The One asked the girl what she is feels about them (the two of them). He puts …. he is … not forget today. For every good thing that ever came to be, started with a promise. And for my sanctification, I gave it to you for the there is no better candidate than The One who did the purification. He stopped talking and made her stopped walking too. And then he said, baby nah! I say this thing now because I am not going to repeat myself tomorrow and so, you should know that this is my confession to you in declaration of what I feel. The rest will be practical, and I say to God, this is the grand actor. Baby! If you give it to me, I will especially in the way that you are rocking my body. What else will I ask for from a man. Let's go there Bleson who interrupted him and at ground after concluding what she had to say. As they walked through the next bend, The One told her he will love the both of them to be together at that first hour of the new year. That day being the third day to the end of the year.

what do you have in mind? bleson aske and wait for him to answer. he was about saying something but did say it on time, so she continued --- over the year I go to church, and I am always caught either still inside the church or walking out of the church on such day. so, tell me boy. hmm---- let me see---you, I want us to do something that I can proudly inject in a song I plan to do about us. so--- what about Ikoyi-Lekki breach with all its light effect and me rapping you and you sing me till the street join in. what about that he asked and wait her response. moment later, they walk into bleson compound. as The One wait downstairs as Vectron came to meet him. So, they started charting with Vectron commenting on The One's new Joints.

Like you want it, featuring Switchy is about The One's real life. W3ith Switchy defining what it really was so at the end of the verse three, Switchy said dropping tight hitch Jayoh still speaking (please readers keep this to yourself your opinion). Walking through the street, Vectron, Bleson and Janus, they met IBB.

Ooh my God! tell me it is a liar are just coming? IBB asked as they shook hands. Then he turned to Bleson with query why will just allow him to come and leave without seeing me? Was I not the one that told you about him? He queried in confusion with The One and the rest staring with full smiles on their face. Bro. I have been around this neighborhood for like since afternoon and it is just quarter to ten. So, don't talk like that. I am sure I called you yesterday The One defended her. So how is it going to be? I didn't know you closer this late, would have prepared myself for evening. IBB looked down at The One and was going to say something, but The O0ne was talking again. Give me your timing and the next time we book an AP, you will see that I am always on point. But for now, I should, get going.

Okay, let's us walk him nah! IBB urged and they all started walking towards the direction where IBB had come from before towards the roundabout. IBB asked as they walked on. So, how was school nah? When are you going for service.? I have served already. The One said and added right about now, I am just searching for my crane. And God knows I tried to tell big brother in the scheme. Have you heard that song he did? I did on beat FM. The One stopped for IBB to say what he had been itching to say. So IBB put, don't you think you should be runni8ng one office now? You sound like a big man already. I beg just enter any office and explain yourself to them. Like for what you can do as regards rendering of services, relentlessly.

Ooh yeah Papi! God is in control. I know the whole of my kingdo9m I am big now and yes, I am big now and to reach the top, you all should reach like me now, he said laughing. Then Bleson said The One! Self, you ARE ALL these things we are talking about here, but you are not just going for it. She stops and continues. Look at me for instance like you have to end everything halfway. You don't know how that leaves everyone feeli9ng really angry with you. Because that is what frustration does as they crossed the road to the other side and where The One will board a vehicle, The One comment saying that I cannot say what you all are saying is not right, so we should all realize that you cannot eat your cake and have it. And now that we are together, I believe we can walk as a team and see that this dream comes to life. At that point, a Maccopolo bus stopped announcing his destination. He shakes hands with the two and drew the girl closer and said don't forget about today please. He pushed her gently on the cheek and let go. The three waving, The One walked into the bus and was transported away.



As he alight ed, he walked down the way where there sells lulu for the next day's endeavor. He performed some with some hood rat who saw him as one superstar. Considering his choice of attire. Afterward, walking down to the point where he is to board a vehicle to his final destination his phone rang. l Though the place was very noisy, The One still managed to pick up the things she was saying to him, and he was answering, thus. Yeah! I just alighted from the long bus, so now I am out for a cab that will take me home. Ok, you don't worry yourself about me. Ooh ma! I am a big boy. The One concluded as he cuts the call as he sat himself in the cab waiting for one passenger, the phone start ringing again. Baby nah! He said and listened. No! tomorrow, I have a session with an old friend who will be celebrating his birthday the same tomorrow. As you know, he is an artist, and many Bigs are bound to be there. He waits for her for her to say something and then continued. Okay, if you can come and save me from them. You know how it goes. Once one gets tipsy. She started saying something and The One waited for her to finish and then continued no I am not, what I am saying in essence is that I want you to come with me tomorrow.

There won't any need for you to follow me to the studio as my homy is even coming also with some other homies. But if you can make yourself available for the birthday gig. How do you see it? The One asked and listened. Okay then, thanks for the call. I will call you when I get home he continued and ended the call and by this time, the cab was already in motion speeding them to their destination.

In his street, walking towards the house he brings out his phone and dialed the girl as promised. I told you not worry, right? He said and waited for her to say something. He answered what she had said saying I know I have done my homework, so I just have to leave the rest for God and the people that it is for. She started saying something and then she stopped listening. Afterwards, he continued saying as long as you do not mess up, I will not. So, goodbye and sweet dreams.

As The One walked into the compound, and Attractive sighting him (He) stood up and walked towards him imitating his steps. Brother well comes! He said as they both clapped hands together. Yoh! What's up! The One answered him back and they both walked back towards Oshontel and the point where the sister was seating. Brother! Attractive continued, how was the place? did you see or meet anything that is worth telling? He asked expectantly. My man, The One started, you know nah? We saw the normal kind of things we see in places like that, like for instance, paparazzi was all over the place and different people were also there. We had the rare opportunity of taking photo with star boy. In fact, that dude is cool. He gave us a bottle of Champaign and two roasted fish. The One told Attractive and continued. And even gave me his studio address to look up on a joint they will be doing together. And it so happened that the joint belongs to MAC44 who happened to be the one that int5roduced me The One to DMM in 2006. So, this makes it simpler to flow and my charge was to drop 12 bars. The One explained to him.

