time just goes on we think that time is going to come back but its not true.She spent her 3 months with that guy .She felt special because she was having a bf who was popular and every girl wanted to become her gf.She failed...She thought that boy was loyal but he wasn't he just needed a reason to breakup with him and he found. The girl told about her past life to that boy and what was in that life nothing just list of her crush...He left her.She felt that pain for 20 days.But she was not alone she had a best friend ...bestie forever although that bestie had his own problems but he always gave importance to that girl he never ignored her and this made that girl feel more special and slowly and gradually she started to recover the pain that shit gave her!!.When the girl started to become close to her best friend. At that time the girl thought that she made a wrong choice when she had to choose between best friend and boyfriend.And that guy came again in her life said sorry .He apologized for the mistake he had done and confessed that in those 20 days he had started a new relationship.This killed the girl more and for the first time she cried in front of someone..someone she loved the most...someone she didn't want to lose...but after few days that boy said that i want this relationship back!!!. The girl took sometime and thought that this is the boy who cheated on her and left her alone this is the guy who talks to every girl whether he knows her or not but after sometime she agreed for the relationship and she went back to that boy she thought that now this relationship is Never Gonna end once again she trusted and lost herself and this is the way how time comes and plays with our feelings