Chereads / Angel's Blessings for Perfect Dystopian Life [BL] / Chapter 1 - Prologue: I Said That I Wanted to Live An Ordinary Life, Didn't I? (Part 1)

Angel's Blessings for Perfect Dystopian Life [BL]

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Chapter 1 - Prologue: I Said That I Wanted to Live An Ordinary Life, Didn't I? (Part 1)

I still remember that day we watched the daylight shooting stars.


Those shooting stars were raining down relentlessly. Rays of light pierced through the sky, challenging the midday sun. Such a bizarre occurrence did trigger my high school-leveled science knowledge, indeed.

And even though the numbers on my watch's holographic screen said '03:00 P.M.' clearly, the shooting stars were still there, beside the scorching sun, baffling our eyes.

'Woah~ Shooting stars in broad daylight, man~'

Yet while I was staring at that Physics-defying phenomenon all baffled, my silly little bro didn't seem to question anything or even realize how weird that scenery looked. I wondered if him being 15 has anything to do with that. Didn't they teach Astronomy in Grade 7 back then?

At that moment, I felt like knocking some sense into his head 'gently', although as always, his light blue eyes as glittering as stars in the clear night sky kept my knuckle from doing so. As his older brother, the only thing I could do was to sigh out loud, and then let him have his fun filming vids for social media and such.

Just kids being kids, I guess.

So I shook my head at the sight of my naïve little bro playing around. A 20 years old adult like me had no energy for such stuff, seriously. And it was 86 degrees in Summer. Standing idly under the sun in that hell of weather was no different from committing suicide. I decided to take a seat under the merciful shade of a tree, pondering how the heck could my little bro still move himself around without even wearing a thermo control bodysuit. I, myself, had to press that holographic down button like crazy in the hope of lowering the temperature inside my suit. But for some reason, my body still got soaked in my own sweats.

And I was just sitting there, watching the sky filled with daylight shooting stars. I did feel the urge to turn on my Holowatch's screen, scroll through news feed, and then find some answers on the meganet, but... strangely, I also felt like something was capturing my mind while I was looking at those 'stars'.

I couldn't take my eyes away from them. Were they really shooting stars...? Or comets? Whatever. To this current day, I still don't know shite about Physics (Or Astronomy in this context, I don't know.) to tell the truth.

However, I did know someone who knows Physics. And she knew it well, despite not being able to speak human language comprehensibly.

~ ♫ ~

Oh... Speak of the devil... As soon as I turned on my Holowatch's screen, the classical ringtone almost rang up in that instance. I lifted my wrist up and answered the call right away, without even looking at the caller's ID. As a true blood introvert with only one person I could call 'friend', I didn't need to. ...But hey, in this age when seeing each other's faces is obligatory in every holo-call, I was pretty sure that me being happy with no calls incoming is absolutely understandable.

To be honest, I didn't even want to receive that call from my mad scientist gal-pal, as I always prefer texting, but... in that situation, I couldn't waste the physicist's time by being demanding, could I?

'Dude... What's even happening...?' Also not wasting my time on any formal greetings such as 'Hello', I asked her that as soon as I pressed the green button. 'Besties' like us didn't know manners around each other after all.

'I should be the one who asks you that question, you mad nerd!'

Oh my God, that screeching voice... How could I never hang up her call to that day and kept sacrificing my mental health talking...

'You are studying Quantum Physics, dear Alice. Why the heck should you ask me, a Literature nerd, about... whatever this is? I know no science, only Gods and angels' numerous ways of screwing humanity. Come on.'

'Hey! if I knew anything about it, I would never ask you in the first place--! This is no realm-- for science--! It's-- @#$%'

Well... It seemed that at that moment, I'd get a chance to change our method of communication. Suddenly, the screen started to glitch, and my friend's voice became all static.

'Alice? Hey, Alice? You still there?' Having said something like that, still I couldn't just enjoy the silence and overlook what had happened. On a strange day such as this...

Eventually, everything got cut off and the call hung up as if my watch just had a blackout.


All lost in silence.

'Bad signal, I guess...?'

Of course, it was bad signal. Of course.

...Surely, I was just trying to make myself feel at ease. But it wouldn't help much since my pessimistic mind activation button just got pressed. Witnessing something like that and seeing the daylight shooting stars flying everywhere at the same time made me feel like... I was in an apocalypse movie of some sort.

'Ed~ Big bro~ Come take a look at this! Look, look!'

While I was in the middle of trying to hold myself together, my little bro somehow decided to run all the way back to me, with a bright smile on his face. Seeing that, I couldn't help but smile for his sake. And the instance he reached my spot, he just shoved his tiny wrist at my face, showing me his orange-colored holographic screen. On that screen shown his news feed, everything looked normal. So I assumed that there was no problem with the meganet.

'If it's something silly, I'm gonna knock that thick head of yours for sure...' I said while keeping a smile on my face, then I leaned in to take a look at whatever he wanted me to take a look.

Well, after seeing that livestream, I must admit it was no something silly...

Somewhere out there, the ground and roads seemed to start getting shattered by some mysterious energy radiated from Mother Earth herself, creating deadly deep chasms everywhere, people were screaming, scurrying out of their cars, running for their lives. Just like a scene out of an apocalypse movie.

I remembered that my hand automatically raised itself up to cover my mouth, seeing such an incident occurring with my own very eyes.


Then I also had to lift my head up to see what my little bro wanted to say, making such a trembling voice.

When I saw that gigantic barrier dome with a face pattern like that of a golf ball starting to appear out of nowhere, at least a hundred feet beyond the reach of the skyscrapers, embraced all of NYC into its-- No. That must be all of the State of New York itself, assuming from its sheer size. I suddenly got a grasp of why my little bro made such a trembling voice.

Hundreds and thousands of the barrier's translucent hexagonal faces kept increasing their amount, then eventually they all met at one singular point in the middle of the sky, becoming the gargantuan Violet Barrier of New York.

Such a scene made me question myself whether we were being protected from the daylight shooting stars, or simply... being put into a cage.

At that moment, my little bro was tugging my sleeve for some unknown reason. When I turned back to him, his mouth was opening and closing like a fish, as if he was trying to tell me something, but couldn't.

'What should we do...?' He asked. But somehow it made me feel like he was just telling his thought. There was nothing we could do.

There was nothing I could do.

In that second, when one single shooting star became a falling star, and then it fell directly upon us...

What should 'I' do...?








"WOAH???!!! I'M AWAKE! I'M AWAKE!!!"