In the heart of a bustling city, the bright lights illuminated the luxury hotel room where Sky lay on the bed, his face pale and weary. Chris sat on the bed beside him with his back resting against the headboard. He had been unable to sleep due to worry for Sky's well-being since he was sick, and his face was constantly etched with lines of discomfort, but he had eventually managed to doze off at some point. However, feeling Sky stir alerted Chris, who opened his eyes at once and looked down at him.
Chris had left the bedside lamp on but dim, so the soft glow of the lamp illuminated the room, especially allowing him to see Sky in case he was in any kind of discomfort, just like right now.
Sky wanted to throw up.
Chris quickly helped him up and led him to the bathroom, gently rubbing his back as Sky emptied his gut inside the toilet.