My, man I have now until tomorrow to achieved that. The journey to greatness. The sister came up at this point requesting for the wine that The One promised to buy for her or still the equivalent of the amount was to be sold for. The One tried to make her wait but she was just so inconvincible, so shot her up, he gave her half of the money she demanded with the promise that5 he was going to make it up the following day. Oshontel came in at the moment guessing about the whole scenario before turning to his concern.

Oh boy! You miss! You won't believe what I met on getting to brother Faddy's place this afternoon. As I entered his house, I met a crowd of people in the company of Mr. Fallen Orant who had gone to pay his wife's marital rights. Ooh boy! The place was just scattered with drinks all over the place with people drinking like it was going to be their last day on earth and so many left over remaining for takeaway. The One who could not believe his hear, immediately asked if they were her parents or the eldest in the family for them to accept drinks from her suitor. Anyways, I am not a party to that, and nobody should come bordering me when things go wrong about something I did not partake in.

Know! It is not what you think it is. Before I reached there, I had told brother Faddy that I didn't want anything to do with it, but he insisted that I should come. I was there not because of the bride prize, but to see brother Faddy's family as is done during every festive season. Oshontel explained. Okay! But I will always say it. It is in places like that evil people used to possess their victims and who ever becomes possess will have to kill himself or his children and his immediate family. The One concluded and then said: ooh boy as I dey that place with baby nah enh, this song just pop in my head. God help me and if I can, this is the song: he started singing as though he was in ecstasy. He kept on as he took his bath to go to bed. As he finished bathing and ready for bed, time clocked 23:53 hours. Without announcement, he slept off into wonder land with a smile on his face. In his dream, Jesus came out of his mouth as the last word of the day from him with let no body come asking for loyalty, I long paid every family.



From the sound of his alarm, The One came back to consciousness. Realizing it was already five AM, he jumped out of the bed. He went to the table end, picked up his bible and his devotional and came back to nil by his bedside. Our father who is at in heaven hallo …. He started praying. And when he finished praying, he read his devotional and later backed it up with a portion in the bible. With the amen said, he went to stay by the window blowing his lulu and then decided to call Bleson. As he waits for the call to connect, Oshontel came to ask if the was still some left-over lulu for him. Bros! I beg make I do one tie nah. The One without a word picked the pack and handed it to him to do as he liked. Then, the line connected. Babe!

He said as a greeting to the other end. He waited and continued. Yoh! I just woke up now, so, seeing I will be very busy today, I decided that the first thing to do was call you first. He stopped for her to say something before he continued. Yeah! We will be at the studio by nine o'clock. Although it is not too far from my quarters, I have to be there on time as the session starts immediately, but you see Wizkid wants us to go through the song for some time before going into the boot and then he stopped for her to say something and then continued. Ooh! how I wish you will be around with me today, you know?

Yeah! This is my first major big collaboration considering the people who will be working on the track. He posed to puff some lulu and then continued. Okay! give and take, by 4 o'clock. we should be through with the work. But I don't think I will be heading back straight home immediately, because Mac44 wants me to fix somethings for him. This was because, coupled with the fact that it was Macc44's birthday, Wizkid had asked that we take the song immediately to Beat FM as a way of promoting the song and also announcing his birthday and also using the medium to invite friends who could not be reached physically.

Then he heard her saying that, Jay! I love what is happening to you. But, you see, I will not want you to mention my name when you are asked any question about your girlfriend. Please, you have to understand that I am not just asking you not to; but you should not at all. Because the moment you start talking about a particu7lar topic, you usually make sure you say it all including things you were not asked to say. And you know my mother will not like it when she gets to hear you mentioning my name on radio when we are not officially engaged.

What are you talking about for God's sake Bleson? The One asked the question and continued. If I, may asked? What are you afraid of losing when I who should be conscious of the things I say is not bordered? Considering all the people I will be meeting when I become a star and here you are giving me this trash. He asked and continued. Don't worry because I won't include or mention your name in the interview session. In fact, I won't even say I have a girlfriend. but rather I will tell them I am still a virgin who will do anything to be with a girl at any moment. How do you see my story? The One asked her to laugh. But at the other end, she did not find what he was saying funny. So, she instantly started provoking and asked that he thought of better stories before going into the station. She advised him that anything short of that was going to be very disastrous. okay ma! The One said and added if she gives him a little insight on a perfect type of speech that will say everything without hurting anybody at the end of it all. She answered saying, ''yes''! But I cannot think of anything right now. So, what about giving me like two hours or so. Thank you very much! The One emphatically and then hanged up the call.

At this time, the day was fully break and as he was seated doing the lulu, His elder brother came up with a not too full bottle of Red Label and two glasses in hand, he handed one to The One; turned for himself and did the same for The One who already knew about his scamp tactics. The One waited patiently for him to make his demands Whenever the brother wanted something, he always tries to pacify the one with little things like he was doing then, but on that occasion, The One couldn't predict what was in the pipe and decided to wait patiently for him to spill the beans.

Before long, the brother pops up asking to know what happened between The One and Bleson on their last rendezvous to the beach. Knowing fully well that the brother could not be easily dissuaded, he gave him a short description of the whole story. Yet, the brother was still insistent that The One had not told him everything, but he insisted that, that was all there was to tell. And then, the brother bumped into his own story. And even though The One was mostly called a talkative, the brother was more than him.

