Chereads / HUNT; AFRICAN TREASURES / Chapter 7 - Chapter Seven; De Paris

Chapter 7 - Chapter Seven; De Paris

After a longtime argument and advise between Harold bjoha and king Sigurdsson regarding the return to bring back his daughter the princess of London, Harold was able to convince king Sigurdsson that at this moment the journey is more important than returning for his daughters sake, Harold told king Sigurdsson that if he call on the return his integrity will be doubted by his people and that the people of Norway will lose trust in the hunt being that the first challenge within came from their king, he also remind him that people of Kattegat may decide not join him in his decision and will decide to proceed with the hunt, king Sigurdsson was quite convinced and decided to keep his feelings aside and do what's best for the Norwegians and Vikings at large.

They are heading Paris now, a city which is ruled by an inclined catholic family under the leadership of Samson Christophe, a very beautiful city in terms of buildings and tourism. On their way to reach Paris they were sighted by a fishing boat and the kids on the boat immediately reported to the king of Paris and the king in his effort to secure his city he decided to send his general commandant to watch the ships from a far together with an old ship technologist to see what kind of people approaching Paris, after a careful looking at the Vikings ship, they returned to the palace and the ship technologist told the king that the ships were outfitted with large squire sails made from wool that allow the boat to move as quickly as 16 miles per hour, he added that he saw the dragon headed long ship

(dreker) with a very big navigator and weather analysis device, he added that he also saw ocean going cargo vessels that can navigate water ways and precarious ice fields; the chief commandant also added that from the look he has on the people they are sea men, explorers and metal workers, their ship fasten with iron nails to single sturkey keel; they have a very tactical leader leading the ships operation because the wind power is very strong, but for the ships to pass the storm of the sea it task them to have a very tactical sea man. The king of Paris was so afraid of what may become or the purpose of the visit of such army he decided to arrange the number of thousand men to secure his sea border and fight any ship trying to get into Paris and unfortunately the king of Paris father Christophe had a very terrible history with the Vikings because they raided Paris and killed a lot of his soldiers and negotiated with Paris rebels which king Sigurdsson lead under the flag of London, moreover they made the rebels untouchable by providing them with ammunitions and resources to hire killers for every of their battles so after he heard about the ships he knew that to be the Norsemen and ordered his son to call for battle because of his inability to avenge his soldiers death, now the same people are bringing themselves into the Paris border and it's the perfect time for him to quench his quest of Vikings blood, although king Samson isn't convince with his father's demand, he shows that he cared and will try to do as his dad desired .

This is the border, two enemies facing each other with grieve, agony and negative trace in history, all were so prepared for whatever comes along the line, swords were sharpen, men are active and willing to take charge; but unfortunately negative story isn't as memorable as the positive, king Samson had a positive history with Harold bjoha, he stood in surprise seeing a deserving king of wesex leading a raid together with Norway and Kattegat with no sign of wesex flag. The question here is what kind of positive history they shared? It was a long time ago when Samson was sent out of Paris for bravery and self-control challenge which is norm of every Paris royal family to test and make their children worth the monarchical position, Samson was sent to the wild to bring a tigers left teeth in order to prove his bravery and acquaintance of the throne of Paris, well at that moment the hunted hunt the hunter and Samson drowned in a water which flows him far near wesex and Harold helped him with treatment until he regain his consciousness and told Harold about what brought him out, and Harold also being a prince knows how it feels to lose a throne and helps him with some insights and provided him with equipment that can aid him to carry out a successful task, it eventually worked for Samson which made him a king now, had it been Samson lost that challenge he couldn't have been the king, he could have lost the throne to his uncle's family, the next inline of the throne of Paris. King Samson was deeply thoughtful whether he should obey his father or obey his throne, he demanded to have a word with Harold privately and King Sigurdsson and Rostov were so surprise to hear the demand after having a word with Harold they granted them passage. This one of the simplest and easiest consensus the Vikings ever had within the timeline of their travels. What about the other party? The riders? Who remount their horses into a death zone? What is their state? How can they save themselves?