Chereads / Dawn of Mechanization / Chapter 10 - Chapter 9

Chapter 10 - Chapter 9

February 2nd, 1900

Skies above Brathorn Imperium

"Target identified. Adjust course to 0-2-7 and maintain altitude and speed."

"Roger, adjusting course."

Within the skies of the Imperium, the atmosphere was filled with a combined roar as shadows were cast upon the surface below as Sartoman bombers flew above the plains and forests.

The massive B-100 Fortress strategic bombers were impressive works of engineering and tools of mass destruction, capable of carrying over 40,000 kilograms of ordinance within their weapon bays and with a combat range of over 15,000 kilometers. The airframe fuselage was 50 meters in length, wingspan of 60 meters, and height of 13 meters. Powerplant consisted of four massive axial compressor turbofan engines installed on pylons underneath the wings. Performance wise, they could achieve a maximum speed of over 1,000 km/h with a maximum service ceiling of 15,000 meters. Only armament consisted of two remote operated twin 15mm machine gun turrets on the roof and belly of the aircraft for defense against enemy aircraft.

"Approaching target. Pilot to bombardier, ship's yours."

"Bombardier to pilot, taking control now." The controls of the lead bomber were transferred to the bombardier who was looking through the sights to determine when he should drop the bombs for maximum effect on target. The bombers came equipped with an effective targeting system that took in account for wind speed and trajectory, current velocity of the aircraft, and weight and mass of the ordinance being used. "Eyes on wheat fields, adjusting course." The bombardier steered the plane using it's rudder as it lined itself up on their target and opened the bomb bay doors.

On the surface, massive wheat fields, with rows of wheat beginning to ripen for the harvest were swaying within the breeze of the wind. The Imperium's primary food supply came from it's massive agricultural monopoly on wheat for making grain to feed it's people. Failing a harvest would mean disaster as it would result in a famine across the country. A weakness the bombers were sent to exploit.

"There you are," The bombardier said with a sinister tone before the bombs were unleashed and began falling one after another in a massive carpet bombing run. "Bombs away!"

The other bombers conducted the same attack as they flew over the fields, unleashing hundreds of bombs from their bay doors which filled the air with an eerie whistle.

"Bombardier to pilot, ship's yours now."

"Pilot to bombardier, roger. Taking us up now." As the last of the bombs fell from the bay, the doors were shut and control was switched back to the pilot, allowing the massive plane to pull back up and climb to a safer altitude.

Looking back outside the cockpit, the pilot and crew waited about less than a minute before the first bombs started hitting the fields they were assigned to attack. The farmers on the surface assigned to tend and care for the crops looked up at the sound of horrid whistling before they watched several objects fall from the sky and land in their fields. The rows of wheat suddenly burst in flames as a great ball of fire engulfed a vast portion of the harvest, starting a fire that quickly spread before more explosions set much more of the field on fire.

"Objective complete. All aircraft start heading 1-9-5 and return to base." The bombers flew in formation behind the lead plane as they steered around in a wide arc and flew back towards the airfield where they initially took of from.

Ten minutes of flight, they passed by another formation of bombers being set to wreck more havoc and destroy another wheat field to impede their enemy's ability to supply food to their people and troops.


February 3rd, 1900

Great Jewel Sea

"Captain, radar reports multiple contacts bearing 0-1-2 at 88 kilometers heading south, southwest. It's likely the enemy fleet we've been expecting."

"Then we must prepare for the oncoming battle. Hold our course and issue full general quarters on all decks. Arm the main batteries and load HE shells."

"Aye sir." The lieutenant responded as he activated the ship's intercom. "General quarters, general quarters! All hands man your battle stations! Prepare for imminent contact!" Alarms across the ship we're going off as crew from their quarters, cafeteria, req room, or daily duties ceased whatever they were doing and ran for their action stations. These men were some of the most experienced and finest sailors the navy had within it's ranks, taking charge in it's most decorated warship in history.

The SNS General.

The massive battleship cut through the waves gracefully like a dolphin, carrying the ferocity and might of a great white shark. No other known faction was capable of mimicking or equaling the strength of this apex predator of a ship. The General was indeed a decorated ship, even having earned the highest award that not many ships earn while in service. Being the Golden Cross of the Chancellor's Citation. How it earned such an award was when she and her crew single handedly faced off against the Principality's only Megladon class super battleship and it's entire escort fleet, and emerged victorious having sunk every ship in the fleet. The battle was one of legends, being written across many history books and revealing the true might of Sartoman naval ingenuity. Now once again shall she face off against another fleet on her own, and once again shall she sink every last vessel that opposes her.