So, he started at the point where his friend who then played for Golden Eaglet, taking him out. On that adventure, they drove into Da-grutto. As they settled down, The One's brother said he instantly spot a young spinster who had been watching all that while as they strolled into the bar. He said as they finally settled down in their corner, The bar attendant came to attend to them and so The One's brother scribbled something for the girl through the waiter. The kind of things high school students do (passing papers in class, why lecture was on). He continued that the Damsel straightened up as she finished going through the content of the paper. The brother who all along was busy chatting away with his friend and wife claimed he had totally forgotten that something was staring at him. So, was startled when the girl in front of him said hello and at the same time offering her hand for a shake. Regaining consciousness, The One's brother undertone below oh, yeah mummy! How you dey nah? I beg forget my attitude ooh! Nah the naija way the make sense pass. He explained and added. Please, join us. She hesitated, looked at their faces and then joined them in the seat that she was showed.

Side by side then with the brother, the girl stared by asking his reason for writing her such a line. She explained that, though this kind of things is not just her thing, she just still could not bring herself to understand why he had to write such a thing to her. She further explained that she was suspicious because not ever in her life had someone said a thing that nice about her and it is coming from a guy that cute, it was clear that something was definitely wrong as him, she told herself that she had to go closer to have a feel of the experience. She concluded in a broad laugh indicating her relaxation nd her readiness to mingle. So, in an aside, the brother said … the day was his birthday.

Ooh boy! nah like that dey thing go oh! And as dey tell you! She dey my room right now. Ooh boy! How you see my skills nah? He asked The One with Expectations to get answer, nothing came from The One and the brother continued. Bross! This girl dey! She gets everything! I mean anything you can ever think of. So, anytime from now, I go the walker that isle, and you go be my best man on that day. Areh reh? The brother asked The One in conclusion. Men! After the wedding we should act a movie about your lunch. How you see nah? The One asked rhetorically.



While listening to the brother's tales, he was writing SMS on his phone. He had finished composing the message and pressed the send button. That done, The One called on the brother signaling that his time was up with him. So, he should hurry up with whatever he had left to say, or he should excuse him. The brother was about saying something but stopped from the ring of the phone (The One). He threw his hands up in the air in surrender and wondered back into his room with the remaining contain in the bottle. As, he left the room, The One went for the phone with some r4emarks as he pressed the yes button, hello! Ooh yeah! he continued after listening to the other and it had been a long time. Yeah! I just got in town. The One incited what did you say is the name of the place again? He waited and continued. I have heard of Snake Highland. You said I should at5 Apapa and from there board aboard a boat to the Island. He stopped for the friend at the other end to say something before proceeding. Okay, I will see what I can do about this. But I won't possibly make it today as I have other things in line already. So, why not we make it for this coming Saturday? The friend at the other end said something and The One had to stop and listen. Ooh yeah! He continued. I cross my heart. Yeah! Yeah! he concluded.

So, what's up with the music? Honestly, I expected that by this time you should be out making wave all over the place. But I haven't heard nothing yet. What is cooking? The One asked with a sign of satisfaction in the way he said the next sentence in the rest of the conversation. What happened? I heard Immaculata of rough brains was then a mother and was living with her mum in eastern county. Alright! The One continued. I have got something going down this morning until later in the day. Actually, Wizkid and my boy 454 are working something that really define me in the hip-hop way. And for everything that I had given, and after talking to Wizkid for a few minutes, he knew that the song was what's up and will not be completed with him. So, men! This is what's up and if you are going to be chanced later, you should come to Da-grutto for 44's birthday.

As usual, they discussed about things in the past and the present and their experience. So, when they were done talking, The One returned the phone back to the point where he picked it. Cut up in void, he stayed like that before regaining consciousness still seated in the chair by the window in the balcony area, he stood up and went back into the house saying as he does so. Ooh Lord! You know I have for this day all my life. And now that I am finally getting the chance, please be with me. Yes Lord! They know that I am going to hit the spot. He gets into the bathroom strip from his garments and went first for the toothbrush and as he steps into the shower, he started singing as it was a culture with him.

Back in the seating room, the sister wanted The One to promise that he was going to put her in the song - especially with the fact that the job was Wizkid. The One who was not used to making unnecessary promises did after failing to avoid the sister's persistence. Okay! He said curtly and turned to the pad Infront of him with a pen his hand, and earpiece feeding him with instrumental that was to be used for the project, he started editing the lines using the inverted pyramid format idea presentation. He stayed on this for some time and then walked into the kitchen to grab a bite before heading out. In the kitchen, his little niece though no longer little as she was then in the university came up with own accusation maintaining that, if ever The One wanted her to sing or rap, and the way the project was going, it was what she needed for a start. Her argument was that The One did not exactly need to record many songs before hitting the spot and pinnacle. But that with the right team, like the one he was about to work with, he could become a star, like a thieve in the night. She further pointed that, the team The One was about going to work with was what she was talking about. And that was why The One must make ensure he got her on the track or else, stop bugging her about music making. El-Nino please! The One began, but she cuts him off saying that she had told him her mind and that was final. Therefore, The One excited with the right effort to light up the atmosphere said yes to her. That was because, he was not always happy whenever she was sad. So, he said: Polo you have to understand that the song is not my own, but 44's who was featuring Wizkid and then me eventually. Therefore, it is why I cannot just outrightly get you on the song, but you could still come with me to the studio. You never could tell; you might just as well end up on the song; taking the introduction or the out-row. What do you think? The One asked in conclusion. Seeing her relaxed he asked: Do you have anything else to say? If not, get ready by nine o'clock. We need to be there on time before Wizkid arrives the place. He walks out of the kitchen living the niece to do the dishes.



Oh boy! I been think say Wizkid no go insists on that down-up pattern for the introduction oh! And maybe as you say, El-Nino fit do am. How you see nah? 44 ask the niece and then continued. I beg make you run that line again, nah make we hear. I really love that point where you came up saying: ''21st century first born prophesized''. But many people go vex and many people go cheer. And he asked if she had a good ending and waited for The One to comment and went on – while I was preparing to come down this morning, my big sister gave me a reason to acknowledge her. He continued that even though the lines that he had composed was a straight sixteen line, he has managed to find a way to achieve the request. Her request was a bomb, but not like the Osama Binladin. It was rather to be the most unforgettable happening of the 21St century. The One waited for 44 to chip in when he realized that he had said too much, but 44 will not so he continued with the niece. The niece who does not ever lack what to say started – Uncle Alokpa! You have it all in place, but if only you will harden the end a little bit and make the beginning up down. It should for instance be like in the city, like the way The Game started with that, '' Tell emh mother...'' thing. That is what I am talking about. What do you think? She concluded with the question.

