A few months later. Emma was on the set of "Helpless Hands" running some lines with Michelle for their next scene when Mr. Echo the stage manager walks over to the group to make an anoccement.
"Alright everyone this will be the last season for this show. We will wrap up next week. All of the agencies have been informed as well. We were told if you have an agent see them for your next assignment after this week." Says Mr. Echo.
"Why is the show ending?" Emma asks him.
"The station is not making another season."
"But I just started last month, It can not be over already." Tears well up in her eyes.
"I am sorry Emma, that is just the way this business works." He says and walks away.
Emma finishes her scenes for the day. On her way, she stops by the corner store to buy some bottle beer for her and Kira. Lia had moved out a few weeks ago into her own place across town, her show was doing great, and her advertisement deals were paying her well too.
Crying with her knees to her chest. "Kira I just can't believe it is almost over, I have just started."
"I know, but this is how this business works." She says comforting her friend.
"I just can't believe it happened so soon." She cries
A few hours later, and a few horror movies. Emma is back to being herself for the most part anyway.
"Kira, come on, let's go out and have some fun." She pulls Kira up from the couch.
"Emma." She whines "I don't have any money to spare for fun."
"That's ok I will pay." She said,
"No Emma, I can't take any more money from you. I already still owe you from the last few months when you paid my part of the rent." She looks at the floor.
"Nonsense I have the money and they still have to pay me at the end of the month from the last episodes, please." She pouts
"Fine but this will be the last time."
"Ok let's get ready."
Kira goes to her room: Since I have already made up my mind to go I will just enjoy this with my best friend. They leave the building and go to the "Karaoke club" around the block from where they were staying.
"So what is wrong, Kira?" Emma finally asks
Kira looks at her friend. "Maybe I am not a good actress, I only get background parts."
" You are good. You just need someone to see you and you will shine the brightest."
" Listen to you, you just lost your job and are thinking positively." She laughs "I just don't know what to do. But I know I will not go back home. There is nothing left for me there."
"Umm Sweetie does this have something to do with your husband?" Emma asks
Kira's eyes widened with shock. "How do you know about him?"
Emma shakes her head "It was just a guess, and you have always worn that ring on your finger."
Kira sighs "I keep it on as a reminder not to return to the monster."
"Monster?" Her eyes wide.