"Captain, our floatplane has radioed in confirmation. Radar contacts are designated as the enemy fleet. We've found our prey sir."

"Good, let our hunt commence. Keep me posted on the latest of enemy fleet movements."

"Aye sir." Commanding the ship was Captain Nickolas Heidler, a renown naval officer who was put in charge of the General about a year ago. Since then he has made himself well acquainted with this fine ship and has put his experience in command of previous vessels to good use. "Be advised, aircraft has radioed in the findings of additional ships bearing 3-2-1. Confirmation is Arkport Royal Navy ships."

"Understood. Continue as planned." The Captain ordered. "Recall our plane in fifteen minutes and standby with all primary batteries. What's the current status of our support fleet?"

"Sir, 11th Fleet is hanging back at 10 kilometers, just outside visual range, sir."

Hanging back and ready to support if needed was a fleet of two aircraft carriers, two large cruisers, six heavy cruisers, six light cruisers, and ten destroyers standing by to support the General incase things get out of hand during combat.

Usually the General sailed with her escort fleet of two battleships, two large cruisers, four heavy cruisers, four light cruisers, two light carriers, and ten destroyers making up the 1st Fleet with a squadron of six submarines within proximity. However she has gone on without them for this single operation and would face the enemy alone.

About 8 kilometers out, the masts of the enemy fleet revealed themselves over the horizon. It was a massive armada with hundreds of ships counted amongst the formations. 100 ships-of-the-line, 500 frigates, and 400 smaller ships such as brigantines and schooners.

"Grand admiral, unknown vessel spotted dead ahead!" A spotter atop of the crows nest of the flagship called out as he spotted a lone silhouette creep over the horizon. "Seems to be all alone sir!"

"A lone ship?" The grand admiral questioned as he ventured towards the bow of his ship and pulled out his personal spy glass. Using the device, he lined it up the lenses with his right eye and focused on the unidentified vessel approaching them.

"Huh, what an odd ship." He then set his spy glass down. "Ignore them, probably some dwarven patrol craft or something else. Keep an eye on it though and alert me once we see any navy."

The admiral was unknowledgeable of the incoming doom as he was expecting to encounter a proper navy rather than only a single ship in combat. He saw no threat of only one vessel approaching his fleet. However over time as the spotter continued watching the lone ship he started to realize and become alarmed at how massive the approaching vessel actually was.

The thing was a literal leviathan.

"Grand admiral, sir! The ship β€”, you have to see it for yourself now!" The spotter cried out in alarm as the admiral once again ventured towards the bow and looked through his spy glass once again.

"By the gods! What kind of monstrosity is that?" The admiral was alarmed by the sheer noticeable size of the approaching vessel as he noticed it carrying humongous guns of a caliber he never thought imaginable. While it was only one ship, he worried about the damage one shot from those things could put out. This may now actually be a serious threat to his armada. "Ready the magiguns and boarding crews! Prepare for imminent combat!"

The magiguns were rolled out into firing positions on the broadsides of every ship, with marine sailors taking up muskets with bayonets standing ready to board the enemy if they get within proximity. The Imperial ships sailed with confidence as they advanced on the lone vessel waving the golden cross in defiance of their supremacy.

However that confidence would soon fall apart, and the image of naval supremacy would quickly shatter once the battle was over.

Within four kilometers, the General hard steered to port and revealed her entire starboard broadside decked out with her arsenal of smaller 152mm gun batteries and additional pair of triple 432mm main gun batteries. The massive turrets began adjusting to the starboard at a frightening traverse speed of eight degrees per second.

"Main guns armed and ready captain, standing by for firing solution." The data being collected by the range finders and radars was inputted into the ship's analog fire control system to determine the correct gun elevation for maximum hit ratio. With the output received, the guns began to elevate with HE shells loaded and ready to fire. "Guns are in position. Ready to fire on your command."


From the Imperium's perspective, a series of massive explosions went off across the broadside of the unknown ship, followed by several loud 'BOOM's as if multiple volcanoes were erupting at once. A huge tidal wave reaching almost ten meters in height was a result of the extreme force unleashed by the massive guns. Above them, fifteen noticeably fast moving projectiles were arcing up in the sky before angling down towards them.

"Incoming fire! All hands brace for impact!"

The incoming shells landing across the armada and quickly inflicted a great number of casualties in such a short amount of time.

Two shells direct hit two ships-of-the-line as they punched through the decks before detonating within the ship. The explosion from the 1,500 kg HE shells was so great that the resulting force instantly reduced both ships into splinters, leaving nothing left that could verify the wooden pieces were part of a ship. Even the manasteel plates used as armor were unable to withstand the destructive force as they were quickly drained of their mana and shattered into pieces.