Babe, you no liar! 44 began and then turn to The One for agreement. The One nods his head and then said, in continuation; I beg! Make we play sound small before star boy go enter. How you see amh nah? He asked and wanted to continue, but The One had to cut him at that point; by saying: ''Yoh, Yoh, Yoh! It should be like, ''Emancipating and brought it to the city, he never ever stops! When with the hip-hop! It is how you want it! Fulfilling innovations and my duty to the kingdom. Before long, The One was vibing round the clock and before 44 knew it was popping to the top. When the instrumental finally went out, everybody in the crib were already out of their minds screaming, ''ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Wizkid who had entered a little after the drama had started and thrilled by The One's vibes, took over as soon as the beat started again with 44 add lipping in the snippet. The song was on without doubt. Put plus the way El-Nino came dropping the introduction. The One immediately in his heart had started thanking God because he knew that was his breakthrough.

Doing some Lulu while the production was on, The One's phone rang. He took it close to his face view to know the caller's identity and then ends the call and called back. Vectron was already passionately waiting for the song that he kept calling every now and then to get update about the production. In fact, he was almost li9ke The One's blogger. He thought The One to be a musical oracle. The phone connected and The One, cheered: ''V! What's up? We waited for Vectron at the other end be he continued. Yeah! We are on at the moment. He waits and continues. You see that mercy ellenu? I heard El-Nino repeating the line in the introduction. He stopped for The One for a while and continued. Eeh! Tell them! It is what is going down right now. And that they are welcome! And The One ends the call. He went back to his glass and at the same time rocking the song.

Jay! 44 began …. ''I beg you fit help me cook that your rice. I go really appreciate am''. He concluded without waiting for The One's response. El-Nino looked on as they converse and waiting for the next step. She didn't get any, so she asked her question. So, what's the next thing? There's no doubt that the first phase was a bomb and if we keep it coming like that, it's going to reign. So why don't we go outright and buy the food stuffs and the other things we will need to make the groove a success? I know their fancy and even my aunty. She still did not get any response from her uncle. So, she tapped him, as it seemed as though he was totally carried away by the rhythm of the song. I heard you please. The One responded. You should tell me let's go whenever you are ready. 44 should go and fix other things that will make the venue sweet for party and for star boy. He said and went ahead to reemphasized on his previous speech. I guise if Star Boy has other things to, he could go on and fixed them and then come back later for the party. He concluded not without allocating responsibility to everyone in the arena.

Often time in the history of the game, events are rated top in the order of media coverage and turnup. And this was no doubt going to make the list. In recent times there have not been a particular order in the chart. The project was going to hit the spot, if not for the shootout which almost immediately became a blessing to The One and there are still chances for this.

Following Wizkid's ingenious, the song was immediately sent to the radio station for promo with the hope that it was going to hype the party, according to Wizkid. Without. Without reservation, the almost who is who in the social strata showed up at the event. Mostly to see what the one had to offer or was going to show going by the way he sounded on the song and the much gossip about him in the circle. Star Boy started the show against the norm that the bigger artist be the last to perform as the headliner. The gesture was a clear indication that The One was fully solidify. He started by hailing the crowd, ''Whuzup my people!!!''. He was followed by Tiwa Savage many more. Then came Skales with ''Baby down low''.

Beyond doubt, the show was rocking, and everybody were grooving. The One was rocking and El-Nino was going to calve her mark in the game. That Mercy Elenu introduction was her own and the way she said it weas mind blowing. Everybody that called in at the radio station where totally about it. It was for The One a double victory. By the time the whole scenario started unfolding, Skales was on his second hook saying: baby down low, rock this party, make it go like you send no…. the next sound was the blurry sound of a gunshot. Four shots at a time. Immediately, everybody scattered and started running helter-skelter, shouting and screaming at the same time. The One who was at the entrance of the stage from the back caught the source of the shot and also traced a possible hit.

Rushing to the side of the girl who had been hit on her temple, he tried to get the attention of the crowd for assistance but didn't and immediately reached out for her into his hand as he ran out of the venue. On the mean street, he couldn't get any assistance either and had to heap her on his shoulder in a double up to his car for the nearest hospital. Before long, El-Nino was by his side assisting as she could while every other person where rushing to their cars for their dear life's and driving off. The One who had become distracted by the injured girl, did not get the identity of the shooter.

As they pushed to the hired car, that they used to the event, rapid respond team drove in and started asking questions about the incident; but did not get enough answer as The One's major concern was to save the girl's life. He shouted at the police officers to help him to get the girl to the hospital instead of asking questions that could wait.


The Induction

Wizkid who had since left the venue, called to know what was happening. The One gave him a clear description in the shortest p[possible way as it was not a time for elaborate talking not without mentioning the injured girl before dropping the call. As the made to put the girl in the hired car, an ambulance arrived, so the responsibility was taken over by the experts. At this point, The One realized that his fresh and white shirt was totally ruined from the girl's blood beyond repairs and decided to peel it off his body.

As they drove off with the girl in the ambulance, 44 appeared like he was hiding around the corner and so was the rest of them. The One was ushered to a door with two guards which the rest of the super stars had entered too. El-Nino who was not stained decided to give The One her jacket as the walked towards 44 and the building. Inside the apartment was Tiwa Savage, Wizkid, Skales, Ice Prince and Lynx with a bottle of champaign in his hand, drinking from it with his boss nature intact. He hands over the bottle to The One as they shook hands without a single word, but with a promised to the others that they will see at the meeting and that The One was I Am. Splash and Naeto C had escaped in Ela-joe's car leaving their own cars behind. The One and 44 were yet to get on stage when the fiasco started.

