Chereads / Dark Side Of Evolution / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5 : The Final Clashes

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5 : The Final Clashes

Intro Of Hell & Paradise :

In this story, The Savior and The real Messiah and A Guy Who possess super Powers And magic and can perform miracles a guy worst then Elito could symbolize the struggle between good and evil. However, instead of a black-and-white conflict, let's explore the gray areas and complexities of human nature.

Imagine a world where people are faced with moral dilemmas and must make choices that define their characters. Yeshua, representing goodness and compassion, appears to guide people towards righteousness and unity. Elito, on the other hand, represents temptation and discord, attempting to deceive people and lead them astray.

Throughout the story, Yeshua engages in dialogue with Elito, challenging his beliefs and trying to understand the motivations behind his actions. This dialogue allows for a deeper exploration of the human condition and the choices we make.

As the story progresses, Yeshua encounters individuals who are torn between their desires and their conscience. Some are swayed by Elito's promises of power and personal gain, while others resist his temptations and choose the path of righteousness.

In the climax of the story, Yeshua confronts Elito in a battle of ideologies. It's not a physical battle, but rather a battle of hearts and minds. Yeshua's message of love, forgiveness, and unity resonates with the people, causing doubt to creep into Elito's heart.

Ultimately, Yeshua's message prevails, and Elito, in a moment of realization, renounces his malicious ways. This represents the potential for redemption even in the darkest of souls. The world is not destroyed, but rather transformed by the power of compassion and understanding.

In the end, the story serves as a reminder that the path to salvation lies in embracing our shared humanity, seeking forgiveness, and striving for unity. It highlights the gray areas of human nature and the constant struggle between good and evil within each of us.

Observation : Don't Let Yourself Misguided .

On the Day of Judgment, all souls will be resurrected and brought before Our Lord for accountability. Each person's deeds, both good and bad, will be weighed and judged. Those who have led a righteous life, followed the teachings of The Submission to the Will Of Almighty God , and fulfilled their religious obligations will be rewarded with eternal paradise.

Conversely, those who have committed evil deeds, neglected their religious duties, and rejected faith may face punishment in Hell. Hell is described as a place of intense suffering and torment.

It's important to note that these beliefs may vary among individuals and interpretations within the Islamic , Christian, Jewish faith and of course they can't All Be correct either one of them or None . 

The concept of the afterlife holds significant importance in Islam, providing guidance and motivation for leading a righteous life.

In the Christian group they teach you tolerance but they can't tolerate the fact that a lot of Christians are becoming Muslims and same to Judaism and being the fastest growing religion have a cost in this life You Won't know the Cost until you become Muslim .

The cost is giving up your addictions that harm your body and that your body got used to it and giving up gambling, usury, music , alcohol and drugs, adultery, smoking and harming yourself in any form physically, spiritually, financially , mentally .

If you thing that the religion doesn't fit you or bad for you then fine chose other ones that will let you do what you want then dying and facing your God with being : alcoholic , adulterous , unmoral , sinful , ignorant , arrogant and remember God Will put arrogant People In Hell .

Following the false religion of your family won't save you from Hellfire because he didn't do your research , and maybe you Are worshiping This Life And forget who provided for you and your family and if you want a hint from me then ask yourself how can the devil corrupt a holy Book he can either make the people forgot or burn every book the only people who memorized the holy book are the Muslims there is 200 million Muslims who memorized the Quran word for word cover for cover even if you burn every Quran they will create more so the only one who can remove Quran from existence is God the devil Loses . 

Every Faith Perspective About The Antichrist :

Muslims believe his a manipulators that perform miracles that make the whole world follow them and believe he is God the first people that they going to believe in him and follow him are the Jews if you wanna know why sreach about the Jewish Messiah, and second people going to follow him are the Christians because he will claim to be god and will perform miracles to them and they where made to believe that the Antichrist is Imam mahdi while they Don't know who imam mahdi is , Mahdi he existed In the time Of the Prophet Muhammad pbh there is no corruption in the Islamic State when the prophet took over Mecca & medina so their conspiracy theory are based on ignorance , the third people gonna follow him and fall for his offers big groups of the Muslims Of Course The rest will run Away because the prophet Muhammad ordered them to escape if they now that he's nearby he's offers are way beyond then you can imagine he can Revive your loved ones and tell you to believe that he is your God he can make any wish come true if you just believe he is your god he can fest travel around the world with a blink of an Eye he is blind a guy with one eye in his face written disbeliever In Arabic every beliver read it .

The Only one who can stop him and kill him is Prophet Jesus peace be upon him but you won't believe what the first thing that he do when Jesus arrives : he Will Kill The Pig and break the cross and tell every Christian that he doesn't know them you can find that in the bible since you don't care about the truth