Eight shells did not direct hit any ships, but the explosive force after detonating under water near eight ships was powerful enough to crack the hulls and split the ships in half, effectively sinking a single ship-of-the-line, five frigates, and two schooners.

The last five shells impacted within the ocean a safe distance from the remaining ships of the armada, inflicting zero damage. However the attack was still devastating as they had already lost ten ships before even firing a single shot of their own.

"Ten ships lost already?" While only 1% of his entire fleet, the grand admiral was still left in a state of shock and fear. "No ships had ever been able to kill ten ships in just a single attack! What kind of firepower are we dealing with?"

"Reload all primary guns! Secondary batteries are now cleared to engage, weapons free!" Captain Heidler ordered as the main battery autoloaders began loading up new shells and propellant for the next barrage. Meanwhile all starboard secondary batteries took in the provided firing coordinates and began firing their 152mm guns loaded with HE shells.

The guns all fired one after another and launched an initial barrage of sixteen shells. Meanwhile both auxiliary batteries aimed towards the enemy armada and joined the barrage with six 254mm HE shells.

The incoming barrage had taken the Imperial fleet in a state of shock as they weren't expecting such a range for so many guns mounted on a single ship. "We're yet to be within weapons range, yet they can fire upon us already?" The grand admiral did not known how to take course of action against such a threat as he began loosing more ships to his armada.

Five frigates were hit by secondary shells and sunk, followed by five brigantines from secondary and auxiliary, and another ship-of-the-line by auxiliary fire. The manasteel armor was all but useless as the shells struck the decks and destroyed each ship from the inside. Secondary explosions were also seen from many of the destroyed ships as mana tanks powering the weapons and engines ruptured and unleashed their stored energy.

"Main guns armed and ready to fire sir!" The lieutenant XO alerted the captain as the secondary and auxiliary batteries continued firing at the enemy fleet.


The main guns unleashed another barrage and achieved similar results to the first, sinking three ships-of-the-line and two frigates with direct hits and two frigates and three brigantines from the explosive force of shells detonating underwater. Secondary batteries continued firing, adding to the growing kill count for the battleship as the Imperium ships have yet to even attack or score a blow on her.

AA guns were now in effective range and began joining in on the fray, unleashing a hailstorm of 20mm and 40mm fragmentation shells that shredded through the wooden hulls, even exposing the manasteel plates which fell apart after a significant amount of the wooden hull was destroyed. Crew were also made victims as many unfortunate sailors were struck by metal shrapnel from the fragmentation or were turned to a bloody mess by getting directly hit by the AA guns.

Within five minutes, the SNS General had sunk over 30% of the entire enemy armada, meanwhile also keeping herself out of their weapon range with her superior maneuverability. Ensuring the enemy could not get a shot off her and inflict any damage against her hull. This infuriated the grand admiral who grew much hatred for the steel monster as it tore his armada apart from range, showing no honor in allowing it's opposition a chance of return fire.

"Curse this damned ship!" The admiral swore as more of his ships fell to oncoming barrage of ranged attacks of the leviathan's massive guns. "Bring us around in full retreat! We have no chance at attacking that ship with our current weaponry! We need wyverns to have any chance β€”," The admiral was unable to finish his words as a 432mm shell struck the deck of his flagship and detonated below, killing him and everyone else onboard. The explosion turned the entire ship-of-the-line into splinters, leaving nothing left that could be used to identify the remains were once part of a ship. With their leader killed, the imperial armada was now without organization as their ships broke apart from formation and scattered in all directions. Some even still trying to peruse the attacking leviathan ship that was killing them off one by one.

"By the gods!" From a distance, an Arkport admiral watched the ensuring chaos from his ship using his personal spyglass. "The entire imperial fleet, destroyed by one ship alone?" He immediately identified the ship with the Sartoman golden cross waving from it's rear mast as it continued firing at the enemy ships in quick succession.

"Sir, should we join in on the battle?"

"No lieutenant," The admiral responded as he continued watching the battle. "We'll be all but a liability should we join the battle. It would seem our new allies have the situation under control from the look of things."

Within fifteen minutes of battle, the entire enemy armada had been destroyed, leaving nothing but sunken wrecks and broken pieces and splinters being all that remained of the once proud armada of imperial warships.

With the threat now confirmed neutralized, the 11th fleet pushed ahead and integrated the super battleship within their ranks before proceeding north through the strait. Their new objective, to deny the enemy any future naval capacity within the Great Jewel Sea.

Meanwhile another fleet was steaming toward the capital of Arkport, carrying with them an entire detachment of the Army ready to storm the Imperium from another front.