As is the culture, although nothing like the skull and bones, but they still share something special and common. The One did not know about the meeting until he heard Lynx talking about it. Basically, the mentioning of the meeting in the presence of The One meant acceptance into the brotherhood. It is rumored in different quarters that the brotherhood is into many other things – other than music. It is even said that, among the members, for one to attain stardom he has to perform certain rites of purification.

Many people still argue or have concluded that, it is these practice that has given most of the artist in the industry the shine they enjoy. There are a lot of artists who are enjoying stardom, not because they are lyrically rich. It is expected that before one blows the individual has to give a little to Cesar as may be required to. These sacrifices are non-negotiable. So, if one is not lucky, he may get a nightmare as a deal after attaining stardom. As was argued, Goldea died and was buried without her tongue as an atonement for the fame she enjoyed during her lifetime; even though she ended not winning Big Brother Africa.

The One at this moment was no longer concern about the aim of the brotherhood. His at that point was just to hit the spot. He had since realized that most of these stories told about spirituality were only but mirage that could not be proved. He realized that he should not have any objections if Wizkid is living the life and even Olamide. Therefore, with The One's membership secured, everybody in the room started toward him and exchanging pleasantries like they had known each other from childhood. It was totally nothing like the guy they were all treating shitty/. Gathering all the information he needed to prepare himself for the next meeting, he excused himself to rush home and wash and changed from the blood-stained clothes.

Jay! A pretty girl called out his name in front of everyone in the room. When turned to answer, she rushed towards in and immediately planted a kiss on his lips – saying as she did so, ''We love you for what you did for that girl and if ever, I mean if ever you need company, don't hesitate to call on me. Just know that we are now one. Henceforth, you will get what others get. You will also get whichever way you wish''. She concluded and handed The One her card as he walked out of the room.

Outside with El-Nino by his side, they made their way to the car they had hired for the day. Do you think that you people are going to be good? El-Nino wanted to know. And the way that girl was acting, I can see that they have found something interesting. For this reason, I wan … I understand what you are trying to say. The One said and continued – let just watch and see what they are all about. Tomorrow is another day and to start living like every day is holiday, we have to play along. I love it and I'm down for whatever as long as last. He concluded.


Phase Three

(A New Dawn)

Returning late at the very wee hour of the day, The One who entered his house at exactly 04.00 hours was already wholesomely sleepy and straight to bed and as he slept, his phone started ringing. It rang for at least five times before it crept into his subconscious. Still sleepy, he fumbled around with his hand trying to locate the phone He stayed on that for sometimes before finally opening his eyes as his hands got in contact with the phone.

Fully awake now, he pressed the phone on his ear at the same time saying hello with it. How are you doing? He continued after stopping at hello for her to respond. A

He waited again for her to say something and then went on to ask what she was saying. I did what I could but you where too shy to come forward and I thank God for that. The One finished. What are you thanking God for? You are thanking God because you met some new girl, right? Benson asked and without waiting for an answer, went ahead by saying that, I was going to come if not for my mother who insisted that I must follow her to church. You even promised you were going to come with us, only for you to wake up yesterday with your music bullshit. Oh, oh, oh! The One cuts in. Did you just call my music bullshit? Anyway, let me just take it like I did not hear you. The One finished. Between The One and God, is music, so he doesn't take it likely with whoever tries to ridicule is music. Be it seriously or jovially. This was because for him, musical success is the only achievement he wants and every day, he works towards achieving that goal day in day out until the day that he gets there.

Please Jay! Can we just end this argument now and focus on the real deal? Kindly tell me what happened at the party that you were thanking God for my not being there with you? She asked in expectation of an answer, but none came so she had to continue. You don't have to be upset about what I said. You I said it while looking for the right words to explain myself and now you think I am your enemy. Please, can you just stop it there as you have said yourself? The One queried in conclusion to the subject matter.

so, what are your plans for today? The One asked and without waiting continued. I thinking we end what we started. I like the feeling I get when your tongue gets in contact, we with mine. Plus, all the nice things you said to me at the beach. I cannot think of any another person but you to spend this first day with. So, if you are going to be available by 2pm, I will be with you by then. She breaks him up to say something and when she had said it, he cont5inued. What will you like better than new metro cinemas? I heard they will be showing the scheme. So, I'd appreciate the honor to have you in my company going to see the movie. He waited for some time, before continuing to point that they should be together by 14.30hours at his place before setting out. Because he knew she was a kindhearted person, he advised her to share all the rice to her well wishers before the appointed time in order to avoid any form of friction that may occur. She cuts him up wanting to know why she should dismiss everybody. And he gave her the simple answer to be with her and have total privacy.

With this, went other discussions for a very long time a that when he hanged up the call, he was completely awake and his eyes wide opened. The phone fell off his hand on the bed as he stood up from the bed. He walked to the far end of the room where his table was located and opened the drawer and brought out a case of lulu. The lulu all prepared for the rituals, The One got in the rhythm before long. He walked into the bathroom after the ritual had been served and washed himself. He knew that even if not for himself, he had to work with time.

Stressing on time, he knew it was time to go to the market. We attractive by his side, he went further to achieve that fit. Brother! Are not going to church again? You know that today is 1st January and as such, we should start in the church. I know! The One answered and went ahead to explained that they had returned from church already. Have you gotten that you said amen at the first hour of today? So, what we are going today is go to the market and do other things later. I hope you have good plans for today? Because if you don't have, you must start plotting one now.

