Lin Fan without caring about his image bit his lip and used most of his strength and launched his body forward.
Gu Xia, before he could even stop Lin Fan, found his entire body locked for a split second.
He felt a weird pressure surrounding his body...
It was like luck was guarding Lin Fan...
As his body passed by Gu Xia and appeared in front of Chang Wen.
Lin Fan's handsome face disappeared and instead was replaced with a ugly expression.
Without remorse, he moved behind Chang Wen and forced her to her feet where he then placed her in front of his body.
He placed two fingers at her throat and yelled.
"Don't come closer! I'll fucking kill her!"
Gu Xia showed a sneer as he ignored Lin Fan's threat and lazily walked over.
Lin Fan's face paled as he bit his lip even more.
"I said! I will kill her!"
Gu Xia for the first time since he went through the window, opened his mouth.
"Go ahead."
His voice was icy and his tone was cruel.
His eyes showed no care.