At this point, they were by the roadside waiting for a vehicle to take them to the market. Brother! You no want tell me about yesterday party, abi? I even asked El-Nino, but she won't say anything too. Attractive asked, expecting response from The One. But when he didn't, he had to continue: ''aba mana brother! I be your guy oh! at this juncture, a tricycle came to a stop in front of them and The One ordered Attractive to jump in and then followed suite laughing as slaps he slaps Attractive face for understanding. Within minute, there were in the market. The One alighted the first and dragged Attractive down with him. As they walked into the market, people started harassing them to come and buy.

Getting to a vegetable stand, started prizing a certain quantity of that was going to be enough to make soup for a certain number of people for merriment. How much is this one? The One began with question and added, don't you have the one that is fresher than this? I want to make a special delicacy for my Ps. If you understand what I mean, he concluded. I don't understand what you are saying, but if my ears did serve me right, the last word I heard you said was, what about #450.00 and I responded #500.00; last. So, oga should I pack it? The trader asked, picking up a bag at the same time. The One turned to Attractive for approval, but was faced with a blank face, so he gave the go ahead.

Stopping where he was to buy periwinkle, he was surprised that the price was rather too high as against then price he bought for only a few days before. Knowing fully well that his cooking was not going to be complete without the periwinkle, he started arguing with the trader and even priced a little more than he should have on a normal day. Oga! This your own pass woman oh! Which one you come the price like say you be woman nah? Give me #550.00 last or else you fit go cook your soup without periwinkle. Self, make I clear you – you must buy this periwinkle today. Oh, you know say if no be say you stand here since, I for done sell more than three times of what you want to buy. The trader concluded laughing and The One had to hand her the money.

The transaction completed with the periwinkle woman, it was time to buy meet for the soup and so they moved to the meet section. Although The One had bought full chicken at Spar for #750.00 and without wanting waist much time there, he paid for two and moved to the next spot. The crayfish and dry fish women were quick so before long, he had left that point to the water leave spot. He later found that water leave was the most expensive of all the items he was to buy, coupled with the fact that it was harmattan season. A period there was scarcity or shortage of water supply and this normally the supply of vegetables in the market as against the market demands which is constant and even some occasion usually go up. In times like this, buyers are left with no choice, but to pay what they are charged. Therefore, The One realizing this without further delays went ahead to pay for what he could use and went ahead to buy other things he was going to need to make is cooking complete in the order that it is done in his hometown. They were already standing by the roadside waiting for a vehicle to transport them back home Attractive reminded him that he had not bought shear butter. Shear butter to The One was the best solution for the season considering the way the weather had been affecting people skin.

Oh my guy! The One called to Attractive who responded with an enh sound. He waited for instruction without any further utterance. Please can you step to the other side and collect it for me? The One asked as he handed him the two hundred naira note. While Attractive was going to buy the shear butter, a couple of people came to stand next to The One. After standing on for some time, one of them called out The One's name and ended up distracting his thought. The call got the second person's attention, who happened to be a girl and she immediately came up with loads of complements. While this was on, Attractive returned and they jumped into a just approaching tricycle. He bade the fellow goodbye with a promise of meeting again.

Brother! I think I have seen that bro on tv. Yes, it was on a television series. Let me see, what was it again? He tried recalling and immediately jumped with a yes saying that it was in fact more than one television show. He went ahead to point that the guy in question was a celebrity. The One agreed with him and explained to him that the series in question was the ''Colossus''. The One further that what he liked about the fellow was that, unlike the name of his program, he was so humble to a fault. He said the meaning of colossus is big and not avoidable. The One again points that another thing he loves about the guy was that point on the show, where he bluntly refused to go and see his father with excuse that his music was going to suffer if he works away at that crucial critical time of his career when he was about to seal a record deal. The One added, but Attractive disagreed saying aba brother! How can you like that kind of thing? imagine somebody who did not care about his dying father, and you are saying you like that about him? Attractive finished rhetorically.


The Near Reality

Finally, back home, they set out to cook the food. The sister who had shared the chores and had said her role was going to be partaking in the cooking of the of the meal was nowhere to be found and The One was left with no choice but to do the cooking.

Regardless of the fact that cooking was one of The One's hobbies, he still did not prepare for what the sister had done. So, he was very angry while cooking. However, his major concern was that he was going to be late for his appointment. The One is one who pays so much attention to time that he would not want to be even a minute late couple with the fact that he was a trained journalist. Equipped with what the movement was all about, and the need to do it the right way and in the right order. So, on that special day, The One was going to be called St. Valentine, but only in another time.

Jay! What are you cooking? Oshontel came forward asking. The One looked up smiling and was distracted immediately boy the sparks in fries. Ooh boy! Waiting the spark like that nah? You go kill somebody today ooh! Oshontel was saying with a complete expression joy in his expression. You still the go that place bah? Or nah she go come here? Oshontel asked and continued. Bros! you too much! I beg you have to put your boys oh!! Can you please help me with the onions, please? Sure! Oshontel answered and did as he was asked. I beg! Unah too the ask too many questions and if somebody no answer, unah go say I haughty not knowing it knowing that I am nothing like that. The One said in conclusion as Oshontel tried to clarify that he was not asking too much but only wanted to know about his level of progress. Seeing that they all want him into get into a serious relationship. He further that, ''don't you know that, if not marriage, you should be in a serious relationship.? I beg, make am happen. He finished and left The One alone.

As The One cleaned the mortar to pound the yam, the sister appeared laughing and at the same time thanking him. My guy! She began: God go bless you this year. Anything you want, God go give am to you this year. In fact, you go hit am this year. And thank you for your kind understanding. she finished and waited for The One ton respond but he said nothing. The sister not being able to read his motif, probe – wont you say something to me? Or is it a crime to complement you for your kind gesture and pray for you again? I beg commot for road make I pass. She concluded as she left the kitchen.

Yoh! What was that babe telling you? The elder brother asked as he walked closer. Is she not supposed to be the one to cook? Sha! You nah correct guy and a better cook at that. He paused for effect and continued. How today go be nah? My guys the hold groove for ''Judoudoh Circus''. If you go dey free, you fit come with me nah. How you see am? He finished. The One who did not like looking ungrateful promptly turned down the offer with the excuse that he had things to do. He did by saying that: ''I would have really love to come with you bro, but I had promised somebody my time and cannot afford to disappoint her. I might however show up later in the night. As The One finished, the brother answered with a fine either way and moved closer to the pot cooking on the fire. The One's home is a home where everyone is given equal treatment, equal responsibilities. So, they all take turns in domestic responsibilities. This provides that everybody takes part in caring for the home. So, all five of them take turns in cooking, washing, etc.

As The One finished the pounding, the sister came out and he asked her to do the scooping into the main cooler. He was walking away from the kitchen. Meaning the sister would have to finish the cooking when his phone started ringing, so he went back to pick the call and saw that it was Vectron who was on the line. He answered. My man! He waited and continued – yes, she made it. The doctor said she would be out of the hospital in one week which is not bad for a gunshot on the chest. He finished and Vectron said something while he listens and then continued. Yeah! There is a possibility of a record deal and there is also a problem. Where is your sister? Is she there? The One asked and waited ... ok! … he continued …. you guys still want to go to that park? Alright, just be cool and act right but for me, tell Benson to be ready before I get there. He finished and said you know before ending the call.

Oh boy! You be celeb oh1 the sister said laughing and went on. Your girl friend brother the call to strategize groove. Aba Alokpa! You be big boy! She was saying when she realized that The One was not laughing and then she asked … what is it now? I beg commot for road. She said gesturing as she continued – see me see person oh! Wetting you the feel self? I go sound you enh! In fact, you must give me details of everything that is going to happen at that place today. She began to laugh and The One joined with the brother who had already started laughing before the two. The brother said the sister was a clown. Damn! How do you expect this from him? Do you listen to yourself? Please go and seat down! She interjected in finality.


Drawing Closer

At about 15.45 hours on that faithful day, The One tapped on the front of door at Benson's house. Vectron answered the door, instead of Benson as opposed to the first visit, a few days before. Bros! Vectron cheered as he opened the door. He continued ''Happy New Year! I told my friend to wait so that I could say it properly before escaping for our own escaped. Where are you guys going? The One asked. No place too far away from here. We might end up at the resort at Chevron. He answered and continued. It is only nice that you treat a lady nicely on a day like this. What do you think? He asked as he concludes. I feel it's a definition of greatness. The One said answered in agreement.

Inside the seating room, Benson who had been in the room busying her on nothing; storms out in a Jellabiya gown. Bobo! She called out to The One. Not even before now, Benson calls The One, ''Bobo''. A name in the local romance that could pass for boyfriend, darling, etc. as mentioned before, Benson and The One, go way back. In that, they played moonlight plays in supper men days. They became separated after Benson's mother who had divorced her father, decided to relocate to Lagos. She had to with she and her brother, because she won the right to the children. Although, without any benefits.

Come over here! Benson commanded as she moved towards him. She takes his hands and before a flashed second, they were already entangled. I love you! She said as she began. What caused the shooting at the event? She wanted answers, but he told her that it nothing he could want to talk about. He further that he could not talk about it until the council passes it verdicts. He looks portrayed understanding. But I don't still seem to understand why you are the one that goes all out to risk his life for a girl who if not for God would have died. Benson quarried.

Yeah!!! ... yet shit happens either way and for yesterday, you are going to find the story in encyclopedia. So, there is nothing for me to comment on. So, what would you like us to do today? The One asked as he changed the topic. He continued with, '' I observe that almost everybody is going to the beach or to the resort. So, why don't we use any one of these?'' I am not in the mood to go out today. So, lets just go to my room. At least, I should rest today that I have the opportunity to quietness. She said as she walked back to her room without giving The One the opportunity to further argument. It meant that she was waiting for him in her bedroom.

Vectron who was all along listening to the conversation, showed The One a place to seat saying … ''Bros I beg waiting I go offer you? We get Star, Gulder, Stout, Red-Lebel, Vodka and other soft drinks. Oh boy! Today go be grooving of the first order''. But does your sister see it that way? Because I can see your friend already to go. The One quarried. Bros! na wa for you oh! Are you forgetting that she will never say yes, or I agree? Vectron reminded him.

My guy! The girl is just trying to play safe. I've assured her severally that she has nothing to fear. The One said looking at Vectron squarely and continued. I've have told severally that I will always support her opinion. He continued that he believed that as teammates, they could do anything they want, whenever they want. It meant, that they could get anything they wanted. Do you still remember the issue with Monday? The One asked just to change the subject. Vectron who at that point was getting the drinks ready, flipped through and settled for a bottle of white vodka. He decorated the table with the bottle of vodka and two bottles of Smirnoff ice together with two wine glasses. How can I ever forget a thing like that when all my goods were lost that day to the gang? He sets the bottle before The One and poured a shut for him and did the same for him and the girl.

You are not far from it. I can see for myself. And everybody wants to get in your shoes. But me, I am just out for my size, and I know that you know my size. The One was saying as they sipped their drinks. After a while, Benson walked back into the seating room and was before long making all the act that went with it. She began …. Bobo! My instinct tells me that those people decision to work with you was because they have seen that they won't lose a thing while doing so considering the effect your effort has been making in the past few months following your return. She continued as she said: You see, I think I should let you know that before I called you that day, they were a gossip about you in the media. I was listening to rhythm 93.7fm when I heard somebody talking about kemistry and before long, your name popped up saying Kemistry actually wanted to work with you when she first saw you in 2006. The person further said that not doing that was one of the biggest mistakes Kemistry ever, made in her life.


The Point Established

On a certain faithful Sunday in 2006, The One had gone to the station to see a friend who was working there as an intern. On getting to the station, they decided to seat at the leisure end where they could enough space to themselves. Bottle of Star beer in hands, and doing the normal chitchat, Kemistry drove in and as she steps out of her car, she instantly spots and noticed them. The One who was on an Adidas dog palm, Adidas T-Shirt and a braided hairstyle was indeed what anyone who knew or understands the game would say is a superstar. With this established, and with music always in his mind. The One's slogan was: ''Looking good is good business''.

Anyway, I just have to make do with what they are offering for now. The One began and went on …. Either way, I am not in a position to start making decisions on the matter. But one thing I know is that if things continue the way I have mapped them, they will exploit me but not for too long. How do you know they would not be the ones to run your life? Benson cut in but he took charge again while Vectron and his friend listened looking a little confused. Dagrin is death and according to research I made, productive ritual is done only once in a century and you that know man can live for more than a hundred and twenty years and even if they eventually get at me at that old age, I will gladly give myself in gratitude. What do you think? The One asked Vectron at the same time smiling with it.

Vectron's friend who could not longer bear the delays in their rendezvous to the resort, started signaling Vectron and as The One saw that, he immediately encouraged Vectron to do as she desired. The was already outside when The One called Vectron back and greased his palm with a token without Benson knowing what had happened to support his outing with his friend. So, .what are we going to do today? The One questioned as he took his place beside her. Sometimes I wonder about the kind of things you consider fun. The One was saying to her as he smiled on. He had to say that her because he knew that she will soon come up with some funny t6himngs that are off books. She understood what The One was saying but didn't give him any satisfaction as she went ahead to exercise her rights according to her.

She stood up and went to the refrigerator and came back a bottle of Smirnoff Ice. As against her previous seating position, she went straight to The One's legs. As she sat on him, she began to say: ''My guy! How are you doing today? I got you in my corner. She was saying when The One interjected – yeah baby! I got you too he said as she continued: I can't say much but thank God. You see, no grownup wants it better than this and I am grateful that you are mine. At this point, her lips made contact with his with a vivid movement of rhythms of the act. After being in it for some time, the bottle dropped off her hands to the back and she started working him over with her hands. She was going for his underwear when her phone began to ring with the customized tune, she had made specially for mother alone. She immediately broke free jumped for her phone. The One could sense the tension in her but choose not to say anything.

After she had finished with her mother, she turned back her attention to him. Are you okay? The One asked while taking her hands. I just want you to know that I love you and will always do whatever it takes to make it up to you. You should never forget this. The One concluded. At that point she had started all over him. You don't have to worry my guy. Even if it is only for today, I will always be thankful to you. But I want you to know that I want you forever. Please don't say know! She said and continued in the act very passionately. The One who was totally taken over with, could say nothing, but yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Knowing fully well that it was the kind of response she wanted. Therefore, he gave her the more to the point of climax without connection. They together in the rapture started pealing their clothes off their body with serious aggression and ventured for the end of the bed in unison.

The One who was fully on top of his game at point, was seriously sucking and mourning. He all of a sudden pushed away from her when the rode was already in contact with the honey well of romance. He didn't want to lose a soul inheritance. That was actually the second time it was happening, and he didn't want her to feel bad about it even though was the one had started that they in her mother's house and wasn't appropriate enough to indulge there. He also knew that she believed, nothing was really wrong with that. She once said that her major concern was the manner in which they get involved. It was part of the lecture she normally gives him every now and then.

The One who was also a believer, did not mind but knew it was wrong to entangle without proper consent. He had read somewhere that the concept of love was of three school of thought. One is for the love of yourself, the other is for the love of the other, while the third is shared intimacy. In a situation where everything has to be done in agreement and mutual understanding with both parties being reciprocating, The One strongly believed that Shared Intimacy is the type of love ordained by God as his philia. The moment she began to complain, he knew it was time to stop. Which was what he did.

Confused and not understanding what had happened, she pushed forward towards him. The One who was faced down did not see that she was dragging towards him. She was on him before he realized it and then he asked her what the problem was. She responded saying he shouldn't be like that. What will you like that I do for you? She asked and was about saying something when he turned facing her as he pulled her to himself. He suits her for some time just to ease the tension and went ahead to explain why he had to stop in the shortest way he could. She didn't show whether she liked what he was saying or not, but when he asked her opinion, she only eased and stood up to the bathroom where he believed she was going to wash herself of the orgasm without saying a single word.

The One lied on the bed not knowing what to do next. So picked the laptop closer to him and started cutting the beat for the experience even though he wasn't sure of our it was going to stop using FL8 with Holla styles



It's Been Established

On the fourth day, The One who was still on the bad heard his phone ringing in his sleep and work again after the long night. Reluctantly, he went for the phone and instantly said good morning into the phone the phone. He listened for a short while and said what do you want me to do? I have told you how I feel already, so I think you are the one that should come around. My God! The One stopped talking to listen the moment she started arguing. She argued and was in fact ranting about an occasion of many years ago. He decided the best thing to do was to her opinion. She was saying … why do you seat there all the time and not minding how I feel about things. You have to understand that a lady has needs. She added and continued. You do this all the time and think you will always go without consequences. How do you expect us to live up to this if you keep acting the way you do or is this how it will always end? She asked. I believed you when you said you love me, and I love you too.

Hold on! Please, can you just go straight to the point and tell me where I have gone wrong that you have to persecute me this far? The One asked and continued … you have been talking about a lot of things without point exactly at what I have done to you. He stopped talking the moment she started subbing. He stayed for a while listening to her subbing and then she said … I don't think I can see you again. You see, I lost everything I had yesterday to you. I still just want to be without you today in my thought. The One stopped her at that point and asked her why she will never stop all bullshit. He continued that one thing he knew was that he cared for her and was going to continue loving her as long as she allowed him the opportunity to. He went to tell her that he wished her well, but she was not ready to understand that she could do whatever she wanted.

At the time he dropped the call, the day was fully break. So, he went on with his morning drills as was his tradition with the other things that went with it. He took his bath and was in his room creaming when she appeared all of a sudden like the Eros. And if not forever, they were happy the rest of the day.